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Recent torsion papers on arXiv.org
Posted on Monday, March 17, 2008 @ 23:42:03 UTC by vlad

Science Dr. Jack Sarfatty writes: Einstein's 1916 GR with non-zero curvature and zero torsion is incomplete. It is a local gauge theory for the 4-parameter translation subgroup of the 10-parameter Poincare symmetry of all the matter field actions of Einstein's 1905 SR. Locally gauge the Poincare group to get both curvature and torsion fields.

The discovery of attractive dark matter that is ~ 23% of the observable local universe followed by the discovery of repulsive dark energy that is ~ 73% require the non-zero torsion field.

The dark void landscape "mountain peaks" are dark zero point vacuum energy with negative pressure and positive energy density

The lit filament landscape "deep valleys" are dark matter zero point vacuum energy with positive pressure and negative energy density.
Small amounts of atoms and ions et-al are in the deep valley (basins of attraction).

"Landscape" above does not mean Lenny Susskind's "cosmic landscape" that is on a much larger scale.

Indeed, superstring theory with the extra 6 space commuting dimensions is really the torsion field.

Shipov-Sarfatti collaboration in the above picture.

Torsion fields are needed for the dark energy/matter to be a locally variable non-static field.

That is, Λzpf,v =/= 0.

The 15-parameter conformal group is also lurking in the shadows suggesting a new dynamical field as well one part of which is a "dilaton".

On Mar 17, 2008, at 3:38 PM, Gary S. Bekkum wrote:

Geometric torsions and invariants of manifolds with triangulated boundary Abstract: Geometric torsions are torsions of acyclic complexes of vector spaces which consist of differentials of geometric quantities assigned to the elements of a manifold triangulation. We use geometric torsions to construct invariants for a manifold with a triangulated boundary. These invariants can be naturally united in a vector, and a change of the boundary triangulation corresponds to a linear transformation of this vector. Moreover, when two manifolds are glued by their common boundary, these vectors undergo scalar multiplication, i.e., they work according to M. Atiyah's axioms for a topological quantum field theory.


Elie Cartan's torsion in geometry and in field theory, an essay Abstract: We review the application of torsion in field theory. First we show how the notion of torsion emerges in differential geometry. In the context of a Cartan circuit, torsion is related to translations similar as curvature to rotations. Cartan's investigations started by analyzing Einsteins general relativity theory and by taking recourse to the theory of Cosserat continua. In these continua, the points of which carry independent translational and rotational degrees of freedom, there occur, besides ordinary (force) stresses, additionally spin moment stresses. In a 3-dimensional continuized crystal with dislocation lines, a linear connection can be introduced that takes the crystal lattice structure as a basis for parallelism. Such a continuum has similar properties as a Cosserat continuum, and the dislocation density is equal to the torsion of this connection. Subsequently, these ideas are applied to 4-dimensional spacetime. A translational gauge theory of gravity is displayed (in a Weitzenboeck or teleparallel spacetime) as well as the viable Einstein-Cartan theory (in a Riemann-Cartan spacetime). In both theories, the notion of torsion is contained in an essential way. Cartan's spiral staircase is described as a 3-dimensional Euclidean model for a space with torsion, and eventually some controversial points are discussed regarding the meaning of torsion.


Einstein's Apple: His First Principle of Equivalence Abstract: After a historical discussion of Einstein's 1907 principle of equivalence, a homogeneous gravitational field in Minkowski spacetime is constructed. It is pointed out that the reference frames in gravitational theory can be understood as spaces with a flat connection and torsion defined through teleparallelism. This kind of torsion was introduced by Einstein in 1928. The concept of torsion is discussed through simple examples and some historical observations.


Is Torsion a Fundamental Physical Field? Abstract: The local Lorentz group is introduced in flat space-time, where the resulting Dirac and Yang-Mills equations are found, and then generalized to curved space-time: if matter is neglected, the Lorentz connection is identified with the contortion field, while, if matter is taken into account, both the Lorentz connection and the spinor axial current are illustrated to contribute to the torsion of space-time.




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"Recent torsion papers on arXiv.org" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Recent torsion papers on arXiv.org (Score: 1)
by Koen on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 02:51:16 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
Shipov and Sarfatti are financed by the same guy.

Nobody really knows what relativity is realistic or not,  because of lack of experimental data. Since ALL physics should agree with a relativistic theory, one can never really be sure about relativity theory until ALL physics phenomena are discovered and described.

After a century of jumping to conclusions and "thought experiments" and all sorts of fancy ideas and terms, such as "curved space-time",  lots of interesting measurement data is simply ignored, swept under the carpet, etc ...  such as the data that clearly show the speed of light is not constant and anisotropic.

And now the science-fiction cult figures extend GR to GR+torsion in order to explain the expansion of the cosmos?  This is about saving "private" Einstein, THE plagiarist of the century,  see    http://www.jewishracism.com/SaintEinstein.htm.
This is just more worship of Saint Einstein.

by vlad on Tuesday, March 18, 2008 @ 22:47:16 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Jake Harbach O'Sullivan posted a bunch of articles in this style (see below). Honestly, I do not know what to make of his writings. Eventually, I'll compile them in one doc and add it to the downloads section. [vlad]

Jake Harbach O'Sullivan* * TAO of the BIG BANG* * Gravity: An agonic/antagonic function of DARK-ENERGY*


~Dark-Energy & Super Gravity as antagonic-Yin vs Gravity as agonic-Yang ergo:


*TAO of GRAVITY~PANTAMETERS of the poetry of Dark-Energy as the Well Spring of All Creation*


The infinite and eternal Dark-Energy Sea has been called the Primaevil Cosmic Quantum Medium.

