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The Orion Project
Posted on Monday, March 17, 2008 @ 22:57:03 UTC by vlad

Investors Welcome to the Orion Project!

We are a non-profit 501c3 foundation dedicated to transforming the world's energy/social crisis into a world of healthy, sustainable abundance. Our goal is to inform, educate, and help supply all peoples of our planet with sustainable, non-polluting power. To accomplish this task we are searching out and supporting the development of new, clean energy technologies that can bring this vision forward in our world now!

If you are reading this page, we think that you care about life on this planet, and that you know we have no time to waste in cleaning up our world. The technologies we support offer clean, sustainable power via devices that will be operationally proven and durable. This means that we can have the power we need and reduce pollution and CO2 emissions... starting right now!

More: http://www.theorionproject.org/en/index.html

The Announcement from AERO:


A new non-profit research foundation named The Orion Project (www.TheOrionProject.org) has been created to develop new, out-of-the-box energy solutions.

Based near the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA, The Orion Project has been founded to bring together highly accomplished scientists, researchers, inventors and thinkers who have expertise in advanced energy generation and propulsion technologies.  Their goal is to develop bold new energy generation technologies within the next two years that will completely replace the need for oil, gas, coal and nuclear power.

It is known that, since the time of Nicola Tesla in the early 1900s, advances in energy generation and propulsion systems have been developed, only to be ignored, actively suppressed or forgotten. The Orion Project's Director, Steven M. Greer MD, notes that:

"In the past 18 years, our team has developed a database of scientific advances in new, clean tech energy systems that, if properly funded and supported, have the potential to completely revolutionize how we generate energy. These breakthroughs in physics- so-called Zero Point Energy, electro-gravitic propulsion and other systems- have, up to this point, been developed and hidden in illegally classified projects in the US, UK and elsewhere.  The Orion Project has identified the most qualified brain-trust of scientists and inventors who understand this new science, and are ready to come together to help solve the energy and environmental crisis facing humanity today."

The Orion Project has announced a $3 million capital fund raising campaign so that these promising clean-technology energy researchers can be brought together in one place to build the initial proof of principle prototype to help solve the energy crisis once and for all. This prototype will be designed to meet all the energy needs of a typical home or business while having a zero-carbon footprint using new electromagnetic and related energy breakthroughs.

Dr. Greer states that, "The world needs an immediate Manhattan-style project to find real energy solutions and deliver them to the people. Now the public can support this quest through a tax-deductible donation. If 100,000 people go to www.TheOrionProject.org and contribute $30 each in the next 60 days, we will be able to open this new energy research facility and bring together some of the best minds on the planet to help solve our critical energy needs. Now is the time to act - the Earth has waited long enough for humanity to come together to find a way to live in harmony with her and with abundance and peace for all of her children. This cannot happen with the zero-sum game of fossil fuel. Only these new energy sciences hold the key to unlocking the wonderful future that awaits us."

For more information on The Orion Project and its specific scientific projects, or to request an interview with Dr. Steven Greer or Dr. Ted Loder, please go to www.TheOrionProject.org.



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Re: The Orion Project - Help create real economic stimulus (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, May 30, 2008 @ 23:11:00 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
[Catching up with mail received in my absence in May - Vlad]

Received May 5, 2008: Dear Friends of The Orion Project,

Many of you have recently received or will soon be receiving an economic stimulus check from the government. Please consider donating part or all of this check to the Orion Project to help us create the foundation for real economic stimulus, by eliminating the world's dependency on fossil fuels and creating new energy technologies that will support millions of new green-collar jobs.

Your donation will give us the ability to develop non-polluting systems for energy generation, manufacturing, distribution and transportation. This in turn will become the means for true economic recovery and the establishment of a sustainable civilization on Earth.

If only 5000 of us donate the $600 the IRS is sending each of us, we will have met our goal!

