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Remember the Rotating thermionic convertor?
Posted on Thursday, March 05, 2009 @ 21:04:40 UTC by vlad

Devices Philip Hardcastle writes: Hi Vlad,

Remember the Rotating thermionic convertor?

Well, it is on hold, as a breakthrough offering simpler implementation has occurred.

The design / theory has been given the thumbs up by professor XY Fu of the Shanghai university and also by a few other experts in thermionics. This is my first release of information and you came instantly to mind.

The response from experts to date has been extraordinary as it is so obvious that it is correct that the 2nd law concerns evaporate. Even the most resolute sceptics have bent.

I have had a public debate with a Professor from Virginia who has just gone silent when I revealed the facts, he promised me to tell me if he agreed or disagreed but after 4 emails a deafening silence was heard by all 20 observers (some being professors themselves).

So we need to widen the debate to get the research done to make the machines that can at least help the World mitigate some of the Global disaster we obviously are experiencing (such as the devastating bushfires in Australia - my country)

I expect a meeting with the government next month and believe collaboration with USA university likely.

I trust you can use the supplied to get some debate and feedback.

I have also provided the doc images separate for you to use.

As always

Kindest Regards

Philip Hardcastle

Thank you Philip; I have added all your documentation in the Downloads/ZPE_related section. [Vlad]



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Re: Remember the Rotating thermionic convertor? (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, March 07, 2009 @ 09:36:49 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Dear Vlad

I have posted the following to about 1000 scientists around the world today.

Perhaps you may want to use it.


Dear Professors and People who care about the Earth,

Attached is a document setting out the basics for Curled Ballistic thermionics.

Anyone wishing to develop, manufacture and sell devices based upon this theory are free to do so providing that they do not seek to patent anything in their own name, or in any third parties name, that comes from the information so disclosed.

In the spirit of open sourcing it is my wish that the technology be tested and advanced as soon as possible for the benefit of mankind.

4 prominent professors now say that the theory is correct despite the implication re the 2nd Law of thermodynamics. However should any person make any investment in money, time or effort, they do so at their own risk.

Obvious issues arise technically and I am only too happy to assist and to keep everyone advised as progress is made regarding materials and techniques.

Any good ideas are welcomed and will be shared.

I also ask that you convey this knowledge to interested parties if only for debate.

If perchance a Nobel prize is ever offered for this theory, it is mine!

Best Wishes to all,

Phil H


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