The quantum nexus power of a black-hole is the mere basic energy density state of those infinite Dark-Energy Quantum-Medium Aethyrs.

The Dark-Energy Super Cosmos is a Multiverse-Champagne of bubble-universes. And such a relatively low energy density bubble is our universe within the super high energy density of the Dark-Energy quantum primaevil seas.

The 'Champagne bubbles' are formed via low pressure pin-hole openings which are formed within the routine swirling eddy formations of the regular current dynamics of that Dark-Energy Quantum Aethyr Sea. And once the bubble is formed, then it's/our relations to the ubiquitous Dark-Energy SuperSpace comes to be what we known as such as our own 'Universe's Interstellar Space-Time Normal' energy density as then 'Parallel & Adjacent Co-Extant Space' displaced from our parallel & respective energy-density zone only in spectrum of relative energy-densities.

For us the Big-Bang is but for the Dark-Energy Sea merely a bubble-burp withing a routine eddy. Within one of those low pressure eddy-eyes of what is to us a monstrously dynamic Dark-Energy Hurricane-like toroidal maelstrom, it is again, but a routine pin-hole bubble-burp at the centre of a Dark-Energy eddy. And at that low-pressure pin hole eddy-eye-centre the energy density is dropped percipitously via the centrific-gravity out-pull.

Again, the hyper gyro-dynamics of the Dark Energy hurricane-toroid's concentric gyro-like 'storm ring' of that, extremely high-gravity centrific out-pull stress upon the eye-centre causes the spontaneous Big-Bang formation of the new low pressure bubble-universe.

And as that low pressure bubble erupts in dynamic paroxism it is in concert violently expanded via the super Dark-Energy gravity out pull which literally Sucks from the pin-point eye; from the inside out, and thusly our Interstellar Bubble Universe is born from out of the Womb of Dark-Energy Creation via the Big-Bang point Cervix. Thus is formed the dynamic Agonic/Antagonic Yin-Yang process of Dark-Energy SuperGravity vs Atomic-Gravity which is again merely Dark-Energy Gravity acting from the inside/out via the Grey-Hole Relatively Balanced Subsingularity system which is every Proton-Electro Valent Shell(s)-Atom in the Universe.

Thus is the SuperGravity Dark-Energy Quantum SuperCosmos the Mother of all Creation as outpull super gravity, like a cosmic weaver at a spinning wheel literally 'draws out the energy skeins of all energy, and light, and atomic creation. And as well thusly also eventually organic life within the life of galaxies itself' is 'Drawn/Birthed' from out of the Big-Bang white-hole birthing point within Dark Energy Quantum SuperSpace.

This delineates the Yin Yang dynamics of the Agency of All Creation which is Gravity's Agonistic/Antagonistic Creative Process.


THE 'AGONIST vs ANTAGONIST' ergo 'two way pull' dynamics of GRAVITY is that at the same time that PROTONS ARE GREY-HOLE BALANCED-SYSTEM SUBSINGULARITIES and are COMPACTED by their internal attachment to DARK-ENERGY SUPERSPACE; LIKEWISE thus densified ATOMIC MATTER is also PULLED DYNAMICALLY in accelerating fashion OUT to the DARK-ENERGY SUPERSPACE at the light-speed limit/BORDERS of our BUBBLE SPACE-TIME NORMAL UNIVERSE. There the Galaxies @ light-speed elicit THE GRB (GammaRayBurster)-EFFECT' as they are SUCKED-REINTEGRATED into DARK-ENERGY SUPERSPACE via the GALACTIC GREY-HOLE HUB CENTRES now turned BLACK-HOLE, and also SUCKED-SUPERSPACED into their MICRO SINGULARITY GREY-HOLE PROTON CENTRES also TURNED MICRO-BLACK HOLES****

If the ingress of energy into the bubble universe is not sustained by a constantly fountaining Big-Bang point then Prof. Hawking's 'big-crunch' will merely be rather, the eventual deflation of our bubble universe back into the Dark-Energy Quantum-Medium SuperCosmos where the galaxies reach light-speed acceleration Universe outer rim and are GRB-wise reabsorbed back into Dark-Energy Super Space.

However. if instead the balance of sub Dark-Energy plasma through the subsingularity quasi-Grey Hole centers of every proton in the universe is enough inflow to counter the GRB reabsorption of every galaxy at the bubble universes light-speed limit outer skin; well then our universe is relatively perennial.

And who knows that the Big-Bang birth phenomena of the SuperCosmic Champagne does not make some bubble multiples from a common fountaining white-hole nexus and then might our bubble be a perennially 'conjoined family' of adjacent, &/or parallel, &/or mirror image sister universes.

And ulitimately if we rightly ascribe sentience to the Multiverse's Dark-Energy womb, then we have seen the face of God in truth; En Aethros(Dark Energy) Veritas.

God doesn't play dice with the Universe; rather, God Dances!

~Jake Harbach O'Sullivan~


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