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Posted on Sunday, May 16, 2010 @ 22:32:42 UTC by vlad

Testimonials May 13, 2010

For the past two years, The Orion Project has worked to raise funds to build a facility where we can bring scientists and inventors together in a peaceful type of Manhattan Project for energy - to develop new sources of energy that will get us off the fossil fuel economy. We have also worked to identify scientists and inventors capable of this work. For the past hundred years, scientists such as Nikola Tesla have worked on such devices. The fact that many have tried, and we are still using predominantly fossil fuels - the same fuels used in the 1800s - can be illustrated by our recent experience.

We reported last December that we had under contract a very talented scientist who wanted to work with us. Because he still is doing work for a private company that is linked to the Intelligence Community, he preferred working with his identity concealed. A side note is that he had agreed to work with us in the fall of 2008. At that time, he met with the Board of Directors and took a contract home to read and sign, but called us within three days saying that he was being deployed abroad for fifteen months. We heard nothing else from him until a year later - precisely after Dr. Greer publicly disclosed the energy briefing he had put together for President Obama...

Full article: http://www.theorionproject.org/en/05_13_10_mailing.html



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"IMPORTANT UPDATE - THE ORION PROJECT" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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DC insider’s comment on Orion project’s troubles (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, May 16, 2010 @ 22:36:29 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Jeane Manning writes:

A friend in Washington DC says it seems significant that despite several years of concerted efforts to fund and develop new energy technologies by Dr. Steven Greer and his Orion Project and its predecessors, a web of interference and suppression, possibly including former and current members of the US “intelligence” and/or military communities, has seriously impeded or blocked Steve’s progress.  It would not surprise that person if the US “intelligence”/military community is split on disclosure of new energy technologies.  Our friend knows that such technologies are already developed in classified programs, “which could in part explain a rather inconsistent and zigzag approach to the current/former US Intel/Military positioning and actions re new energy.” “This could reflect in part internal power struggles and differences of opinion and debate over the pros and cons of various levels of disclosure.  Since the Intel/Military is not monolithic, and is very complex with numerous agencies and subunits, and assuming much of this debate is occurring in classified channels, it would not be surprising that various US Intel/Military elements are not on the same wavelength and may have multiple, competing agendas.”

A New Energy Movement perspective was added by another friend:  The continued obstruction by U.S.- based entities seems to make open sourcing of new energy systems more appealing.  “It also is likely that the U.S. will squander the opportunity to lead on new energy, and cede that role to other more progressive nations.”

Source: http://changingpower.net/articles/dc-insiders-comment-on-orion-projects-troubles/ [changingpower.net]

by Shortysdohdoh on Wednesday, May 19, 2010 @ 22:40:08 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Rediculous. U.S. Government is ignorant. So stuck on money and won't give it up, not even if it means progress or evolution. If we were all apes, the U.S. would prevent even themselves from evolution if it meant they were still getting paid.

Who the hell let these retarded people run the country?


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