Via []: The
Casimir force can only be measured when the distance between the two
plates is extremely small; in the order of several atomic diameters.
Since the Los Alamos experiment, other researchers have repeated and
refined the experiment, in the hope that they can one day connect
gravity with the quantum world.
Scientists say that accomplishing this may finally lead to a theory of everything. But the idea that zero-point energy exists everywhere in the universe has also appealed to others who believe that they can somehow tap this unlimited energy for free.
for nothing, or "owt for nowt," is the usual reply when there is talk
of free energy; or when you get more energy out of a process than you
put in. The constant failure of anyone actually trying to produce such a machine has led to an inevitable and inalienable conclusion.
inventors have tried to construct a machine which will produce work
from nothing – always in vain," wrote the Nobel Prize winning physicist
Max Born. "In the end this failure was recognized as a law of
nature. Thus the principle of the conservation of energy was formulated;
this has remained a fundamental concept of physics to this day, and has
proved itself extremely fruitful," Born added.
researchers such as the late Dr. Eugene Mallove and Bernard Haisch, of
Calphysics, have devoted many years trying to find the angle needed to
harness and create applications for the "free" energy that permeates
throughout the universe (and indeed pushes it ever outward!). This
speculative investigation into a hypothetical "zero-point-field inertia
resonance" caused much of the brouhaha that has dogged Haisch, as he
says that his explanation of inertia in the universe may one-day power
exists a background sea of quantum light filling the universe and that
light generates a force that opposes acceleration when you push on any
material object," explains Haisch. "That is why matter seems to be
solid, stable stuff that we, and the world, are made of. So maybe matter
resists acceleration not because it possesses some innate thing called
mass as Newton proposed and we all believed, but because the zero-point
field exerts a force whenever acceleration takes place."
is something of a hero to basement boffins, inventors and
(pseudo)scientists who are used to taking the-road-less-traveled and
have recognized in Haisch a kindred spirit. But while Haisch
hypothesizes about future spacecraft powered by a mysterious inertia, he
is also the first to say that he could be very wrong. "Dr. Paulo and
Alexandra Correa in Toronto, Canada, have managed to create a special
type of what (Wilhelm) Reich would have called an Orgone Accumulator,
but they call it a Hybrid Orgone Accumulator, that sits,
around-the-clock, generating power in a small Stirling engine, as though
there were a source of 2 watts of thermal energy inside the metal
Faraday cage. Now that's vacuum-energy for sure."
claims are disputed by mainstream scientists of course, as the effect
of vacuum energy that exists everywhere equally – which is why we don't
notice it. But Haisch claims that this is irrelevant, and as long as
"zero-point energy is real; there is the possibility that it can be
tapped as a source of power or be harnessed to generate a propulsive
force for space travel." At present it all comes down to whom you believe, but – barring some amazing new discovery – as it stands, the basic tenets of physics seem to have the upper hand.
writer falls into the same simple minded trap that infects so many
seemingly rational people in claiming free energy and perpetual motion
enthusiasts are claiming to produce something from nothing.
one I know ever claimed anything remotely like 'something from
nothing.' We look for new methods for the conversion of energy from one
form to another, except that 'we' think the source can be magnets,
gravity, inertia, cosmic rays, atmospheric energy, earth energy,
coriolis forces, gyroscopic forces, zero point energy, etc. as long ago
spelled out in this paper on Something from Nothing Revisited [].
what really PISSES ME OFF is that orthodox scientists have been seeking
'something from nothing', way more energy out than in, wasting many billions of dollars on fusion [] where;
goal of creating a tiny star by replicating the process that powers the
sun and similar celestial bodies. This controlled form of fusion
theoretically could tap into the boundless energy that binds the
universe together, creating intense heat and driving huge generators
that could supply enough power to run the entire world’s electricity
grid in perpetuity."
free energy enthusiasts are considered half baked due to our attempts
to discover how to tap into zero point and other forces to CONVERT them
to useful forms such as electricity, heat, mechanical force, etc..
if we had BILLIONS OF DOLLARS spread out over many hundreds or
thousands of projects to investigate gravity and free energy, our
chances of success would be significantly greater, ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE
GREATER, than focusing all that money and effort SOLELY ON ONE METHOD
that to date has yielded NO RESULTS. Doesn't it make more sense to hedge
our bet with dozens, hundreds or thousands of different approaches than
waste all that money on JUST ONE?
One day there will be one or more major breakthroughs by one or a group of maverick inventors []
that will be released all over the internet so that anyone can build a
free energy generator and scale it up to whatever power level they need.
That is assuming we can ever find a forward thinking, selfless,
investor or group of investors with huevos grandes to make it happen.
have had several investor types say 'Why should I fund this when I can
just wait and get it on the cheap when it comes on the market?' Can you
believe that? What if other countries (China, Saudis, Japan, Korea,
etc..) fund their own maverick research projects and BEAT US TO THE
TECHNOLOGY for free energy and gravity control? Will people still be so
smug and self-serving then? Basically having sold out their own country
because they are too cheap or fearful to use some of their 'disposable'
income to fund such projects.
'Return to Tomorrow' - Sargon leads the party to another room where
more spheres are found. Only two of them are glowing; the others are
dark and cold. Sargon indicates the two active spheres hold the minds of
Thalassa, his wife, and Henoch,[1] a former enemy of his. Sargon
explains that this is how they stored their minds after the war, and
have been lying in wait for someone to find them. Kirk's body becomes
too drained, so Sargon returns to the sphere and Kirk pops back into his
body. While McCoy is disturbed by the prospect of alien possession,
Kirk states that during the brief exchange, he learned what Sargon is
and what he wants, and he is not afraid.
In an impassioned speech in the briefing room, Kirk reminds his reluctant officers that "risk is our business"
and suggests amazing technological advances which Sargon and his people
might be able to provide. Finally voting yes, the team gathers the
active spheres and brings them to the Enterprise.
there are some philanthropist(s) or investor(s) out there who 'get
this' and why it is so important to help recreate/rebuild jobs,
factories and opportunity for Americans, to bring us back and even
exceed our past accomplishments when we can reclaim deserts as rich, lush farmland, colonize other planets, produce energy on demand. Maybe my views and lab plans [] are just too extreme for ever finding funding for any of us... - JWD)
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