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More on tapping & using ZPE
Posted on Saturday, November 10, 2001 @ 17:32:00 UTC by vlad

General Date: 9 November 2001

From: Hal Fox halfox@qwest.net

Dear Vlad,

Thanks for the good works you are doing for the better understanding of ZPE. Here is my current understanding of the way in which ZPE can be tapped or used:

The ZPE energy is apparently a short-wave length energy that
permeates the entire universe and has been building up in
magnitude over the trillions of years of the universe.

Note: There was no Big Bang - the universe has been around for a
long time. We have an excellent article on that topic:
Petar K. Anastasovski, et al., "A New Approach to the Cosmic Red-
Shift and to the Cosmic Microwave Sources," J. New Energy, vol 1,
no 2, Summer 1996, pp 79-87, 4 refs, 5 figs. (NEN Aug 1996)

This short wave length energy permeates everywhere. Because
there is no voltage gradient (same energy within us and outside
of us) we do not feel this ZPE energy. Hal Puthoff, in an
article, has shown that this energy is only absorbed when a body
is accelerating. Therefore, if you want to feel the ZPE you can
get in your car, fasten your seat belt, accelerate to 100
kilometers per hour, then step hard on the brake pedal. You will
be quickly moved forward. We have called this effect inertia.
For over a hundred years we have not been able to properly
explain inertia. Now we understand that it is a function of our
living in a strong ZPE-filled universe.

Therefore, it is my theory that the ZPE can best be tapped by
intensely active, miniature devices. The High Density, electron
Charge Clusters (HDCC) are shown to have this capability. The
first discovery of the tapping of ZPE (that I have found) is the

Kenneth R. Shoulders, "Energy Conversion Using High Charge
Density", U.S. Patent 5,018,180, issued May 21, 1991. This was
the first charge-cluster (EV) patent to issue and states: "An EV
passing along a traveling wave device, for example, may be both
absorbing and emitting electrons. In this way, the EV may be
considered as being continually formed as it propagates. In any
event, energy is provided to the traveling wave output conductor,
and the ultimate source of this energy appears to be the zero-
point radiation of the vacuum continuum."

Note: EV is often used for Electric Vehicle, so we have chosen
to use HDCC.

In addition to producing thermal and electric energy (in the
laboratory and not yet commercialized) the HDCC also have other
important applications which (my hypothesis) utilize the
interaction with ZPE.

1. HDCC produced in a radioactive liquid can transmute the
radioactive elements into stable elements.

2. HDCC produce in a low pressure atmosphere of hydrogen can
ionize the hydrogen molecules, pick up the protons and when
properly controlled can transmute radioactive solids to stable

3. HDCC can be used to process brackish water to obtain an
agricultural grade water. In addition, the precipitates from the
process contain valuable elements that can pay for the cost of
the processing of some brackish waters.

The discovery of HDCC is the most important new-energy discovery
of the 20th Century. The applications of this new technology
will, in my judgement, be one of the most important new-energy
developments of the 21st Century.

Best personal regards, Hal Fox



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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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