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Tom Bearden Website Updates
Posted on Sunday, February 18, 2007 @ 19:41:30 UTC by vlad

Science Anthony Craddock writes: There is a new Article by Tom Bearden at

And a new Technical Paper posted at

A sneak preview of the contents of Episode 2 in the "Energy from the Vacuum"TM Documentary Series can also be seen at


This is currently in post-production, and this new DVD should be released before the Summer.

We would also like to thank everyone for the fantastic response to both the first DVD in this series, and to the joint Bearden/ Bedini book "Free Energy Generation - Circuits and Schematics." Demand for both has been far beyond expectations, and we are really pleased that this information about "the science that is not yet a science" is reaching out to the far corners of the globe.

Visit our Online Store at


Donations to the Educational Outreach Program are also always welcome, as we get many students requesting books or DVDs that are beyond their financial means.


Donations also help subsidize the production of new Books and DVDs, whose preparation costs are very substantial.


Volunteers with specific skills are also encouraged to contact us.


Tony Craddock
Web Administrator
The Tom Bearden Website
Extract from:
Phases of Research and Development and Some Problems

T. E. Bearden
10 Feb 2007
Copyright 2007

Research is conveniently divided into a whole series of activities known as “phases of R & D”. On anything really new, these phases have to be faced and completed one after the other.

One has to work through:

(1) Basic research, where you are exploring phenomenology, parts and constructions, etc. And where you are seeing what results you get each time you vary anything at all. After you have enough phenomenology to begin to see what can be done in this “area” (and keep a very good lab notebook! You will need it!), then one passes into

(2) Exploratory research, where you have chosen certain of the experimental phenomenologies to narrow things down, and are now intensely studying the variation of parameters etc. in each selected avenue of approach for those specific phenomenologies. Once one or more of these show direct promise and direct results, you then select that one area or those very few areas, for subsequent development work. So then with those areas you pass into

(3) Engineering development. Here you are starting to do some engineering of that main area chosen or of those two or three main phenomenology areas explored and chosen. Now you are beginning to experiment with very early possible “prototypes” of a particular construction, coil winding, etc. When one of those early possible prototypes now shows good results, you then pass to

(4) Advanced development of the prototype or prototypes found to have good results. This is the first time you actually make a legitimate “prototype” system (lab bench system demonstrator). And then for each such prototype, you’ve got to fully explore the “prototype system design” you’ve selected based on the results along that line. After running into possible final problems and resolving them, then you are ready to pass into

(5) Prototype system design. Now you are actually building one or more real working prototype systems in the chosen approach(es), to then really wring it (or them) out, explore any further remaining phenomenology, etc. This prototype system design and testing (and adjustment) will result in a prototype system or prototype systems. Also, you will have to have solved a whole variety of associated problems, such as

(a) The exact measurement and test equipment required for final and full measurement and testing. This is very expensive, but unless you have the appropriate and required test equipment, including any required special test equipment, you will likely fail.

(b) The measurement and test procedures that you have validated really do have to give you honest and rigorous measurements, allowing system understanding, and so you will have to have also developed

(c) A reasonable “mathematical model” to adequately describe the system and its operation, since you will need it to ease the testing and phenomenology burden and requirements. The model has to have been “fitted” to all the required and available phenomenology, sufficiently accurately that it yields reasonable system simulation.

(6) Those are the requirements to get a true “lab demonstrator system”. When this stage has been completed, you have achieved lab demonstrators. So then you pass into

(7) Production engineering, where you design the production, parts listing and ordering, production line testing and procedures, etc. With completion of this final R&D stage, you are then ready to pass out of Research and Development and into

(8) Full production and marketing. All the hard work has paid off now, by allowing you to design and produce real, production-line commercial systems.

Now you know why we’ve been at the MEG for so many years. Without a funded substantial team with various required skills and experts, one substitutes an incredible amount of lab work on the bench, by one’s own small group of colleagues, as best one can.



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