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Navy Discovers Cold Fusion (again)
Posted on Tuesday, March 27, 2007 @ 20:41:21 UTC by vlad

Science By Sharon Weinberger

I always was bad at remembering dates, that's probably why I forgot to mention that Friday, March 23rd, was the 18th anniversary of the first claims of cold fusion, the long-disputed idea that nuclear reactions can be generated at room temperature.

The Navy back in 2002 published two volumes (yep, count 'em, two) in support of cold fusion.

Now, the latest news is that Navy researchers from the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center have published an article in the respected journal Naturwissenschaften, claiming an experiment that is highly reproducible and demonstrates nuclear reactions.

As the magazine Chemistry World reports:

Pons and Fleischmann suggested that electrolysis could pack deuterium nuclei into a palladium lattice so tightly that they were fusing together; Szpak and Boss now claim to have speeded up this process by co-depositing palladium and deuterium onto a thin wire subjected to an electric field. They have used plastic films - so-called CR-39 detectors - to track charged particles emerging from their reactions, publishing most recently in Naturwissenschaften . And, unlike the original 1989 experiments, the researchers claim their results are easily reproducible, with other groups reportedly detecting products of nuclear reactions such as alpha particles and gamma rays.



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Re: Navy Discovers Cold Fusion (again) (Score: 1)
by modernsteam on Thursday, March 29, 2007 @ 08:42:55 UTC
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I was concerned about this aspect:

"the researchers claim their results are easily reproducible, with other groups reportedly detecting products of nuclear reactions such as alpha particles and gamma rays."

Several years ago, I felt that reproducibility, power density per unit volume, and coefficient of performance (COP) would advance to such a degree that where radiation was once almost undectable, it would eventually become significant enough to be very detectable. I say to the experimenters, "Be very, very careful that the unpredicted doesn't occur, and that when tremendous power outputs are reached one day, there isn't also an explosive "spike" of resulting radiation striking unprotected personnel." Sad to say, people dying of radiation sickness would be proof positive that "Cold Fusion" has occurred for sure.

Hal Ade

'Cold fusion' rebirth? Symposium explores low energy nuclear reactions (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, March 29, 2007 @ 21:54:21 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Public release date: 29-Mar-2007

Contact: Charmayne Marsh
312-949-3202 (March 24–29)
202-872-4400 (Washington, D.C.)

Michael Bernstein
312-949-3202 (March 24–29)
202-872-4400 (Washington, D.C.)

American Chemical Society [www.chemistry.org]

'Cold fusion' rebirth? Symposium explores low energy nuclear reactions

CHICAGO, March 29 — In 1989, ‘cold fusion’ was hailed as a scientific breakthrough with the potential to solve the world’s energy problems by providing a virtually unlimited energy source. But subsequent experiments largely failed to replicate the initial findings and the controversial concept was dismissed by most people in the scientific community.

“Although ‘cold fusion’ is considered controversial, the scientific process demands of us to keep an open mind and examine the new results once every few years,” says Gopal Coimbatore, Ph.D., of Texas Tech University, program chair of the American Chemical Society’s Division of Environmental Chemistry.

Now, some researchers say they have new evidence that the phenomena — now called ‘low energy nuclear reactions’ — has evolved and is supported by rigorous, repeatable experimental data. Nearly a dozen scientists will present their findings during a daylong symposium, “New Energy Technology,” on Thursday, March 29, at the 233rd national meeting of the American Chemical Society.

All papers in this symposium are embargoed for 8:30 a.m., March 29. The symposium will be held at McCormick Place South, Room S106B, Level 1.

Selected highlights are shown below:

Cold fusion overview, update by New Energy Times editor — Steven B. Krivit, editor of New Energy Times and author of “The Rebirth of Cold Fusion,” will present an overview of the field of low energy nuclear reactions — aka cold fusion. He will cover news and developments in the field as well as provide the historical and scientific context for the subject. Krivit also will present a brief review of the reaction products and effects that are claimed in the field, and highlight research results for the strongest excess heat claims. (ENVR 218, Thursday, March 29, 8:30 a.m.)

Study by Fleischmann, Miles offers new evidence of excess heat from cold fusion —The original cold fusion experiment in 1989 by Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons was dismissed by some scientists as ‘bad’ science due to alleged errors in calorimetric systems, or heat measurement, that could have misled the scientists into thinking that the excess heat produced was nuclear in origin. Using more precise calorimetric techniques, a new study by Fleischmann and colleague Melvin Miles reports evidence that the excess heat generated is nuclear and not the result of calorimetric errors. “Our work shows that cold fusion effects are real, but we cannot assess if this excess heat can become useful. Much more research work is needed to answer such questions,” says co-author Miles, a chemist at the University of LaVerne in Calif. (ENVR 220, Thursday, March 29, 9:20 a.m.)

Illinois chemist documents nuclear reaction products in LENR experiments —

Chemist George Miley is one of a handful of researchers who claims to have documented evidence of transmutations, or the production of new elements, resulting from low energy nuclear reactions (LENR). Transmutations are commonplace in high-energy physics and are considered clear evidence that some kind of nuclear event has occurred during the reaction. Miley, a professor at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, will discuss his latest research as well as a new theory that may help facilitate the success of low energy nuclear reactions in the future. (ENVR 222, Thursday, March 29, 10:10 a.m.)

Evidence of nuclear emission particles detected in new LENR study

In the field of low energy nuclear reactions (LENR), scientists are challenged by one key question in particular: Are the chemical environments of LENR experiments truly resulting in nuclear reactions? Analytical chemist Pam Mosier-Boss, Ph.D., and her colleagues at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center in San Diego, Calif., believe that they have evidence that such nuclear reactions are occurring. In a series of experiments, a standard radiation detector used in nuclear physics research was used to record evidence of high energy atomic particles, providing physical evidence to suggest that a nuclear event had occurred in the LENR experiments. Efforts are ongoing to verify these results. (ENVR 232, Thursday, March 29, 1:30 p.m.)


The American Chemical Society — the world’s largest scientific society — is a nonprofit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2007-03/acs-fr031207.php [www.eurekalert.org]

Re: Navy Discovers Cold Fusion (again) (Score: 1)
by riyanjason on Thursday, October 29, 2009 @ 00:06:25 UTC
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The first rule of cold fusion club is… you do not talk about cold fusion club.

Twenty years ago this week, physicists Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann announced that they had replicated the fusion reaction which powers the sun on debit card [www.hostseeq.com], paving the way for endless free energy… in a laboratory test tube. The resulting debacle, which ended with their claims being scorned and ridiculed, left cold fusion research about as scientifically respectable as astrology. The small club of cold fusion believers still working in this area know that funding would be slashed if anyone found out.

Danger Room’s own Sharon Weinberger has been tracing cold fusion for some time; five years ago she reported in the Washington Post on the extraordinary secrecy around the Department of Energy’s cold fusion discussions, noting that, "to some, the meeting would seem no less outrageous than if the DOE honchos had convened for a séance to raise the dead."

The Navy’s Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWAR) has long been known to harbor cold fusion enthusiasts; they’ve often managed to fit in their experiments in down time between other projects, and without official funding.

Now analytical chemist Pamela Mosier-Boss of SPAWAR has broken the silence. Speaking at the American Chemical Society in Salt Lake City (the site of the infamous Pons/Fleischmann press conference) she described "The first scientific report of the production of highly energetic neutrons from a LENR device."

LENR means Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, a euphemism that has been adopted since the words "cold fusion" tend to provoke bouts of metaphorical heretic-burning.


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