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What said Dr. Eugene Mallove on Quantum Ring Theory
Posted on Thursday, May 01, 2008 @ 23:13:00 UTC by vlad

Testimonials Anonymous writes:
In March 2004 Dr. Eugene Mallove suggested to W. Guglinski to put his articles in a book form.

The Managing Editor Christy Frazier sent to Guglinski an email saying the following:

Our editor suggests that since you have developed so many interesting, intriguing theories that you consider one of the following: publishing a book which melds the many theories together OR starting your own website, where you can post all of your papers for the public to see. IE would surely link from our site to yours, if you created one which had your many papers available.

I hope that our encouragement to publish the papers as a whole entity (and tied together coherently and neatly) is something you will consider. As I noted before, we woudl consider making copies and selling the product for you if you presented us with a clean, hard copy that has a good introduction which makes sense to the

Thank you.
Christy Frazier
Managing Editor
Infinite Energy Magazine

As Dr. Mallove died in May 2004, Guglinski started to look for another editor. In 2006 his book was published under the title Quantum Ring Theory by the Bäuu Press.



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"What said Dr. Eugene Mallove on Quantum Ring Theory" | Login/Create an Account | 10 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: What said Dr. Eugene Mallove on Quantum Ring Theory (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Friday, May 02, 2008 @ 19:23:37 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Great book. Shows atoms as   quantum rings. Allows possibility of gravity modification, overunity, "cold" fusion, transmutation, and much more. Assembly of new atomic and molecular patterns not before seen in nature.
Direct molecular, atomic, and surgical medical repair and reformation.

Re: What said Dr. Eugene Mallove on Quantum Ring Theory (Score: 1)
by NanoLube on Tuesday, May 06, 2008 @ 22:06:02 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Wouldn't it have been wonderful if Mallove actually presented this view WHEN HE WAS ALIVE?

NanoLube on ebay - for increased fuel efficiency.


with fuel heading to $5/ gallon - wouldn't you just love to get better efficiency.

Eugene Mallove death… a macabre conspiracy of the Universe ? (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, September 19, 2013 @ 20:39:08 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

WGUGLINSKI writes: In the end of 2003 I had started to submit some of my papers to Infinite Energy Magazine. All they had been rejected for publication, each one of them due to a different reason. Sometimes the paper had been considered to be not of the interest of the readers of that magazine, as for instance the paper where I propose my model of photon. Other papers were considered not appropriate for the readers due to the complex scientific language. Then the editor Eugene Mallove had suggested me to put the papers in a book form, so that to be sold by Infinite Energy.

The emails exchanged between me and Christy Frazier (Managing Editor) , which are partially exhibited ahead, show the strategy proposed by Mallove.

20 February 2004 =================================
From : Christy Frazier
Sent : Friday, February 20, 2004 1:27 PM
To : wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
Subject : Status of Papers Submitted to Infinite Energy

Our editor suggests that since you have developed so many interesting, intriguing theories that you consider one of the following: publishing a book which melds the many theories together OR starting your own website, where you can post all of your papers for the public to see. IE would surely link from our site to yours, if you created one which had your many papers available.

Thank you for your submissions. There are a few remaining which I hope we can give you answers on within the coming month or so.

Christy Frazier
Managing Editor
Infinite Energy Magazine

04 March 2004 ===================================
From : Christy Frazier
Sent : Thursday, March 4, 2004 8:19 AM
To : Wladimir Guglinski
CC : Gene Mallove
Subject : Re: Status of Papers Submitted to Infinite Energy

We recommend, again, that you consider putting all of the pieces into one work, with an introduction, etc.
Publishing is not as expensive as you may think, if you approach it in the simplest possible manner. If you were able to pull all pieces together so that they read more like a book, you could simply print out each paper as a chapter of said book; the 8.5×11 paper could then be bound in that format. This is not a formal publishing effort, but would allow you to circulate the book. Infinite Energy/New Energy Foundation would consider selling such a book for you. It would not be offered on a large scale, since it would not have an ISBN and not be bound professionally. However, if you sent us a clean hard copy of the book on 8.5×11 paper, we could potentially make minimal copies and bind it. An ad would run in the magazine and the book would be added to our catalog.

