Scientists find quick method to make magnets
Posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 @ 22:58:44 UTC by vlad
( -- Ultra-strong, high-temperature, high-performance
permanent magnet compounds, such as Samarium Cobalt, are the mainstay
materials for several industries that rely on high-performance motor
and power generation applications, including the Department of Defense
(DOD) and the automotive industry.
Until now, producing Samarium
Cobalt has been a difficult and expensive multi-step process.
Northeastern University researchers have broken new ground with an
innovative invention of a rapid, high-volume and cost-effective
one-step method for producing pure Samarium Cobalt rare earth permanent
magnet materials.
Invented by lead scientist
C.N. Chinnasamy, Ph.D., (right) at Northeastern’s Center for Microwave
Magnetic Materials and Integrated Circuits, the direct chemical
synthesis process is able to produce Samarium Cobalt rapidly and in
large amounts, at a small fraction of the cost of the current industry
method. Also, the process is environmentally friendly, with 100%
recyclable chemicals, and readily scalable to large volume synthesis to
meet the needs for the myriad of advanced permanent magnet
applications. The study describing the invention is published in the
latest issue of Applied Physics Letters (July 28, 2008).
“A single step chemical process has been pursued for decades with
little success,” said Vincent Harris, William Lincoln Smith Chair
Professor and Director of the Center for Microwave Magnetic Materials
and Integrated Circuits at Northeastern University and Principal
Investigator of the program. “This research breakthrough represents a
potentially disruptive step forward in the cost-effective processing of
these important materials.”
Samarium Cobalt magnets are
superior to other classes of permanent magnetic materials for advanced
high-temperature applications and the Northeastern invention goes
beyond the currently known fabrication process of these nanostructured
magnets. Unlike the traditional multi-step metallurgical techniques
that provide limited control of the size and shape of the final
magnetic particles, the Northeastern scientists’ one-step method
produces air-stable “nanoblades” (elongated nanoparticles shaped like
blades) that allow for a more efficient assembly that may ultimately
result in smaller and lighter magnets without sacrificing performance.
“Such unusually shaped particles should prove valuable in the
processing of anisotropic magnets that are highly sought in many DOD
and commercial applications and are anticipated to lead to lighter and
more energy-efficient end products,” said C.N. Chinnasamy.
“Northeastern’s new one-step process has the potential to reduce
complexity and associated costs of processing Samarium Cobalt magnets,
which are used in many advanced DOD weapon systems,” said Richard T.
Fingers, Ph.D., Chief, Energy Power Thermal Division of the Air Force
Research Laboratory.
Underscoring the significance of the Northeastern invention
relative to the high-performance rare earth magnet industry, Jinfang
Liu, Ph.D., Vice President of Technology and Engineering at Electron
Energy Corporation, a leading developer of permanent magnetic
materials, added, “The development of stable Samarium Cobalt
nanoparticles using this one-step chemical synthesis method may
motivate more scientists and engineers to work on the development of
next generation magnets.”
This revolutionary invention is anticipated to not only revitalize
the permanent magnet industry, it has the potential to bring major
changes to several federal and commercial industries, including its
potential to impact the size, weight, and performance of aircraft,
ships, and land-based vehicles, as well as contribute to more efficient
computer technologies and emerging biomedical applications.
“This work represents the most promising advance in rare earth
permanent magnet processing in many years,” said Laura Henderson Lewis,
Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chair of the Department of
Chemical Engineering at Northeastern University and a collaborator on
this project. “I expect it to revitalize international interest in the
development of this important class of engineering materials.”
Strongly aligned with the goals set forth in Northeastern
University’s Academic Plan, this invention has the potential to serve
global and societal needs by crossing national boundaries and having a
significant impact on the engineering discipline through academia and
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