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Swedish Skeptics Confirm "Nuclear Process" in Tiny 4.7 kW Reactor
Posted on Thursday, May 05, 2011 @ 20:05:02 UTC by vlad
From renewableenergyworld.com, article by Thomas Blakeslee.
I spend much of my time debunking the free energy fantasies of my less
technically competent friends. Wishful thinking makes many believe that
cars can run on water after seeing a brief youtube video. Lately,
however, I have been undergoing an exciting paradigm shift.
Remember the “cold fusion” fiasco of 1989? Well, I have come to
realize that it wasn’t what it seemed at all. Denial, groupthink, dirty
tricks and easily manipulated media combined to create an historical
Two decades have been wasted virtually ignoring this game-changing
discovery. Today’s environmental disasters, expensive energy and oil
wars could possibly have been avoided. I’ll say more in a moment about
what really happened in 1989, but first, let me tell you what got me
started reexamining what I thought I knew about cold fusion.
probably think that 4700 watts of clean, radiation-free power from a
three cubic inch reactor sounds like yet another impossible hoax. But
this was a third iteration demo, designed to satisfy skeptics of two
previous demonstration at the prestigious University of Bologna.
Attending the third demo
were two Swedish scientists. One was chairman of the Swedish Skeptics
Society and the other was chairman of the Energy Committee of the
Swedish Royal Academy of Science. They were both allowed to freely
examine the entire setup except for the contents of the tiny, 50cc
reactor chamber.
Their written report ended with: “Any chemical process for producing 25 kWh from any fuel in a 50 cm3 container can be ruled out. The only alternative explanation is that there is some kind of a nuclear process that gives rise to the measured energy production.” They also noted that you would have to burn 3 liters of oil to produce 25 kWh. There has since been another confirmation...
Full article: Swedish Skeptics Confirm "Nuclear Process" in Tiny 4.7 kW Reactor
[Vlad] Read the comments to this article and also watch The Magic of Mr. Rossi video on YouTube.
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First Report of Interviews With E-Cat Trio (Score: 1) by vlad on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 @ 22:01:22 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | by Steven B. Krivit
Senior Editor, New Energy Times
Back to Index: Andrea Rossi and His Energy-Catalyzer (E-Cat) [www.newenergytimes.com]
[This is the first in a series of reports
based on my interviews with Andrea Rossi, inventor of the device he
calls the Energy Catalzyer, Sergio Focardi, professor emeritus at the
University of Bologna, and Giuseppe Levi, a professor in the
university’s Department of Physics and based on my investigation of
their low-energy nuclear reaction research. The complete list of New
Energy Times reports on this topic is here [www.newenergytimes.com].]
[This is an edited version of a preliminary report posted to the New Energy Times blog on June 16, 2011]
Bologna, Italia — Here is a quick status
report of my visit to Andrea Rossi’s showroom on June 14 and 15 to look
at his invention, which he calls the Energy Catalyzer.... More: http://www.newenergytimes.com/ [www.newenergytimes.com] --------------- Also watch the video: 2011 - Andrea Rossi Explains His Energy Catalyzer [www.youtube.com]
Questions preparing a SWOT analysis of Ni-H energy sources (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, May 07, 2011 @ 15:57:10 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From Peter Gluck's EgoOut [egooutpeters.blogspot.com] blog: I wonder why we are worried for a strong opposition to Ni-H LENRas a form of cold fusion...not the scientists will decide, but the energy market.The initial problem of cold fusion is one well known to the players of 'contract bridge' game- bidding too high, promise of cheap, inexhaustible rich source of energy. But even after 20 years Pd-D LENR/CF is science, very interesting science with many areas and ramifications and open ways of research but definitely nothing good for Technology (yet), A bad question is -will it ever be? Full article: http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com/search/label/NEW%20ENERGY [egooutpeters.blogspot.com] |
NASA Working on LENR Replication and Theory Confirmation (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, May 07, 2011 @ 16:02:07 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From Steven Krivit's NewEnergyTimes blog: Dr Dennis Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA’s Langley research center told New Energy Times today that NASA is attempting a low-energy nuclear reaction replication.
“Our experiments are based upon the earlier Piantelli-Focardi work,
which were some of the better bits extant,” Bushnell wrote. “But we are
trying to core down on the theory, as well as utilize it for system
optimization. We are not trying to do a net energy demo at all, we are
simply trying to make sure there is a valid theoretical understanding.”
Full article: http://blog.newenergytimes.com/2011/05/06/nasa-working-on-lenr-replication-and-theory-confirmation/ [blog.newenergytimes.com]