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Revolutionary “New” Energy Source Has Been Neglected For Over 125 Years
Posted on Friday, February 02, 2007 @ 07:41:23 UTC by vlad
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mark Goldes, 707 829-9391, magneticpower@gmail.com
Revolutionary “New” Energy Source Has Been Neglected For Over 125 Years
A major new report on global warming raises fears that the earth's climate is changing faster than anyone thought possible. This week, 500 of the world's top scientists met behind closed doors to finish a landmark report on global warming, and the picture they paint is not pretty. The report says significant changes in the climate could start happening within the next 10 years with the result that the growing level of greenhouse gas emissions could make many parts of the planet uninhabitable.”
A flurry of activity surrounding research into emergency measures like mirrors to reflect the sun’s rays back into space is being billed as too drastic for right now. No one is sure that even such measures will do any good.
Magnetic Power Incorporated (MPI), is one of several small firms working to develop an abundant, renewable, inherently inexpensive, source of energy that has never previously been utilized in practical products, although evidence shows it was probably first tapped by Wesley Gary, a Pennsylvania inventor, in 1874. An article in Harper’s, describing his patented mechanical magnetic devices, was published in March, 1879. The article described the potential as follows:
A few scientists, however, came forward, curious to see, and examined Mr. Gary's models; and when reports went out of the conversion of two or three of the most eminent among them, interest generally was awakened, and professors from Harvard and from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology called, examined, and were impressed… …And it is not incredible that in 1880 one may be holding a magnetic motor in his pocket, running the watch which requires no winding up, and, seated in a railway car, be whirling across the continent behind a locomotive impelled by the same agency.
Harper's New Monthly Magazine - March 1879 pages 601-605
“The price of ignoring the scientists’ warnings could result in the forced migration of hundreds of millions of people from equatorial regions, and the loss of vast tracts of land under rising seas as the ice caps melt, “ said MPI CEO Mark Goldes, and our technology can make a difference. “None of the conventional renewable power systems, solar, wind, fuel-cells, etc., can meet this challenge, although every carbon-free alternative helps.”
“Nuclear power plants take 10 years to begin operation. Clearly, the idea they can contribute to a solution, within the given timeframe, is an illusion.”
We believe the same source of power Mr. Gary discovered can be harnessed through the use of Magnetic Power Modules that MPI has been designing. The remarkable source of energy they convert is sometimes called the Quantum Vacuum. It is also known as Zero Point Energy, or ZPE. Physicist Richard Feynman, a winner of the Nobel Prize, and John Wheeler, a favorite of Einstein’s, calculated there is sufficient ZPE in the volume of a coffee cup to evaporate Earth’s oceans. Dr. Harold Puthoff has stated that if ZPE powered the entire planet, it would be like dipping a thimble into the sea.
The March 1st, 2004 issue of Aviation Week and Space Technology featured an article headlining the fact that Zero Point Energy is no longer science fiction. The Department of Defense admitted it is supporting ZPE research and development at a major aerospace company. BAE, in the U.K., stated they seek to power Mach 4 fighter aircraft, among several other objectives.
If MPI is successful, Magnetic Power Modules will open a door to a multitude of practical products. Goldes states “they will operate with no need for fuel, or any plug connection to the electric power grid. Portable appliances, for example laptop computers, will dispense with batteries”.
Modules can be connected together in order to produce larger amounts of power, in a manner analogous to solar cells. Preliminary data suggests a 1 kW (1,000) watt package may be about 6” x 6” x 16” in size. These one kilowatt packages can be linked to create generators for homes. Distributed Generation of utility grade power can also rapidly be implemented.
Electric cars, such as the recently announced GM VOLT, can dispense with the need for batteries, engines of any kind, fuel cells, or the need to plug-in. All new cars can be redesigned to run on this revolutionary source of energy.
During WWII, the automobile industry shifted to building aircraft on a round-the-clock basis more rapidly than most would have imagined. Averting a catastrophe due to Global Warming deserves a similar emergency effort.
MPI is one of a number of companies around the world attempting to accelerate their efforts to unlock Wesley Gary’s energy source. Concerned individuals, potential partners and state and national governments, can all help to increase the speed and probability of timely success.
