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Houston Company QBII to Offer Gas Saving Nuclear Devices
Posted on Friday, May 30, 2008 @ 22:14:47 UTC by vlad

Devices vortexentity writes: HOUSTON, May 23, 2008 - Quantum Bit Induction Technology, Inc. (OTC:QBII) announces plans to offer, to the public, nuclear powered automotive fuel saving devices. The company plans to introduce its first fuel saving product for vehicles in coming days. The product is being developed in cooperation with Michael McDonnough of Remington Ventures, Inc.. The company plans to sell the product in cooperation with Mustang Performance Headquarters, Inc.
---------------end news clip-------------------

Since my name is on this press release I felt it was important to address this issue and explain my involvement and detail what we will be offering to those who read my column.

This current offering originated from a proposal I sent to QBII's president Mike Skillern. It detailed my thoughts on how with the price of fuel at its all time high it is time for QBII to make a push into the market for these HHO gas, or hydrogen booster devices.

Quantum Bit has been working on this technology for many years as have I and we agree in principle that the reason that some executions of this technology work so well is that what is happening is a dense hydride layer is deposited on the electrodes of the device and once it is formed the incident of collisions of hydrogen atoms is increased in proportion to the density of the hydride. H+H fusion reactions are occurring in the hydride layer of the device..

In simple terms you can achieve a higher than expected production efficiency in combustible gas conversion of water in a reaction cell that has this hydride layer maximized and if you pulse the signal to the cell in such a way that the hydrogen atoms fuse and release energy into the water you get more gas. A lot more gas production in fact. I go into more detail on my technology blog.

I know that every time I go to buy gas it cost more. It cost a lot more in fact. So much so that I want to focus much of my creative and business skills on decreasing our demand for these ever depleting fuel stocks.

I know for a fact that this technology can at the very least convert some of the wasted energy that our alternators are kicking out into HHO fuel instead of dumping that electrical energy into a resistor when it is not needed. That in itself will recycle some of the wasted energy into usable fuel so we have some fuel savings even if there is no nuclear energy involved. But we are pretty certain that the low energy nuclear reactions are in fact taking place in the dense metal hydride layer deposited on the electrodes of our device.

We intend to prove nuclear reactions conclusivly and we will continue to improve on the technology until we have weaned ourselves off of imported fossil fuel altogether. It is a matter of national security in my view and if we can manage to save some money on fuel our economy will improve in the long run.

If the future is only going to be us paying higher and higher prices for everything we buy I don't think I want to live in that future. Instead we intend to help resolve this problem so that we can end our dependence on foreign oil once and for all. This technology is a big step in that direction in my opinion.




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"Houston Company QBII to Offer Gas Saving Nuclear Devices" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Houston Company QBII to Offer Gas Saving Nuclear Devices (Score: 1)
by deatopmg on Sunday, June 01, 2008 @ 16:53:35 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
H+H fuses to give you what? 
What is added to the water to make it conductive?
KOH or K2CO3? 
if so, then there may be something to this.  Search Blacklightpower.


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