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Thinking and Destiny
Posted on Monday, November 30, 2009 @ 21:59:01 UTC by vlad
2009 Advanced Energy Whistleblower Conference - Washington, DC
On December 12-13 (Saturday/Sunday), from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. EST, there will be a series of interviews and discussions on suppression activities associated with the field of advanced energy and related technologies. Researchers/Inventors from around the U.S. will be interviewed either in person or via Internet/telephone. A detailed schedule of speakers will be made available as they are scheduled and is subject to change.
This event is free to all
participants/attendees. Location of the event is 5425 39TH ST NW,
Washington, DC 20015. For more information on the event, please contact
540-679-9365. A call-in number will be provided prior to the event.
http://altenergy2012.blogspot.com will have updates as they are made
Lodging is free to
all whistleblowers. Food/Dining is within walking distance. If you are
taking the metro, take the Red Line to Friendship Heights, then walk
1/2 mile along Military Road until 39th Street, then left (north) 1-1/2
blocks. Parking is reserved in this area, so when you arrive you will
be directed to an appropriate parking location.
A live Internet feed will be made available throughout the conference as circumstances allow via http://www.justin.tv/aewc2009 and/or http://www.ustream.tv/channel/altenergy. Audio/video will be uploaded to the Internet with links posted to this web site following the conference.
Confirmed speakers (dates/times TBD):
Ken Rasmussen Leslie Pastor Eddie Sines Larry Jarboe Bob Dratch Todd Hathaway
interviews will be followed in the evenings by an online roundtable
discussion to help determine way ahead strategy. A detailed, accurate
account of advanced energy suppression incidents is necessary, in order
to target the parties responsible for these nefarious activities and to
protect researchers actively engaged in advanced energy research.
(login required - free registration) is the link to an interview on
October 23rd between Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Ted Loder, tracing
the beginnings of new energy discoveries from the late 1800s --
Faraday, Tesla, T. Townsend Brown -- to Stan Meyer in the 1980's. They
discuss how to recover in the face of enormous greed for money and more
importantly centralized power.
has a century of alternative/advanced energy suppression been possible?
Read 'Operation Mind Control' to get an idea of how propaganda and
covert/overt mind control techniques are used to continually mislead
individuals, as well as the masses:http://www.karlaturner.org/books/Operation_Mind_Control_-_Walter_Bowart.pdf
Posted by
Thinking and Destiny
Monday, November 30, 2009
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Re: Thinking and Destiny (Score: 1) by vlad on Tuesday, December 01, 2009 @ 21:27:07 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com |
From Gary
Here is
some additional suppression material:
Santilli’s method plus an explanation of the suppression of radioactivity
neutralization methods are available at http://www.nuclearwasterecycling.com/ [www.nuclearwasterecycling.com].
My 123-page
compilation of 95 energy invention suppression cases is available at www.energysuppression.com [www.energysuppression.com] where a continuously running
update of energy invention suppression cases and activities is maintained by
Sterling Allan and his friends. The file is also accessible at www.byronwine.com [www.byronwine.com] (do Find for Vesperman),
http://www.theorionproject.org/en/research.html#research_papers [www.theorionproject.org],
and http://www.aero2012.com/en/papers.html [www.aero2012.com]. Other
sites can be found by entering in google Vesperman suppression. Additional
energy invention suppression information is in http://www.commutefaster.com/klooz.html [www.commutefaster.com] and
http://blog.hasslberger.com/2007/03/pogue_hydrogen_stories_of_supp.html [blog.hasslberger.com].
posted my suppression book September 2007. Sad to say, from time to time since
then, I have seen additional reports of energy invention suppression including
murders or attempted assassinations of energy inventors.
occasionally think about updating my suppression book. I have not done so
because as is I believe I have thoroughly proven the existence of energy
invention suppression (with the aid of numerous contributors), and that it
likely would become confusing trying to track more than one edition of the book
floating uncontrollably around the Internet.
