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Site of the Month: The Potomac Sustainable Communities Initiative
Posted on Saturday, March 08, 2008 @ 22:30:43 UTC by vlad

General Two thousand years ago, a Roman Senator suggested that all slaves wear white armbands to better identify them.

"No," said a wiser Senator. "If they see how many of them there are, they may revolt."

The Potomac Sustainable Communities Initiative is the name coined to the decentralized effort throughout the independent research community to develop and distribute the most advanced energy technologies currently available today for review, many of which are open source technologies. These technologies will streamline private and government efforts to reduce our dependency on foreign hydrocarbon resources, while also reducing the negative impact of global energy consumption on the environment.

These advanced energy technologies will also decentralize our nation’s vulnerable energy infrastructure. Current trends make it clear that we are out of time to consider funding conventional alternative energy research. Global oil production has peaked and is now in decline. It is time to face the hard truths about energy. The planet’s ecosystem cannot sustain continued hydrocarbon dependence, as outlined in the UN’s 2007 Global Environment Outlook Report. Our nation MUST immediately shift its research emphasis to advanced alternative energy technologies if our way of life is to continue, while minimizing the likelihood of expanding regional wars to maintain adequate supplies of hydrocarbon resources. Once funding is successfully distributed to these research projects, the technologies developed out of this initiative will replace conventional alternative energy technologies in what is becoming a trillion dollar alternative energy market. In an effort to extend the continued viability of geopolitical and economic infrastructures while also protecting U.S. national security interests, an international effort must be initiated comparable to The Apollo Program. We must work together to develop “silver bullet” energy alternatives to hydrocarbon resources, in order to minimize the catastrophic impact of mankind’s resistance to a post-hydrocarbon energy society. Go to www.sci-us.org for additional information on how to establish sustainable communities in the United States and serve as a model for the rest of the world.
More: http://www.green-salon.com/



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