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Recent Advances in Russian Torsion Field Propellantless Propulsion
Posted on Monday, November 13, 2006 @ 20:41:40 UTC by vlad

Science Dr. Jack Sarfatti writes: Excerpted from my coming book "Star Gate".

I first met Moscow physicist Gennady Shipov at ISSO in San Francisco in 1999 and later in 2000. We were given several million dollars by Joe Firmage to evaluate various exotic propulsion schemes both theoretically and experimentally. At my suggestion to Joe the program was managed by Creon Levit on leave from NASA AMES. Gennady stayed at my North Beach flat for an extended period. The group included Vladimir Poponin another physicist from Moscow, Saul-Paul Sirag, Ken Shoulders and a curious character whose alias is "Hawkins Kirk" who claimed to have worked for DOE Black Ops on retrieved alien saucers. Kirk actually knew a lot of physics and is a talented microwave engineer.

The most famous physicist in the group was the late J.P. Vigier, assistant to Louis de Broglie the predictor of "matter waves" and the beginnings of the realist school of Einstein and Bohm discussed in detail in the recent on-line book by Antony Valentini. Vigier was working with Maric and Dragic in Beograd on testing his theory of "tight atomic states" as a source of energy. We also worked with a defense company in Southern California doing work in non- lethal weapons (Col. John Alexander on the board http:// home.planet.nl/~reijd050/ ) and the electromagnetic stress propulsion ideas of Jim Corum.

Shipov and another Russian Akimov were making all kinds of claims for torsion field technology including concepts for advanced weapons systems that would render conventional weapons impotent and obsolete. All our doings were duly monitored by the "weird desk" at Langley.

I now have reason to think that Gennady Shipov's basic claims are well founded at least in principle on the basis of deep battle-tested principles of physics (local gauge invariance and the spontaneous breakdown of symmetry) spurred by the recent discovery of repulsive anti-gravitating "dark energy" that is about 3/4 of all the "stuff" in our expanding accelerating pocket universe in the megaverse of eternal chaotic inflation. None of this was known in the ISSO period 1999-2000. Even at ISSO Creon, Saul-Paul and I came across an important book by the almost forgotten Hungarian-Jewish physicist C. Lanczos, a contemporary of John Von Neumann and Edward Teller in Budapest and a collaborator with Einstein. Lanczos pointed out a subtlety of classical field theories not found in particle mechanics that is a clue to propellantless propulsion like we see in the flight of the flying saucers as described in Paul Hill's important engineering book "Unconventional Flying Objects". That insight is that when the stress-energy tensor of the classical field is not symmetric then propellantless propulsion, i.e. spontaneous acceleration of the center of mass of an isolated "soliton" of the classical field is possible. That such a thing is impossible is based on a too uncritical analogy with classical particle mechanics in which conservation of linear momentum from translational symmetry of the action of the system of particles is sufficient to prohibit propellantless propulsion. However, the differential and global conservation laws of nonlinear classical fields including the geometrodynamic field forming the curved space-time of "gravity" are notoriously difficult and the problem has not been solved in full even today. Einstein was stumped and so was everyone else. There are partial solutions if the curved spacetime, when static, has timelike "Killing vector fields" and is asympototically flat. This problem arises for gravity waves when one leaves the weak field first approximation for the "strong field" regime. Roger Penrose writes that the pure classical gravity field does not have a local stress- energy density tensor the way that ordinary matter fields do. Indeed, John Archibald Wheeler argues that Einstein's equivalence principle forbids such a local gravity stress-energy. There is no theory of quantum gravity as yet that is any good.

I met T.W.B. Kibble in 1966 at Imperial College with Abdus Salam when I was doing a summer job at Theoretical Physics Division of Her Majesty's Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell, Didcot, Berks on leave from UCSD physics department in La Jolla where I was a graduate student. I rediscovered Kibble's 1961 paper on Einstein's gravitational field as a local gauge theory. Michio Kaku in his M Theory book on superstrings points out the key role of local gauge invariance in physics today. It has given us a good theory of the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces although there are a score of parameters that must be put in by hand. Kibble pointed out that the same technique gives Einstein's theory of gravity with an additional field that is precisely Gennady Shipov's torsion field with the property that the stress-energy tensor of ordinary matter in the presence of both curvature and torsion must be antisymmetric. This opens Pandora's Box to the reverse engineering of the alleged alien ET "saucer technology" and to the claims of Akimov and Shipov who were part of the Soviet advanced weapons programs before the Berlin Wall came down.

to be continued ...



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