Mark Goldes Chairman & CEO Magnetic Power Inc. Room Temperature
Superconductors Inc. 301A North Main Street P.O. Box 880 Sebastopol, CA
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"Revolutionary “New” Energy Source Has Been Neglected For Over 125 Years" | Login/Create an Account | 34 comments | Search Discussion |
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Re: Revolutionary “New” Energy Source Has Been Neglected For Over 125 Years (Score: 1) by malc on Monday, February 05, 2007 @ 00:59:26 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | These Magnetic Power Modules have been a "solution" for quite a while now. So long in fact that I don't believe it anymore. If you have something why isn't it on the national news. You might have difficulty "selling" it to the US public who have been lied to for years by the administration about global warming but over here in Europe it's different. I also have a sneaking suspicion that China wouldn't give a damn about upsetting existing energy cartels and would welcome a device like yours with open arms. So get a demo version over here, get it built, cheaply, in China!
Less talk more action and news reports via normal news channels.
BTW I still believe Steorn but their approach is completely different. They have a jury verification process on the go and production supposedly ready to roll. |
Re: Revolutionary “New” Energy Source Has Been Neglected For Over 125 Years (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Saturday, February 03, 2007 @ 22:30:30 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | The cure for Global Warming is energy efficiency at http://nanolube.net
Please check the contact info.
CA |
Scientists offered cash to dispute climate study (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, February 03, 2007 @ 11:09:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Ian Sample, science correspondent Friday February 2, 2007 The Guardian [www.guardian.co.uk]
Scientists and economists have been offered $10,000 each by a lobby
group funded by one of the world's largest oil companies to undermine a
major climate change report due to be published today.Letters sent
by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), an ExxonMobil-funded
thinktank with close links to the Bush administration, offered the
payments for articles that emphasise the shortcomings of a report from
the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). ....
More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/frontpage/story/0,,2004399,00.html [www.guardian.co.uk]
Re: Revolutionary “New” Energy Source Has Been Neglected For Over 125 Years (Score: 1) by Veryskeptical on Saturday, February 03, 2007 @ 14:55:13 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Mr Goldes should stop using Global Warming as a justification for his work. Instead he should concentrate on bringing his device to market. Global warming is a political football in which the science, if any, is totally obscured by the political commitment. It does the new energy movement a complete disservice to refer to this ugly debate.
Anyone who has an interest in alternative energy is probably familiar with the scientific resistance to cold fusion. A resistance which shows the extreme prejudice and irresponsible behavior of many so called scientists. On the whole I would argue there is a great deal of evidence the sciences have given up scientific rigor for the justification of their personal commitments and passions. Under current conditions the scientific community is a group of people whose pronouncements should be treated with extreme care. The assertions of probity and innocence to these charges one may expect to hear should be dismissed. The credibility of this community is just too low to tolerate when great issues are at stake.
The claim to esoteric knowlege is a powerful weapon in the hands of iresponsible and malicious people for the very claim makes refutation impossible. If the knowledge is unintelligible to potential critics what can they make of it? The calling of conferences to proclaim the certainty of global warming is a shameless abuse of the claim. The shamen go to the back of the cave, roll the bones, and come foreward to proclaim the truth of the world to the unwashed masses huddling in uncertainty and fear.
Until the scientific arguments, both pro and especially con, are clearly and carefully delineated and compared in a thoroughly public manner for all to see with all unsubstantiated claims removed this whole debate should be avoided by any thinking person.
Vlad has through the quote from the Guardian in his comment pointed out that Exxon-Mobile has offered to finance studies with a likely anti-global warming slant. I understand the concern of bias this implies but it is also true that funding must come from somewhere and I doubt that any of the parties with money in this debate are without interest. The key question is how to get the financing for honest research when all financing entities are suspect for one reason or another of supporting only research that reflects their pont of view. It is clearly unacceptable to take their word for it.
Until the issues raised above can be satsifactorily addressed the debate over gobal warning shoud face a moratorium. I advise all alternative energy researchers to avoid this debate and go ahead with their work. If successful the issue of the contribution of carbon based fuels to gobal warming will take care of itself.
Re: Revolutionary “New” Energy Source Has Been Neglected For Over 125 Years (Score: 1) by techmac on Wednesday, February 07, 2007 @ 17:54:13 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.geocities.com/mgmlab04 | Thanks for your efforts on behalf of the good people of the nation, and for your release of patent information through the Patent Office. That information released the inner workings of your energy devices to the world. What more could they possibly want? |