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Invention Secrecy at Highest in a Decade
Posted on Sunday, November 01, 2009 @ 21:04:31 UTC by vlad

Testimonials October 22nd, 2009 by Steven Aftergood

The total number of invention secrecy orders that the U.S. government imposed on patent applications rose again this year, reaching 5,081 by the end of last month, the highest figure since 1996.

Under the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, U.S. government agencies may restrict the disclosure of a patent application whenever its publication is deemed “detrimental to the national security.”  In Fiscal Year 2009, 103 new secrecy orders were issued, while 45 existing orders were rescinded.  The overall number of orders in effect increased by about 1% over the year before, according to statistics from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office that were released to Secrecy News under the Freedom of Information Act.

The most vexing secrecy orders, known as “John Doe” secrecy orders, are those that are imposed on private inventors who are not government contractors so that the government has no property interest in the invention.  In Fiscal Year 2009, there were 21 new John Doe secrecy orders, according to the latest statistics.  An argument could be made that secrecy orders in such cases are infringements on an inventor’s First Amendment rights, but such an argument has never been tested in court.

In general, however, challenges or complaints concerning the operation of the patent secrecy system seem to be rare.  Most secrecy orders originate at defense agencies, with the U.S. Navy in the lead this year with 39.  (The National Security Agency issued 12 secrecy orders in FY 2009.)  In such cases, the most likely customers for the inventions are the military agencies themselves, not commercial enterprises, and so the secrecy orders may have no adverse impact on the inventors.    For other resources on invention secrecy, see here.

Source: http://www.fas.org/blog/secrecy/2009/10/invention_secrecy_2009.html



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"Invention Secrecy at Highest in a Decade" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Invention Secrecy at Highest in a Decade (Score: 1)
by johnkhutchison on Monday, November 02, 2009 @ 13:32:32 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://Www.johnkhutchison.com
I realy want to mention this as news!
a car that runs on gas , oil methanol . hydrogen alcohol 
I was handed a motion picture project on a 250 miles per gallon car the year was 1983, a motion picture called car wars by Hi Tek Cinema Productions ltd, i was given all the details as well as the car information with also color photographs in rice mn a few months ago ,A 1983 project
This half inch thick documentation gives also all the parts numbers off the shelf type navy surplus  units with codes and rateings  on the cars differant sections This would allow somebody to build a car like mentioned here  ,
 producer of this real film is Steven R Reed  Judith A Thomas-Laear ,Norman Kellog ,Stuart Reynolds, co writer  car wars motion picture screen scipt Roxanne j Reaver Aaron Spelling  productions , knight productions to produce the car ,
ok example 1942 us military crated auto-lite manufacture series wound  140 am[pere starter motor generator number 4421this but one part
This is interesting i cannot find any information current  on any of these people , or companey , nothing only the actors , i was told this entire project was squashed does anybody here in this forum or website have any ideas? Like i have all this data yey cannot find any information on the net or Hollywood friends of mine I did try and film these pages on my you tube channel tags are car wars  thanks

Inventor's terminal cancer courtesy of Verichip? (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 22:05:04 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Bob Boyce, who has invented a super-efficient electrolysis method, as well as a self-looping electrical circuit capable of charging batteries, discovered a microchip implant in his shoulder when having a tumor removed from that spot, which metastasized.  It turns out the chip was made by VeriChip; and he has no idea how it got there.

Full article: Bob_Boyce_cancer_by_Verichip [pesn.com]

Good question by Harv: We need clarification on one important point. If the chip went off to a cancer biopsy lab??? and nothing came back about it, where/when did Bob discover it was a Veri-chip? As an inventer-type myself, I have difficulty believing he would leave the matter in the doctor's hands. We need more details.


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