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Capacitors self charging
Posted on Sunday, February 11, 2007 @ 15:24:50 UTC by vlad
From the free_energy yahoo list, Dave Thompson writes: Hi Steven,
> Has anyone noticed that capacitors tend to self charge to a small voltage
> even after being discharged with a resistor for months
Yes, this is normal. When Steven Lamoreaux performed the Casimir effect experiment, the same thing happened to him. He had to apply a reverse bias potential to the capacitor in order to eliminate the "anomalous" potential.
He incorrectly attributed this "anomalous" potential to a thermocouple effect, as though he couldn't design a circuit with one type of material, such as an etched circuit board.
Nikola Tesla also noted the self-charging of capacitors. In fact, it played an important role in his radiant energy patent. In this particular case, however, his patent shows the capacitor leads extended through the Earth's potential gradient. This is rather silly, as the potential gradient would also extend through the wires and no current flow could take place. It would be like sticking a plastic pipe down a well to take advantage of the pressure difference between the bottom and top of the well. The pressure also exists inside the pipe and thus no water passes through it.
However, if you found a way to draw water out of the middle of the water pipe, the surrounding water pressure would fill the void. When you short a capacitor, the potential of the shorting wire is generally less than the potential across the plates, so it lowers the potential across the capacitor.
The real "extra potential" comes from the Casimir effect. Two plates held a distance apart from each other will generate "virtual" photons. Actually, they are real photons generated from the "vacuum." These photons are absorbed by the material in the plate and convert to electrons via the photoelectric effect. Some capacitors will charge to a higher potential than others will, because the geometry of the plates is more conducive to photon generation. Steven Lamoreaux noticed the Casimir effect is magnified when at least one of the plates is a hemisphere.
A strategically designed capacitor and oscillator can cause the conversion of dark matter into visible matter via the Casimir effect and thus lead to a true free energy device. It seems that all the rumored working free energy devices used this mechanics in some form or another. Unfortunately, the engineers mistakenly attempted to redesign the circuit as a normal LC circuit and ended up destroying the balance they needed for generating free energy.
The Aether Physics Model, which I have developed, properly quantifies the Casimir effect and shows it is actually the strong force law for the electron. Understanding the proper geometry of the electron helps to understand how its properties must be harnessed to produce free energy. In short, the electrons must be magnetically aligned at a specific distance apart in order to create the resonance needed to generate "virtual" photons. If you were building a quantum generator, two electrons would have to be magnetically aligned according to their polar axes and one Compton wavelength apart. To build a bigger device simply requires the same proportions at a greater scale.
For a real world example of "virtual" photons being generated from the "vacuum" just look at the corona discharge of a Tesla coil, or the light from electron plasmas. This light generates right before your eyes in the middle of space, which is why it has such an eerie look to it. The key is to control the production of these photons such that they are absorbed and converted to electrons. When a potential difference is created between two capacitor plates, a load can be placed between them. If the electron production continues as a suitable rate, a current is produced, which can do work. Hence, the device produces free energy from the "vacuum."
Don't mind the mindless cynics on this list. If you would like more information and don't want the background noise, email me directly.
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Re: Capacitors self charging (Score: 1) by malc on Monday, February 12, 2007 @ 00:53:19 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | I'm not cynic with respect to the possibility of alternate energy but I am cynical of people writing reams and reams of theories but never any working examples of the theory being put into practise.