We would split the sales revenue with you, via an agreement we would work out with you. All that being said, we would first encourage you to seek some assistance in getting the language to flow better. There are many instances where your papers are difficult to read due to the English translation.

09 March 2004 ===================================
From : Christy Frazier
Sent : Tuesday, March 9, 2004 7:17 AM
To : wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
Subject : Re: Fundamental Requirements

Dr. Guglinski:
Your paper, “Fundamental Requirements for the Proposal of a New Hydrogen Atom,” will not be reconsidered by Infinite Energy.

Our editor again encourages you to consider putting all of your papers into one book form, with a hearty introduction which generally explains the purpose of the “chapters”/papers.

The reviewer of the paper in question did not mean that your paper was scientifically difficult to read. He meant that the language (i.e., English translation) is such that it makes it difficult to read through and fully comprehend. Our editor, as I noted before, took many hours to decipher the true meaning of some statements because the language was not such that it was completely apparent.

I am sorry that we cannot satisfy your desire to have this paper published in Infinite Energy. I hope that our encouragement to publish the papers as a whole entity (and tied together coherently and neatly) is something you will consider. As I noted before, we woudl consider making copies and selling the product for you if you presented us with a clean, hard copy that has a good introduction which makes sense to the reader.

Thank you.
Christy Frazier
Managing Editor
Infinite Energy Magazine

So, after so many encouragements, finally I had decided to put my book in a book form, and I sent the following message to Christy Frazier:

Dear Dr. Christy Frazier
I have found an English teacher who is making the corrections in the grammar of my papers. I hope to have the book ready after three months, and then I will send you a hard copy, with the good introduction that you had suggested.

Thanks to your attention

And she sent me the following reply:

24 March 2004 ===================================
From : Christy Frazier
Sent : Wednesday, March 24, 2004 7:02 AM
To : Wladimir Guglinski
Subject : Re: Fundamental Requirements

Great! Once we have the material in hand, Dr. Mallove will look it over as one entity and make a final decision about whether we can help you sell it.
The book would be either spiral bound or in a three-ring binder, depending on its size. We ask that you provide a working title for the whole piece so we can make a cover/title sheet. Once we have the project in hand, we can determine what our copying costs will be. Then we can let you know what percentage of sales we will pass along to you.

Then between 24 March 2004 and the beginning of May 2004 I was working so that to put my papers on a book form. But the day of 14 May 2004 had changed the future of my book. In that day Eugene Mallove had been murdered. And the new editor-in-chief of Infinite Energy Magazine did not share the interest of Dr. Mallove concerning my papers, and he decided to stop any partnership between the magazine and me, and my book will not become anymore a piece of their catalogue.

Before Mallove’s death, I had the secret hope that perhaps after reading my work as an entire piece in the form of a book, he finally would decide to publish my book by Infinite Energy Press, giving to it an ISBN, putting advertisements in the magazine, etc. And therefore my secret hope died together with Mallove.

Of course the death of Dr. Mallove left me very depressed, and I felt myself as if the Universe would be conspiring against the publication of my book. When Christy Frazier told me that Infinite Energy would not sell my book as promised by Eugene Mallove and it would not be put in the catalogue of the magazine, I felt myself with the will of giving up and abandon my attempt of publishing the book. I felt myself as a victim of the conspiracy of the Universe.

So, I was in the street again, but in a worst situation: with the feeling that the fate of my book was to be never be published.

Nevertheless, after some days of depression, I had tried two other new strategies:

1- I had started to offer my book for publication in several publishing houses, via internet. Among several ones, I had submitted the manuscript of my book to the Bauu Institute Press before the end of 2004 (I don’t remember if one, two, or three months before the end of the year).

2- The City Hall of the Juiz de Fora city (where I was living since 1997) has a Cultural Department named FUNALFA, which has a cultural project named Murilo Mendes Project, that gives financial support for several kind of cultural activities, as publication of literature books, poetry, presentation of plays, etc. And so in the beginning of 2005 I had submitted my book with the hope to get its publication.

