Dear All,
1) Project Camelot
interviews Dr Brian O'Leary
Dr Brian O'Leary suffered the ridicule of his schoolfriends when - several
years before Sputnik - he announced his intention to go to the moon.
Yet by the age of 27 he was a member of NASA's astronaut program, slated to be
one of the first to visit Mars. Several years later, he resigned (for various
reasons) and took up a career in academia where he rubbed shoulders with - among
many others - Carl Sagan at Cornell and the pioneering psi investigator Robert
Jahn at the physics department at Princeton.
A near-death experience in a auto accident encouraged his exploration of the
paranormal, and soon after he applied his considerable abilities to the
investigation of Free ('overunity') Energy and psi phenomena. He authored
several books and became a well-known Free Energy activist.
His list of personal friends reads like a Who's Who of notable
paradigm-challenging researchers and out-of-the-box thinking scientists. In our
interview we asked him to summarize his exceptional life, and present his vision
for the future.
An optimistic, gentle man, Brian O'Leary is gifted to possess intellect,
vision and graciousness in equal measure. We were delighted to spend time with
him at his Vilcabamba home and are very much looking forward to continuing our
friendship with him in 2009 and beyond.
Brian's personal website, click here:
2) Audio presentations from Brian
O'Leary and George Green
Project Camelot recently returned from two weeks as Brian's
guests at Montesuenos, his eco-retreat in Vilcabamba, an extremely beautiful
southern corner of forested Ecuador. We joined Brian, George Green and Miriam
Delicado as speakers in what Brian called THE CAMELOT CONFERENCE - also
titled, just as appropriately, CRISIS AND OPPORTUNITY.
On the first day of the weekend, Brian and George spoke lucidly
and passionately about the world as they see it. Do listen.
Our own presentation, on the second day, is currently being
edited to be viewed on video.
For a summary of the Conference itself, and for our impressions
of Ecuador (which may be important or valuable to some), click here:
* * * * *
Best wishes to all,
Bill and Kerry
Project Camelot
Project Camelot is a website formed in
support of researchers and 'whistleblowers' who challenge current paradigms.
Our aim is to provide safety in numbers and thereby establish a climate of trust
and support across many disciplines on behalf of disclosure of truth with an
emphasis on the freedom to explore.
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