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The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field
Posted on Thursday, July 01, 2010 @ 11:23:02 UTC by vlad

Science FDT writes: One of the standard objections to the existence of a luminiferous medium is the fact that it would cause friction in space and hence cause the planets to fall into the Sun. What is never considered is the fact that such a luminiferous medium might actually be the cause of the inertial forces that give rise to Kepler's laws of planetary motion, rather than undermining these laws. The electromagnetic wave equation involves Ampère’s circuital law in its derivation, and so it is impossible to consider an electromagnetic wave at a point deep in space without considering the electric circuit that is involved in the displacement current. For Maxwell, his tiny molecular vortices acted as that electric circuit, yet nowadays, Maxwell's equations have been cut adrift from their foundations in the vortex sea, and the speed of light has been allowed to float. It is suggested here that Maxwell's molecular vortices do in fact pervade space, making space about thirty-two times more dense than lead.

Since this vortex sea is not strongly bonded to atomic and molecular matter, being able to flow through it as like water through a basket, it follows that this high density medium will not show up on weighing apparatus, because the apparatus only pushes against the atomic and molecular matter.

It is suggested here that Maxwell's molecular vortices are more accurately represented with rotating electron-positron dipoles that bond together in a double helix fashion, such that the rotation axes trace out magnetic lines of force. For more information see 'The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field' at,


David Tombe



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"The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field (Score: 1)
by Fran (froarty572@comcast.net) on Thursday, September 02, 2010 @ 11:27:03 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.byzipp.com/animaTime.htm
David, I think the luminiferous medium exists on the time axis, and has relative motion to our 3D plane which we define as C. It doesn't matter what "rate" the relative motion is... we as inhabitants of a 3D plane will always perceive it as C because our clocks and rulers are scaled by this motion. hence relativity, the pythagorean relationship for deriving gamma and the failure to detect an etheric drift by M&M

Re: The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field (Score: 1)
by WGUGLINSKI on Friday, September 03, 2010 @ 09:38:46 UTC
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the standard objections are against the existence of a LUMINIFEROUS medium.
If you consider that the medium is luminiferous, in the sence that it propagates waves, such a hypothesis is unacceptable, as Einstein has proven.
The propagation of light in such a luminiferous medium would be similar to a propagation of waves in the surface of a lake.  Such concept of medium is disproved by Michelson experiment.

However, a non-luminiferous medium is an acceptable hypothesis.  By considering that the photon is not a wave , but actually it is a particle constituted by a particle and antiparticle that move with helical trajectory, the medium where the photon moves is not a medium where a wave moves.
The rotation of the particle and antiparticle explains the transverse propagation of light, and the helical trajectory explains why such particle as the photon has undulatory feature.

Michelson experiment did  NOT prove that the aether does not exist.  His experiment actually has proven that the LUMINIFEROUS aether does not exist.
The aether as a non-luminiferous medium is compatible with the Michelson experiment.

When Einstein understood his error, he tried to bring back the aether to Physics again, as tells us the book "Einstein: his life and universe", by Walter Isaacson.
Einstein understood that the concept of aether is not incompatible with the General Relativity, in spite of it seemed to be incompatible with the Special Relativity (because Einstein considered the aether as luminiferous). 
Then he started to find a new concept of aether, able to conciliate the Special and the General Relativity, concerning the question of the medium.

Unfortunatelly, it was too late.  Even Einstein did not succeed in bringing back the concept of aether to Physics again.


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