My brother Aleksander lives in Cataguases with his family, and I went to visit them, in the March 2005.
Mr. Mané Bóia is the husband of the sister of the Aleksander’s wife. And Mr. Bóia is subscriber of the Folha de Sao Paulo, a newspaper which publishes every Sunday a supplement of scientific information for the layman.
One day I went to visit the family of Mr. Bóia, and his son Leonan brought to me several old editions of the newspaper, which were accumulated along several months.
Suddenly the edition of December-2004 fallen down under my sight, and I saw the photo of the electrosphere of an atom made by David Villeneuve. At once I realized that the image of the photo was like my model of electrosphere, proposed in 1991 in my first book, and also exhibited in my book Quantum Ring Theory, submitted to the Bauu Press.
According to the current atomic model at that time, the level p of the electrosphere crosses within the level s. Unlike, in the model of electrosphere proposed by me in 1991, the level s was not crossed by the level p. Actually the electron in the level s is involved by a cushion of aether, and the cushion of the level s supports the cushion involving the electron in the level p (as a pillow supports your head when you sleep).
Villeneuve’s photos had confirmed that prediction of mine, and so the model of Quantum Mechanics was wrong, requiring some improvements.

Going back to my house in Juiz de Fora, I asked to my friend Claudio Nassif to call Dr. Lauro de Almeida Mendes by phone, and we had combined a meeting with he. In our meeting , I had showed to Dr. Lauro the photo taken by Villeneuve, published in the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, reproducing the photo published in the journal Nature in December-2004.
I asked to Dr. Lauro to write a letter to the members of the FUNALFA, telling them the prediction made by me in 1991, and now confirmed by experiments made by David Villeneuve. My hope was show them the importance of publishing my book.

Dr. Lauro wrote the letter to Funalfa, which I translate ahead. A copy of the letter had been filled by Dr. Lauro in the files of the Department of Physics of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora – UFMG, where I suppose it is yet filled (if some physicist did not stole and destroyed it).

Juiz de Fora, 28 March 2005

To the care of the members of the Comission of the Law Murilo Mendes

Ref: publication of the book “Quantum Ring Theory- Foundations For Cold Fusion

I am retired professor, and had led by some years the Department of Physics of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora – UFJF . Through this letter, I recognize the scientific merit of the book quoted in the REFERENCE and by the authorship of the Mr. Wladimir Gugliski, for which I recommend the sponsorship of FUNALFA for its publication.

Among the motives which had contributed for the recommendation of the Guglinski’s book, the one of largest enhancement was an hypothesis arisen by he in 1993 in which he proposed a change in the model of the electrosphere of atoms, traditionally accepted by the Scientific Community and taught in Universities. That had been an audacious idea which anyone physicist would reject, because if Guglinski was right then Quantum Mechanics would have to admit corrections.

After twelve years, I surprised face the reproduction of the photo obtained by an experiment published in the scientific journal NATURE, of December 2004. The photo seems to reveal that Guglinski was in the right way. If the event be confirmed by posterior experiments, the Quantum Mechanics shall do the due corrections.

The book by Guglinski meets a collection of 25 papers which were written along 14 years of persisting search of palatable explanations. To put the articles in the form of a book had been suggested by the eminent physicist Eugene Mallove, PhD by MIT, in the age when we was editor-in-chief of the magazine INFINITE ENERGY and PRESIDENT OF THE NEW ENERGY FOUNDATION, in the United States of America. After analyzing along two years seven articles by Guglinski the Dr. Mallove had expressed the opinion that the articles propose INTERESTING and INTRIGUING ideas, the reason why he had encouraged Guglinski to put the articles in the form of a book, which would be advertised and sold by INFINITE ENERGY, in USA. The murder of Dr. Mallove in May 2004 had frustrated those plans.

Finally, it merits to be mentioned that, in the case of approving the sponsorship for the publication, the FUNALFA, beyond to favor a possible contribution for the advancement of the Science, would be valuing a cultural project in our region and which would be invaluable for the citizens of Juiz de Fora.

Lauro de Almeida Mendes – Retired Prof.

Concerning my attempt with FUNALFA, it was not successful. The commission responsible for the decision had considered that my book did not fit to the rules of the Murilo Mendes Project, because of the scientific feature of my book. I tried to change that verdict with an appeal to the council, but the final decision had been do not publish the book.

