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Universe offers 'eternal feast'
Posted on Monday, February 19, 2007 @ 23:35:42 UTC by vlad

Science There is no such thing as a free lunch, some say, but they would be wrong. In fact, the entirety of the universe defies them. According to Stanford physics Professor Andrei Linde, one of the architects of the inflationary theory, our universe (and all the matter in it) was born out of a vacuum.

"Recent developments in cosmology have irreversibly changed our understanding of the structure and fate of our universe and of our own place in it," says Linde, who will discuss the inflationary view of the universe at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on Feb. 18 in San Francisco.

In the same session, titled "Multiverses, Dark Energy and Physics as an Environmental Science," physics Professor Leonard Susskind of Stanford will talk about string theory and its relation to inflationary theory and physics Professor Lawrence Krauss of Case Western Reserve University will represent the skeptic view.

The conventional theory of the Big Bang says that the newborn universe was huge, containing more than 10^80 [ten raised to the power of eighty] tons of matter. But physicists were stumped for an explanation of where all this matter came from. Inflationary theory solves this problem by showing how our universe could emerge from less than a milligram of matter, or perhaps even from literally nothing.

More: http://www.scienceblog.com/cms/universe-offers-eternal-feast-12626.html

(via http://www.keelynet.com/#whatsnew)



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Re: Universe offers 'eternal feast' (Score: 1)
by Koen on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 @ 00:59:11 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
Just read the reactions on  physorg.com to Linde's article.

"Multiple universes with totally different physics rules ..."
Let you imagination run wild far beyond the experimental evidence for it.
All these 'multiple universes' theories that are based on wild and unproven assumptions in quantum physics, SR, GR, etc...  are not even wrong, red herrings, etc....

Meanwhile Roland de Witte showed convincing evidence that the speed of light in a medium is NOT a constant, but varies in the rythm of the side-real day. Roland's paper was REJECTED by the physics-fantasy community, and yet Roland's paper described a repeatable experiment and its results and conclusions.
The same to Miller's experiment, it was REJECTED by the physics fantasy community.

It is a relieve to read Reginald Cahill's papers:
Dr. Cahill not only acknowledges the measurements of De Witte and Miller (and others), he also did light-speed measurements.
He also publised De Witte's experiment.

So how do we seperate the realistic aspects of theory from the unrealistic assumptions? Not an easy task. The best way is to examine 'equivalent' theories that predict the same experimental results but also differ in full detail.  This is exactly how formally the 'semantics' (meaning) of a formal language is defined: by means of an equivalence relation between language expressions. A formal language (say applied mathematics) always has a defined syntax and a defined symantics. For instance:  x+y = y+x   the order of summation is not meaningful information: these expressions differ in syntax but have the same symantic.
The fantasy physics community not only confuses their favourite 'syntax' of physics theory with 'symantics',   it also rejects convincing empirical facts that are in conflict with their fantasy semantics. Physics communities have been corrupted this way.
One should choose the simplest expressions (most simple = natural theory) out of several candidates that has the right symantics in agreement with empirical facts. Again, not an easy task.


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