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Steorn - energetically cloning Agatha
Posted on Monday, December 11, 2006 @ 23:10:40 UTC by vlad
Posted by Rupert Goodwins on zdnet.co.uk : You may remember that a while back, I wrote up the intriguing claims of Steorn, a Dublin company which says it has invented a device that produced more energy than it consumed. I was, and am, highly sceptical about all such claims without positive third party proof. There has been none.
Now here's a fascinating email from an anonymous reader. They say:
"I’m directing this message to you because in the past you have written an article on the subject of the Irish tech company Steorn who claim to have discovered ´free energy [...] Many of the people who were at a recent party hosted by Steorn in Dublin, supposedly forum members and Steorn employees, seem to resemble either a crime fiction writers or hypnotherapists!"
Well! Normally, anonymous suggestions get the bums' rush - but since the appropiate file is available from www.padd.nl I decided to go and look for myself.
It's a bit of a pain to download, because it's festooned with popups from the free hosting service used to serve the 4.5MB file, but if you're interested here are just some of the highlights, edited badly by yours truly. These are about a quarter of the examples in the file; some I've not put in are better, others are barely plausible with your eyes screwed up and the bottle empty:...
Read the whole post here: Rupert Goodwins
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Re: Steorn - energetically cloning Agatha (Score: 1) by malc on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 @ 01:02:46 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | Steorn may or may not be genuine, I'm not saying either. However why should anyone anywhere with anything new have to prove it on the skeptics own terms? Why can't an inventor/developer prove it on their terms using a process they believe can't be hijacked. Let's face reality here. If (big if getting smaller though!) it is genuine, then there are an awful lot of rich people, companies and governments who will lose TRILLIONS. With that kind of money at stake Steorn are in a very dangerous situation. With that kind of money you can't trust anybody, even supposed journalists like Rupert Goodwins.
I do find it odd that he expects us to not believe Steorn who have done exactly everything they said they would ie. follow a process of independant verification not dictated to them by skeptics. NB those skeptics may be oil company representatives who knows? Whereas Mr Goodwins expects us to believe that Steorn is a scam based on an anonymous posting of some uncertified photos dressed up as a lookalike competition with some extortion thrown in for good measure! DUH!
Let's wait and see what happens after the jury process shall we? Of course if Steorn is genuine then the oil company funded skeptics will get ever more vocal and ever more desperate to throw mud as this process nears completion. You have to admit that the line taken by Steorn is clever in that it prevents their invention being buried under oil company money and the forum publicity prevents any members of Steorn from having a mysterious car accident!
Re: Steorn (Score: 1) by Overtone on Tuesday, December 12, 2006 @ 09:46:12 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.magneticpowerinc.com | Let me say Amen to the post above by malc.
Steorn has stated they are working with one or more
licensees/manufacturers to have products in the market at the conclusion
of the jury process. Another brilliant move, in my opinion.
Our own lab analysis suggests their work is genuine. Not because
we have any details beyond those publicly available, but due to the
fact that our parallel development indicates they are telling the truth.
I suspect that at the conclusion of the jury
process the conclusion will be that their work, like our own, involves
the conversion of Zero Point Energy. During the last year, our
engineers stated they prefer the term Virtual Photon Flux, when magnetic systems
are involved, as ZPE is usually only identified with the Casimir
Incidently four U.S. Patents have now been issued to Dr. Fabrizio
Pinto, the former JPL scientist, who left to form a firm converting the
Casimir force.
Steorn expects the jury will release the results of Phase One at the end of March, that
will confirm they have achieved machines that perform as claimed.
The two later stages of the eight month jury process they list on their website are likely to provide icing on the
As most readers are aware, we are developing
solid-state, as well as rotary, devices that convert ZPE. If we
can accelerate our program, we hope to replace the battery in a prototype laptop
next year. With an increased effort we see the potential to
remove the need for a plug, from a prototype plug-in hybrid, by
substituting a couple of 1 kW solid-state generators, by the end of
2007. That would herald the end of the need for fossil and
uranium fuels.
Mark Goldes
Magnetic Power Inc.