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Fortech Inc. Introduces Real-time Cost Modeling Solution for Power Generation
Posted on Saturday, October 04, 2008 @ 12:24:56 UTC by vlad

Manufacturers Anonymous writes: TEMPE, AZ -- Fortech Software Consulting, Inc. announces the introduction of “Power Manager™” leveraging its unique Utility Power Operations expertise along with its proprietary line of other Automated Solutions. Power Manager™ is a flexible, scalable, REAL-TIME business technology solution that seamlessly integrates Power Generation, Energy Forecast/Scheduling, Generation Cost Modeling, Resource Management, Accounting and Reporting functions required for any power operations.

According to Bhasker Rao, Ph.D., C.E.O of Fortech Software Consulting Inc., of Tempe AZ, “Power companies with multiple generation units and serving multiple loads could find a great value in this solution. This solution would provide real time, cost-effective generation options based on real time cost modeling & data analysis. Fortech's new solution provides clients ways to improve their generation cost/efficiency thus ensuring greater profitability and ROI."

This solution can easily be integrated with existing internal or external systems thus ensuring accuracy and efficiency.   Fortech's “Power Manager™ “is a web based solution and is available in “Source Code” & “Site License” options. 

Key features of Power Manager™ include:
·         Manage generation allocation from multiple generation plants based on real-time raw material/commodity cost.
·         Ability to perform cost modeling based on customer defined commodities such as gas, coal, diesel etc.
·         Import real time commodity price data (or manual entry).This allows for schedule generation/ allocation from generation unit(s) with lowest generation costs.
·         Forecast loads for multiple customers
·         Create schedules based on generation and loads (tying loads to generation).
·          Ability to email schedules to clients and create tags from schedules
·         Automatically capture meter data from loads or import  from spreadsheets
·         Ability to capture price data from 3rd party sources or import  from spreadsheets
·         Match meter data to schedules ( track deviation)
·         Accounting/Billing/ Reporting

About Fortech Software:
Fortech Inc. provides Business Process Automation solutions that address the needs of the Electric Utility & Water Industry. In addition to its off-the-shelf solutions, Fortech has developed and implemented several custom software solutions. Fortech’s Services and Solutions for the utility industry utilize a combination of several leading-edge technologies and experience. In addition to its standard products, the company also provides Power Scheduling and Curtailment Services, Custom Application Development, IT consulting and Systems Integration Services.

Fortech has its corporate office in Tempe, AZ and sales offices in Irvine, CA. It also has a state of the art development and R&D Center in Hyderabad & Kolkata, India.

For more information, visit www.fortechenergy.com or for a Demo please contact: Roger Das, Fortech Software Consulting Inc. 4801 S. Lakeshore Dr, #203, Tempe, AZ 85282, Phone: (480) 626-5049 , e-mail : rdas@fortechsw.com



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