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European patent for harnessing ZPE
Posted on Sunday, January 28, 2007 @ 19:57:29 UTC by vlad


Classification: - European: F23K5/00B11
Description: (extract) : ...The electromagnetic units 1 are brought to the working temperature through the action of the heated oil passing through the tanks 7 and carry out the energetic addition within the gas molecule by freezing the space metrics at a quantum level and extracting the zero vacuum energy...

[0057] An increase of the gas burning energy takes place in the reactor A, by the action of the 18 electromagnetic units 1 which are maintained during their operation at a certain working temperature. The natural gas is introduced into the installation through the gas conduit at a pressure within 2,5 ... 3,5 bar, the conduit crosses the tank R, thereby achieving a pre-heating of the tank to the working temperature of the reactor A, thereafter it undergoes an expansion within the diamagnetic pipe 2. The ratio between the diameter of the pipe 2 passing through the reactor A and the conduit D connected therewith for the natural gas supply ranges between 3 ... 6. The natural gas slows down its transport speed inside the diamagnetic pipe 2, remaining for 1-2 seconds under the action of the 18 electromagnetic units 1 which determine the modification of the quantum energy levels of the molecules. The electromagnetic units 1 are brought to the working temperature through the action of the heated oil passing through the tanks 7 and carry out the energetic addition within the gas molecule by freezing the space metrics at a quantum level and extracting the zero vacuum energy. After the gas gets out of the diamagnetic pipe 2, it is handled towards the burners, where the caloric excess caused by the extraction of a part of the zero energy of the vacuum is pointed out. By increasing the caloric power, the new quantity of gas to be burnt is smaller than in the situation when the natural gas does not include a part of the zero energy of the vacuum that is extracted in the reactor A.

[0058] Thereby, the invention ensures an important economy of natural gas, leading to the substantial reduction of the energy expenses. The invention is liable of being standardized to the effect that it can be sized for any natural gas flow rate chosen for the technological heating processes. The gases resulting from the process of combusting the natural gas, when this is processed from a quantum point of view within the installation, have a small carbon monoxide content as compared to the usual processes of combustion in thermochemistry. The installation for increasing the caloric power of the natural gas employs the electric power to operate, consequently it is not electromagnetically polluting, it does not release noxious substances into the environment, it is carried out by using usual materials, it is secure and easy to use and to maintain. The ratio between the electric power consumed for operating the reactor A and the supplementary energy extracted from the zero fluctuations of the vacuum is 1/24. The large-scale application of the installation can lead to lowering the heating expenses for the population during the winter, fact that, from a social viewpoint, can be a real advantage. Its application in industry can lead to sensitive reductions of the energy expenses for the energy- consuming production sectors and implicitly to the reduction in price of certain products destined to the market.

Patent description



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New Energy Congress comments (Score: 1)
by sterlingda on Tuesday, February 06, 2007 @ 09:31:12 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://PESWiki.com
I ran this by the New Energy Congress [newenergycongress.org] and got a couple of interesting comments:

Ken Rauen [peswiki.com] said:

There are certain categories in the free energy field
that are always suspect of being speculation. One is
where a speculative concept is attributed to ZPE. ZPE
is a catch-all claim when the inventor doesn't have a
clue where else the energy could be coming from, if it
even comes from anywhere. I rate this kind of
invention as speculative as magnetic motors and won't
believe a thing until I see a demonstration. There
are just too many of them out there over the years and
NONE of them have gone anywhere. Hal Putoff is at the
center of the ZPE field, and not even he has a working

- - - -

Robert A. Nelson [peswiki.com] (of RexResearch.com) said:

ZPE my gluteus... the article repeatedly mentions diamagnetism and heat -- it reminds me of Dotto's Ring (copper heated/cooled at opposite ends to generate a diamagnetic healing energy field -- and levitation). But ZPE --- not... Maybe if we conference call and repeat "ZPE + diamagnetism + heat" 30+ times together (the minimum number of repetitions required to begin wearing down the mind's resistance and inducing acceptance) it will become imbued with magical believability, and that's a darned good start...

- - - -

Vlad said:

unfortunately you're right: there is no simple explanation ... one has to read the patent ;-( ... I almost did, but gave up right after getting the essential ... which I think is:
"...The ratio between the electric power consumed for operating the reactor A and the supplementary energy extracted from the zero fluctuations of the vacuum is 1/24..."
The authors think that the excess comes from ZPE: the action of the 18 electromagnets facilitate the gas molecules to "absorb" "zero fluctuations of the vacuum" (as they call ZPE), and so increase their quantum energy levels - in a process similar in aspect but opposite in sign to Randy Mills'  hydrino generation).

It was highlighted to me as another interesting way of tapping into the ZPE source. If you want my personal opinion, since they claim much less CO content, it is probably a more complete chemical reaction where the energy comes from ...why is that, your guess is as good as mine.


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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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