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Hidden Electrodynamics and the Final Secret of Free Energy
Posted on Monday, August 11, 2008 @ 23:38:51 UTC by vlad

Testimonials Anthony Craddock writes: We are pleased to announce the release of the fifth DVD in the "Energy from the Vacuum"TM Science Series, featuring Tom Bearden.

"Hidden Electrodynamics and the Final Secret of Free Energy."

The DVD, which runs 75 minutes, is the lecture on electricity that you never got in school or College, and also includes a lengthy explanation of how the Free Energy circuit featured in the book "The Final Secret of Free Energy" works, and can be constructed.

Co-researcher Lt. Col. Ken Moore (ret.) and mathematical physicist Dave Clements Ph.D. also make appearances.

See http://www.energyfromthevacuum.com/Disc5/ to place an order.

The trailer can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwKJOwT3EZc


Tony Craddock
Web Administrator
The Tom Bearden Website



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"Hidden Electrodynamics and the Final Secret of Free Energy" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment | Search Discussion
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Re: Hidden Electrodynamics and the Final Secret of Free Energy (Score: 1)
by Koen on Friday, August 22, 2008 @ 09:54:49 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
Tom Bearden's electrodynamics is "well hidden"  indeed.  I cannot find it anywhere on the internet or in printed press.  His final "secret" of free energy is:  don't  "kill" the source while tapping the infinite stream of "free energy".
This is not a secret anymore.

If Tom's bloody energy inventions are for real, then why on earth doesn't he use them to run his household or his car?
Why does Tom keep on refering to Maxwell's  "hidden" quaternion electrodynamics   while many people showed beyond doubt that Maxwell's quaternion theory is equivalent to the 'official' Maxwell theory (except for Maxwell's symmetrization of the theory by adding magnetic monopole sources, etc...)

Not once does Bearden describe a physical scalar field within the context of a mathematical theory, for instance a quaternion theory.

Bearden must have a knowledgeable source, no question about that, but his personal comments and translations show contradiction after contradiction,  sometimes completely wrong and a display of ignorance.

And no,  the Casimir effect does NOT show we can extract energy from the vacuum,  it only shows that one can create a 'lowered' vacuum energy state such that two plates are pushed together. This is not free energy.

But wait, if you want to learn how to burn time,  then buy Tom's new CD.
So don't 'waste' your time (burn it), buy that CD, and learn the secrets!
Even better, if you can spare a million or so, invest in Tom's research lab,  he still needs a couple of million to complete his invention.


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