This is not the time for yet another pet theory on paper but time for a working theory used to produce working devices. That working device should be publicised here and everywhere else. Then I'll listen. |
Re: Capacitors self charging (Score: 1) by parhatsathid on Friday, October 05, 2007 @ 01:35:42 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Ted's Free Energy. The idea is a simple one: capacitors self-charges. This has been known since Tesla's time. One key component of the Newman Machine or even a Testatika is basically the concept of capacitors, which has some self-charging, and hence the observed free energy. To make a perpetually running motor is simple, the capacitors rate of self charging should be faster than a rate in which the motor uses up the capacitor's electrical energy. Since a capacitor supplying the motor losses electrical energy as it supplies to the electrical motor, and excess of those are also loss as it is "shorted" out, the key is to create one capacitor that discharges and another capacitor charging. As the motor turns, each of the capacitors goes in a phase, alternating back and forth between charging and discharging, through the use of a commutator. Of course, by limiting the discharging through holding back energy is a simpler one way although such circuitry requires a pulse energy be sent so that there's enough time for a capacitor to charge back the energy. Perhaps an efficient rheostat may also reduce power consumption, allowing the capacitor to recharge itself without cycle of charging and discharging, provided, of course that the self charging capacitor is large enough to self charge enough to power the motor in a closed looped situation. Why and how capacitors self charged is not well understood, but I suspect cosmic energy are of high voltage, and capacitors are of the same frequency so that it can recharge itself. Although certain very high energy or extremely low frequency, can cause the capacitors to self recharge. Tesla have actually made an antenna sticking from the glass tubes (possibly capacitors), so that voltage differences exists that can have sufficient energy using a banks of capacitor and a diode would prevent a back flow.
An explaination of a Testatika is in order, the rotating wheels create a high voltage charges of static electricity. It goes to a capacitor, powers the motor controlled by a variable rheostat. Since the voltages is high, the motor is quite efficient. The extra volts is than step down for the use of household electrical outlet. If anyone is familiar with the Van De Graff Generator, the principal is still the same. It creates static electricity. Hence a Testatika machine has a generator to create the electricity for a capacitor to recharge actively as opposed to passively. The capacitors than in turn self charge through this and its excess is stored or recharged in a conventional battery.
An explaination of Tesla Car is in order, the recharging may be circuited through a generator that is then goes through a battery for storage, the excess of that is used by the motor itself to run it. So it becomes a closed looped system and a car can be run on electric. High voltage electricity acquires or has an inherent ability to gain charges either in a capacitor (which has high charges), or in the electrical wiring and circuit itself, as Tesla observed. This extra energy perhaps comes from cosmic energy and are thus attracted to the high voltage electricity. It is this key cosmic energy of high voltage flow, that protects us from the dangers of gamma radiation and x-rays that exists in the Van Allen Belt. If a high voltage wiring covers a container, protecting a dog, perhaps we don't need a giant lead container after all for the astronauts to go through space. But at the same time, the space ships acquires "free energy" from the cosmic radiation itself. Magnetic fields of the earth absorbs the high energy fields and causes the earth to rotate around the Sun from these cosmic radiation too. Hence, our spinning Earth is not just a giant free energy device. The principle of operation of a rotating Earth is the same as that of a Homopolar generator in which electric is generated using one single magnets, but if electricity is applied on that, it also spins. Now, it might be possible to design another homopolar generator with two poles, but where energy flows too, which is why Earth spins along its axis.
Finally you might be tempted to ask why do capacitors self charges? The answer is stray electricity and cosmic radiation. Those accumulates because capacitors insulates the poles and causes a charge differences. To make surge the charge differences are one pole, a diode is used on two ends with a possible antenna, much like Tesla's Car that had a large antenna. This is just a simpleton explaination. Physicists today might have better answer than me. What I do know for sure humidity is one big major problem in a capacitor efficiency for self charging. That's why Testatika machines work so well in Switzerland, but not where I live, which is humid hot Bangkok. So perhaps a zero vaccum capacitor might work better, I don't know, assuming of course that it's the cosmic radiation that's at work here. It should be noted that anyone with a multimeters can see the readings of volts and milliams reading using a simple digital multimeter. The numbers goes up quite quickly within less han a minute, and theafter slows down. The trick is to learn what Tesla did where the allowed an antenna to help it, or a device that creates static electricity, or perhaps a vaccuum bottle to speed up the recharge rate of the capacitor. I remember a toy and a Japanese phone company that took advantage of that is today found in microcondensers, which is actually a free energy devices, and they use those devices to power their telephone before the World War II, caused the U.S. to forced Japanese companies to stop using these devices. Of course some Chinese entrepreneurs are now adding some capacitor to help save electricity on the latest LED flashlight. Oh were going there, not like total free energy, but at least some movement toward a more energy efficiency taking advantage only a fraction of what the amazing potential of capacitor energy can do to us.
Parhatsathid (Ted)