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The WEB - Revenge of the Experts
Posted on Monday, March 10, 2008 @ 23:33:36 UTC by vlad

General The individual user has been king on the Internet, but the pendulum seems to be swinging back toward edited information vetted by professionals.

By Tony Dokoupil | Newsweek Web Exclusive
Mar 6, 2008 | Updated: 11:42 a.m. ET Mar 6, 2008

By any name, the current incarnation of the Internet is known for giving power to the people. Sites like YouTube and Wikipedia collect the creations of unpaid amateurs while kicking pros to the curb—or at least deflating their stature to that of the ordinary Netizen. But now some of the same entrepreneurs that funded the user-generated revolution are paying professionals to edit and produce online content.

In short, the expert is back. The revival comes amid mounting demand for a more reliable, bankable Web. "People are beginning to recognize that the world is too dangerous a place for faulty information," says Charlotte Beal, a consumer strategist for the Minneapolis-based research firm Iconoculture. Beal adds that choice fatigue and fear of bad advice are creating a "perfect storm of demand for expert information."

In December, Google began testing Knol, a Wikipedia-like Web site produced by "authoritative" sources that share ad revenue. The sample page contains an insomnia entry written by Rachel Manber, director of Stanford's Insomnia and Behavioral Sleep Medicine center. In January, BigThink.com, a self-styled "YouTube for ideas" backed by former Harvard president Larry Summers and others, debuted its cache of polished video interviews with public intellectuals. "We think there's demand for a nook of cyberspace where depth of knowledge and expertise reign," says cofounder Victoria Brown...

Full story: http://www.newsweek.com/id/119091/page/1




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"The WEB - Revenge of the Experts" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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From Zittrain to Aristotle in 600 words (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, March 10, 2008 @ 23:37:31 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Tony Curzon Price/ March 6th 2008

Here is a picture taken during Jonathan Zittrain's LSE lecture yesterday on ``The Future of the Net (and how to stop it)''. In case you can't read it or guess it, the word tattoo-projected onto JZ's forearm is not ``open is we'' or ``CC rules'' but ``Communitarian''. When I saw the word, the memory bells started to ring. I'll tell you why.

The Communitarian Corner

JZ's thesis goes roughly that the Net is in danger: the openness that allowed it to flourish sows the seeds of its closure. Pragmatic, expert-driven communities "got things done" on the Net, all the way from the protocol stack in the Internet's innards to its Domain Name Server (DNS) system to Wikipedia. But forces of organised interests that do not play by the rules, like malware peddlers, identity thieves and spammers are allowing another army of interests---corporate protectionists, often--- to demand centralised, authoritarian solutions. This is the future of the Net unless we stop it. The lecture---and forthcoming book, I presume---are about how we navigate the perils ahead.

First JZ's taxonomy of organisational forms.

Full article: http://www.opendemocracy.net/blog/tony_curzon_price/ [www.opendemocracy.net]


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