The energy and environmental crisis facing humanity needs innovative solutions and out-of-the-box thinking- precisely what The Orion Project's research and development program has to offer. Please join with us in supporting the scientists, engineers and inventors who are working on the real solutions to some of the world's most pressing problems.

Thank you for your generous donation to The Orion Project!


Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Director, The Orion Project

Received May 22, 2008: Dr. Steven Greer Alert! Immediate Action Needed!

Imminent scientific breakthroughs will eliminate your monthly energy bills (and the world's) FOR LIFE!

Dear Friends:

IMAGINE a device that could produce every watt of energy your home will ever need.
IMAGINE this device being CLEANER than solar power, but as free as the air you breath!
IMAGINE no more dependence on oil reserves run by cartels in foreign lands.
IMAGINE no more nuclear waste or stripping of the countryside for coal.

And finally...

IMAGINE this device being available EVERYWHERE on the planet: from the apartments of NYC, to the desert communities in Africa, and even to your favorite camping destination...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution." - Albert Einstein

But do not confuse these exciting possibilities with mere wishful thinking. These are very REAL technologies that exist RIGHT NOW! What needs to be done is to quickly develop these technologies into actual products you can buy at a local store, allowing you to unplug from high monthly bills and unsustainable, polluting utilities.

Many of you know I have been working together with scientists, inventors and leaders in society to advance a new, clean technology energy system for 17 years. My vision for The Orion Project is to provide free renewable energy for everyone. We're getting so close to a solution, and I need your help today.

So how can YOU be a part of this?

DONATE NOW to join us on this incredible endeavor!

SPREAD THE WORD by forwarding this note to 10 others!

Your donation of $30 or more will make a huge difference.
Referring 10 friends will help us reach our goal of $3 Million in a very short time.

We currently have 6 different technologies under development. Any of them is potentially "the one" that will be the breakthrough we need. Once we have rigorously verified the results, it's a straight sprint to optimization and production. But, this is currently being done on a shoestring budget! To make this occur in 12-18 months versus 12-18 years, we need to be able to bring these scientists together. And, we need to give them the necessary tools and assistance to develop multiple technologies that will provide free energy perpetually for all people.

Imagine $10/gallon in less than 5 years.
Imagine having to forego heating in the winter or A/C in the summer.
Imagine familities having to decide between eating and being able to drive miles away to work.
Imagine having more and more pollution in the water, in the air, in your food, everywhere...

It's not a pretty future... that is why we need you now to generously donate as much as you can to develop these new technologies as quickly as humanly possible!

Cleaner than solar energy, but as free as the air you breath!
Do not delay! Share this message with ten others, and Donate today and as generously as you can afford! $30 or more makes a huge difference in our future. We soon shall stand at the finish line with our device in hand.

Toward a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Steven M. Greer, M.D.
Director, The Orion Project

PS. Your donation is tax-deductible!
Article: Inventor Shares Energy Prototype with The Orion Project (TOP) [www.theorionproject.org]

"Energy Cleaner Than Solar, And As Free As The Air"

Our campaign needs you and your help. In order to bring an alternative energy device into your home or place of business, The Orion Project needs funding to build a prototype, test it and manufacture it. When you donate a small amount (even $30 makes a huge difference), we promise that 100% of your contribution goes directly to the development of an alternative energy device.

Donate Now

[www.theorionproject.org]In addition to making a tax-deductible contribution, The Orion Project Team asks that you introduce us, and Dr. Greer's vision of a renewable energy device, to 10 friends and family members who are passionate about a cleaner, less expensive energy source.

Refer A Friend [ui.constantcontact.com]

We appreciate your support and interest and thank you for spreading the word of our efforts to others. We will share our progress on this, and other projects under development, in future newsletters. Do you know of a scientist or inventor whose focus is on alternative energy solutions? Please let us know [www.theorionproject.org]. The Orion Project Team

Upcoming Lectures & Conferences

Dr. Greer will be speaking at the IIIHS Conference [www.iiihs.org] scheduled for July 11-20, 2008. Please check the conference website for more information.


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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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