Everybody may guess my depression when I received the decision. Again, I felt myself as if the Universe had been conspiring against the publication of my book, reinforcing my bad feeling concerning the fate of my book: that it was unpublishable.

Concerning my attempt with Bauu Press, when I went back to Juiz de Fora after my visit to my brother, at the same time when I had asked to Dr. Lauro to write the letter to FUNALFA I had also sent an email to Peter Jones, the editor of the Bauu Press. And finally after some weeks Peter sent me a reply, telling me that he decided to publish my book. In 16 May 2005 Peter sent me by air mail the Agreement, which I received in two weeks, and we started to work in the revision and the lay-out of the book. And in August 2006 the book was finally published.

Now let us compare the publication of the book by Bauu Press and the other two possibility of publication if they had been successful: if the book had been either published by FUNALFA or sold in the form of Xerox copy by INFINITE ENERGY.

1- The book published by BAUU PRESS : it is advertised, distributed, and sold by the most prestigious websites of internet: AMAZON and BARNES & NOBLE. Therefore the book is sold worldwide, and it is seen and can be purchased via internet by the readers of the whole world.

2- The book published by FUNALFA – if it had been published by FUNALFA, the book would be confined in the small city of Juiz de Fora.

3- The book advertised and sold in the form of Xerox copy by INFINITE ENERGY – if it had been sold by INFINITE ENERGY, two disadvantageous conditions would occur:
3.1 – The book would not have the ISBN. Therefore in 2012 and 2013 when the journal Nature and the journal European Journal of Physics had published the three plagiarisms of the proposals already published in my book, I could not denounce the plagiarism, because my book would have not the ISBN.
3.2 – As being advertised and sold in the form of Xerox, probably the readers would not take seriously the book, by considering that if the book had be serious then the own editor of INFINITE ENERGY would have interest to publish the book, giving to it the due ISBN.

Therefore the two alternatives, the publication by FUNALFA and by the commercialization by INFINITE ENERGY PRESS in the form of Xerox would be disadvantageous, compared with the publication by the Bauu Press.

And the macabre conclusion: the death of Eugene Mallove had been advantageous for the publishing , the advertisement, and the market of my book.

In August 2006 I had received 10 copies of the book from Peter Jones via air mail, and after that sometimes I kept myself thinking in the fate of Dr. Eugene Mallove. It was impossible to avoid to think about the following questions:

- Had the mind of the murderer of Dr. Mallove been suggested by some mysterious conspiracy of the Universe? For example, inspired by a collective consciousness in the sense of Jung , or other sort of influence.

- Was Eugene Mallove a victim of a macabre conspiracy of the Universe, so that to avoid the commercialization of my book through the disadvantageous form of Xerox copies?

One could say that such sort of thinking is paranoiac, because of the ridiculous assumption that the life of one man like Dr. Mallove would have to be sacrificed for the publication of a book, thanks to a macabre nebulous conspiracy of the Universe.
I share such way of thinking.
But I also cannot avoid to think about the hypothesis of conspiracy. It’s like my mind ]should be divided in two different ways of thinking, and I cannot stop them to come to my consciousness.

However, if we consider that the models proposed in Quantum Ring Theory can be the true image of the structures of matter existing in the nature, then we realize how important the book is for the advancement of the human knowledge, and so the life of one man is nothing face to the mysterious way of the happenings in our planet.

Probably the most people would rather think that Mallove’s death occurred thanks to facts that had nothing with the facts involving the publication of my book. Nevertheless, there are so many mysteries in the Universe, and nobody is capable to affirm either if there was, or not, an unknown sort of incomprehensible conspiracy. After all, the nature is able to make some steps in the evolution of the species which are impossible to occur via probability due to chaotic mutations, as supposed by Darwin. There is an Intelligent Force actuating in the nature. And nobody knows what is the aim of such a Force. For the evolution of the species, they call its actuation as Intelligent Design.

For the lovers of the theories of conspiracy of the Universe, who claim that it conspires for the realization of the projects of those who persist tirelessly in their attempts to achieve their deepest and harder dreams, this interpretation of Mallove’s murder is the best of any masterpiece of conspiracy.


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