Gary Vesperman 588 Lake Huron Lane
Boulder City, NV
Re: Thinking and Destiny (Score: 1) by Koen on Saturday, December 05, 2009 @ 10:22:48 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | The aether plasma.
Consider the fast amount of disinformation on the internet. How do we know which scientist & research is genuine and which is fake? Even suppressed scientists can be faked in order to divert the focus and attention away from the 'real hidden science'.
Dr. R.M. Santilli's research and results are genuine, but it still is difficult to tell if all his conclusions are correct. Are magnetic type molecular bonds experimentally proven also by independent researchers? Magnecules are a great discovery, if it is a fact.
Same about Dr. R. Mills and his hydrino discovery.
Tesla and his wireless energy transfer, electrogravity, and 'cosmic' energy source, is it for real? "Physicists say 'no'", but what do the physicists know? Usually they are unaware of the many hidden and unproven (by experiments) assumptions that are part of the official physics theories. The unproven aspects of physics theory are often unrecognised/unnoticed by the "experts", because these aspects seem to be "proven" by circular logic/reasoning.
No signal can travel faster than speed c. This is already assumed by introducing the Lorentz coordinate transformation in physics theory. The Lorentz coordinate transform is then used to proof that nothing can travel faster than c. This is circular reasoning. Fact: it is impossible to prove by means of experiment that something cannot happen. Fact: it is not sure if electromagnetic waves have a constant speed in vacuum. Nobel price winner Michelson's final conclusion was: the speed electromagnetic waves in vacuum are VARIABLE and ANISOTROPIC acoording to his final light speed experiments. But all physicists remember is why he got the Nobel price (so money and power has nothing to do with physics, isn't it???)
Matter (quantum) waves consist of only 1 particle (no proof for this, and classical waves always consist of many particles). A matter wave only has kinetic energy and no intrinsic potential energy ("oh, that is why"), etc .... Dr W. Hofer pointed out the circular arguments and unproven assumptions that underly the strange 'Copenhagen' interpretation of the quantum wave. His paper was refused for publication.
Electrodynamics theory: the hidden assumption is that the Maxwell theory is a complete theory about electrodynamics (so: no longitudinal electric Tesla waves, no wireless energy transfer other than by magnetic field coupling, no longitudinal Ampere force, etc ....). The circular reasoning is: Maxwell's theory is complete, therefore we can set all these unwanted effects to 'zero' (known as the Lorenz gauge), all the remaining effects are described by Maxwell's theory, and therefore it is a complete theory. The required experiments in order to prove/disprove Tesla's claims still need to be done.
Gravity, it bends light waves. Does it also change the speed of light, just like a transparent material medium? If Michelson and Miller (and others) were correct, then is the electric and magnetic polarization of vacuum always constant? Probably not. Then, what causes changes in electric and magnetic vacuum polarization other than the good old electrodynamical forces?
Vacuum polarization, fascinating stuff! It can even explain the propagation of electric and magnetic fields through empty space. Now many people model vacuum polarization as a sea of electrons and protons. But it takes way too much energy to polarize the vacuum into electrons and positrons. These particles are actually too heavy. In order to explain gravity, Tesla's controversial claims, matter-waves, etc .. the missing piece of the puzzle are extremely light particles with positive and negative electric charge, say electrinos and positrinos, that fills up space.
Even the wave nature of electrons and positrons can be explained as a wave of many many more refined electrically charged particles. It also explains the INDUCED electrical vacuum polarization by means of controlled electric energy (first demonstrated by Tesla???), also known as electro-gravity.
Dr. Michael Ibison, colleque of Dr. Harold Putthof even developed the notion of 'massless charge' in order to support the variable vacuum polarization theory. I take the 'middle' position: the vacuum aether particles do not have zero mass, but are much lighter than electrons, and have non-zero charge.
This is the aether plasma ('ionised state of the vacuum).