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’60 Minutes’, profiles breakthrough in Cold Fusion research
Posted on Thursday, April 16, 2009 @ 20:38:04 UTC by vlad

Science windrider writes: In a landmark broadcast airing Sunday, April 19, 2009 at 7pm EST, CBS News Magazine, ’60 Minutes’, profiles the breakthrough research accomplished by Energetics Technologies LLC in the field of Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR), historically referred to as ‘Cold Fusion’.

... This technology appears to produce an astonishing 25 times more energy output than the energy required to produce it.

Imagine a clean technology that promises to produce cost effective energy without having to rely on fossil fuels or access to wind or sunlight....

More: www.energeticstechnologies.com

COLD FUSION IS HOT AGAIN - Presented in 1989 as a revolutionary new source of energy, cold fusion was quickly dismissed as junk science. But today, the buzz among scientists is that these experiments produce a real physical effect that could lead to monumental breakthroughs in energy production. Scott Pelley reports. Denise Schrier Cetta is the producer.

Also read Steven B. Krivit's excellent article in the New Energy Times: CBS TV's "60" minutes Turns Up the Heat



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"’60 Minutes’, profiles breakthrough in Cold Fusion research" | Login/Create an Account | 5 comments | Search Discussion
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New Energy Times Update: CBS-TV's 60 Minutes - "Cold Fusion" (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, April 16, 2009 @ 22:50:37 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

Low-energy nuclear reactions, historically known as "cold fusion," will get its 12 minutes of fame on CBS TV's "60 Minutes" Sunday at 7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.

Link to story is on the New Energy Times blog [click.icptrack.com]. 

Re: ’60 Minutes’, profiles breakthrough in Cold Fusion research (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Monday, April 20, 2009 @ 10:17:06 UTC
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It might work but until it is consistent, CF/LENR will remain in the fringe until someone can really understand it.

Is there anyone out there that can combine ideas of chemistry, physics, and electrodynamics into the recipe for consistant cold fusion? 

I doubt the 25 times energy input, for the simple reason that the process would have crossed the 6 times self sustainability criteria and the process would be already in production.

APS Does Not Endorse Cold Fusion Experimental Findings Featured on the CBS “60 Minute (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 21:27:54 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Steve Krivit writes: Vlad, this is kind of strange situation, but it is news:

APS Does Not Endorse Cold Fusion Experimental Findings Featured on the CBS “60 Minutes” TV News Program [newenergytimes.com]

Vlad: Strange indeed Steve, but it does not surprise me at all. APS represents over 46,000 physicists! How many of them do you think would bother or dare to do what Ron Duncan did? He wouldn't have done it if were not for the specific request from the well respected CBS program "60 Minutes".

But I can bet with you that there are probably hundreds of APS members, with sufficient professional honesty and curiosity, that are certainly intrigued by Rob Duncan's comments. Given a proper venue/space/organization and support, they would eagerly want to pursue this topic, until the truth and nothing but the truth is revealed (since it is too important to ignore, like the "old mammoth" APS body is doing).

My proposed Xtreme Science Foundation was envisioned to do just that: gather these open minded, truth seeking people/scientists, fed up with the irresponsible ignorance for the "extreme/unconventional" science research by the traditional academia. Give them a new platform to operate from, where scientific dogma is forbidden, and every flicker of hope, coming from anybody and anywhere, will be investigated with scientific rigor and honesty, in the name of human progress for the benefit of all.

But my idea is ignored too, unfortunately, even by people like you who should promote/offer it to scientists and the public where/when-ever you have the chance, maybe just to see what happens.


Is Cold Fusion the Future for America's Failing Car Industry? (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, May 05, 2009 @ 21:29:22 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Submitted by windrider: Will Detroit's innovation come out of research R&D labs in the US ? Right now there is controversial Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) research going on, also known as Cold Fusion. Companies like Energetics Technologies in the US are pioneering this research.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/patt-cottingham/goodbyehello-6-retooling_b_196315.html [www.huffingtonpost.com]

Cold Fusion "Replicated" (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, May 05, 2009 @ 21:27:01 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
60 Minutes – “Cold Fusion is Hot Again”
An Energetics Technologies Update

April 30, 2009

On April 19, 2009, CBS News program 60 Minutes broadcast a story entitled, ‘Cold Fusion is Hot Again’.

According to Alison Godfrey, CEO of Energetics Technologies LLC, one of the three laboratories profiled in the report, the response has been nothing short of extraordinary:

“It’s not just the email and phone calls.

We carefully monitor ‘cold fusion’ internet searches leading to our company website.

Within minutes of the broadcast we began getting thousands of visitors from over 70 countries.

We see blogging all over the world discussing the science.

60 Minutes was right. Cold Fusion is definitely hot again.”

In the broadcast, reporter Scott Pelley profiled three laboratories, each conducting research in the field of low energy nuclear reaction (LENR), historically referred to as cold fusion:

·         Energetics Technologies a New Jersey based company with research facilities in Omer, Israel
·         SRI International of Menlo Park, California
·         ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies

Godfrey points out that the broadcast did not clarify an important relationship between these labs: “Viewers may have been left with the perception that these laboratories conducted their own research. What wasn’t made clear is that Energetics Technologies pioneered the LENR process profiled on the program, which was then successfully replicated by both SRI and ENEA.

One of the hallmarks of breakthrough science and technology is independent replication.

Working closely with SRI and ENEA, our scientists have achieved that with historic results.

60 Minutes obtained an internal document from the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, known as DARPA, which according to the broadcast, “concludes that there is ‘no doubt that anomalous excess heat is produced in these experiments’”.

The DARPA memorandum specifically referred to the results of the DARPA funded SRI replication, and to the ENEA replication of the research pioneered by Energetics Technologies.

60 Minutes also brought Rob Duncan, Vice Chancellor of Research at the University of Missouri, to the Energetics Technologies laboratory in Israel, where Professor Duncan concluded, "I found that the work done was carefully done, and that the excess heat, as I see it now, is quite real."

Says CEO Godfrey, “We are proud that our company has achieved landmark and historic research that has been replicated by two of the most prestigious independent laboratories in the world, and reviewed by DARPA and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.

We face the challenge of finding new sources of clean, renewable energy.

It’s important that the public know that great strides are being made in this exciting field of science.”

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