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Why Climate Change Can't Be Stopped
Posted on Wednesday, October 03, 2007 @ 23:38:19 UTC by vlad

Testimonials By Paul J. Saunders, Vaughan Turekian

Environmental advocates have finally managed to put the issue of global warming at the top of the world’s agenda. But the scientific, economic, and political realities may mean that their efforts are too little, too late.

As the world’s leaders gather in New York this week to discuss climate change, you’re going to hear a lot of well-intentioned talk about how to stop global warming. From the United Nations, Bill Clinton, and even the Bush administration, you’ll hear about how certain mechanisms—cap-and-trade systems for greenhouse gas emissions, carbon taxes, and research and development plans for new energy technologies—can fit into some sort of global emissions reduction agreement to stop climate change. Many of these ideas will be innovative and necessary; some of them will be poorly thought out. But one thing binds them together: They all come much too late.

For understandable reasons, environmental advocates don’t like to concede this point. Eager to force deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions, many of them hype the consequences of climate change—in some cases, well beyond what is supported by the facts—to build political support. Their expensive policy preferences are attractive if they are able to convince voters that if they make economic sacrifices for the environment, they have a reasonable chance of halting, or at least considerably slowing, climate change. But this case is becoming harder, if not impossible, to make.

To be sure, scientific studies and news reports make it clear that climate change is already happening, with greenhouse gas emissions as a significant driver of this change. Arctic ice has now melted sufficiently to open up the fabled Northwest Passage, provoking public jockeying between Russian and Canadian officials over potential oil and gas deposits. At the same time, the U.S. Department of Interior is considering placing polar bears on the endangered species list as a result of global warming. Extreme weather events have become more common, such as flooding in Africa and forest fires in the western United States...

Full story: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/story/cms.php?story_id=3980



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Re: Why Climate Change Can't Be Stopped (Score: 1)
by Koen on Thursday, October 04, 2007 @ 01:58:11 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
Climate change cannot be stopped anyway if the causes are natural.
There is no scientific proof for a greenhouse gas effect.

A causal relationship between highered CO2 levels and warmer climate cannot be proven scientifically, because a realistic computer simulation based on a REALISTIC physics model of our very complex atmosphere is impossible, with current supercomputer hardware. A realistic programme would run for thousands of years in order to calculate the effect of extra CO2 on the climate. So the greenhouse gas effect is probably a big joke.

People who argue against such an effect are called oil-industry partners (righ-wing conspiracy),  but people who argue in favour of this effect can easily be called CO2 tax collector partners (left-wing conspiracy).

Since we are talking about physics here, I trust the physicists above politicians. Weather climate experts cannot be trusted either, since they use unrealistic (video game like) computer software that can predict anything but the future. Again: the physicists state that a CO2 based greenhouse effect is shere speculation and is not based on hard scientific facts.

So we have to look for more accessible causes of global warming, such as natural cycles in physical conditions that can be linked with much more ease with a temporary rise in average temperatures.  The question is:  can we influence these physical conditions? Is it necessary?  Once greenland was green. Within half a century a lot of ice can melt or can be formed. Polar bears must have survived other warm periods (probably in greatly reduced numbers). This is natural.

One positive social/political consequence of the greenhouse gas hype could be:  reduced dependence on 'fossile' fuel,  and might prevent WWIII from happening. Just taxing CO2 exhaust does not solve anything.

The possibility of WWIII  is the real problem, and also the destruction of many ecosystems world wide. A greatly reduced planetary biology is a big threat to people as well. Does Gore know words like: ecosystem or oil-dependance? Just study the previous wars and eco-disasters, and you know what the real dangers are.


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