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Unlimited energy on the cheap - just a dream?
Posted on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 @ 22:52:19 UTC by vlad

Devices 12:51PM Thursday Jul 30, 2009
By Pat Pilcher

Transcripts and audio files of a leaked phone conversation between the secretive CEO of Texas-based eeStore, Dick Weir, and an as yet undisclosed source have been doing the rounds online for the last 24 hours creating a stir amongst technologists and environmentalists around the world.

Electric vehicles have been held up by battery production expense - but a Texas company may have the answer with a ground-breaking mega-capacitor.

Whilst you'd be forgiven for thinking that a leaked phone conversation on the internet was merely yawn worthy, this particular conversation saw eeStore CEO, Weir confirming that they are mere months away from launching an uber capacitor which is an electrical component that would fully charge up in minutes yet hold enough juice to power electronic gadgets for days.

Should the scuttlebutt around this leaked conversation be something more than a cleverly orchestrated PR stunt, and eeStor's invention actually work, the implications are nothing short of revolutionary...

Full article: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/technology/news/article.cfm?c_id=5&objectid=10587618



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Electric Car Nano-Batteries Aim For 500-Mile Range (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, October 06, 2009 @ 21:09:14 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
"Consortium members read like a Who's Who in technology research for the Battery 500 Project which aims to use nanotechnology to extend the range of all-electric cars 200 miles beyond the 300-mile range of gasoline powered cars. IBM, the University of California at Berkeley and all five of our US National Labs are collaborating to make the 500-mile electric car battery. Within two years, they promise to have a new kind of battery technology in place for the 500-mile electric car. If that happens, then I predict a mass exodus from gasoline to electric powered cars that will make the Toyota Prius look like a fad." - Source
[hardware.slashdot.org](Via KeelyNet.com [www.keelynet.com])


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