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What Andrea Rossi is afraid of?
Posted on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 @ 20:57:41 UTC by vlad

Science WGUGLINSKI writes: On 14th, 2011, at 10:21 PM , Mr. Paul Segers posted a comment in the Andrea Rossi's blog (Journal of Nuclear Physics), in the article A detailed Qualitative Approach to the Cold Fusion Nuclear Reactions of H/Ni

Mr. Paul wrote in the end of his comment:

4. What amends (if any) do you think should be made for those who have been discredited by the scientific “community”, and who have devoted their careers and lives to LENR/COLD FUSION (I understand why you shy away from the branding). The case of the Fleischmann–Pons claims come to mind, and I sincerely hope you can put all of these “scientists” to shame within a year.

On the same day I have posted a reply to Mr. Paul, where I explained that Fleischmann and Pons were screwed by the media and the scientific community. Their cold fusion works, but the physicists undertook all the efforts so that to descredit their experiment (for instance, by claiming that there was error in the calorimeters).

And I also explained that Fleischmann and Pons technology is replicated in Jean-Louis Naudin website.

The difference with Rossi-Focardi experiment lies in the fact that Fleischmann-Pons technology is not so easy to replicate, and it is most expensive, since palladium is not cheap.

I finished my posting telling to Paul that “the scientific community in the future will ask for forgiveness to Fleischmann and Pons in the same way as the Church apologized to Galileo”

My comment was not approved by Andrea Rossi: he did not publish my reply to Paul.

In 28 June-2011 I have posted the following comment in his blog: 
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi
In spite of you have a theory which perhaps can explain your cold fusion experiment with no need of a New Physics, however there are many other experiments that require a New Physics. For instance, we may mention among others the hydrino hydrides produced by BlackLight Power Inc, which existence does not fit to the concepts of Quantum Mechanics.

In 2008 I wrote a new book entitled THE MISSED U-TURN, in which I explain for the layman the foundations and some models proposed in my Quantum Ring Theory (published in 2006).

In 2009 the Telesio Galilei Academy of Sciences has intended to publish this new book of mine, by having a parternship with a London publishing house.


Unfortunatelly the publishing house had troubles in the 2009 crisis in Europe, and the book was not published.

As my English is not so good, the grammar and syntax of the book was reviewed by Dr. Jeremy Dunning-Davies, President of the Telesio Galilei Academy.

A version in Portuguese was published in Brazil in the end of 2008, with the title “A EVOLUÇÃO DA MECÃNICA QUANTICA- o duelo Schrodinger vs Heisenberg”


Now I am looking for a publisher again, because:

1- Cold fusion is becoming hot again, and it will be warmer in 2012, when the E-Cat will be working worldwide.

2- Besides, some new experiments (published after 2009) have corroborated my Quantum Ring Theory - as for instance the experiment published in Science in June-2011, which brought down the Bohr's Complementarity, predicted in my theory.

It seems it's the best time to try again to publish my book.

So, I would like to know if you can write some few words in the back cover of my book THE MISSED U-TURN.

Four months before to die in 2004, Eugene Mallove intended to publish my Quantum Ring Theory by the Infinite Energy Press. He made some comments on my work, as for instance:

1- “Guglinski has intriguing theories”

2- “I'm aware that Guglinski's hydrogen model has connection with the Mills hydrine hydrides”

A comment from you, Dr. Rossi, may help me to find a publisher for my book.

In this new book I also have incorporated some new discoveries which I made after the publication of Quantum Ring Theory, in 2006.

For instance, I write in the end of this book on the question of how gravity can help cold fusion occurrence (because from the models of my theory the gravity interactions have the same magnitude of the electromagnetic interactions).

Wladimir Guglinski

Andrea Rossi did not approve my comment: he did not publish it.

In June 26th, 2011 at 1:42 PM , Mr. Martin wrote:
"Dear mr Rossi,
Today is was thinking about your invention. I am very curious how it feels
when someone realises he invented something that can change the world.
What was your reaction at first time realising that?
Best regards

In 29 June-2011 I have posted the following reply to Mr. Martin:

Dear Mr. Martin
the E-Cat invented by Andrea Rossi produces more energy then it consumes. This is known in Physics as perpetual motion.

The most people believe that perpetual motion is a novelty, but it is not. More than 100 years ago Nicola Tesla already stated that perpetual motion is possible. He even had proposed in the beggining of the 20th Century to develop a techonogy based on such sort of energy exploration.

Many people know Tesla's coils, and believe that it's only an ordinary phenomenon explaiend by current theories of Physics. It's wrong. Tesla's coil cannot be explained by the current theories. Tesla's coils show that theories of Modern Physics are wrong.

Actually there is perpetual motion only according to current Modern Physics, because the current theories consider closed systems, where it is difficult to detect the flow of energy comming from outside of the considered system.

According to a New Physics to be developed based on the aether hypothesis, the Rossi-Focardi reactor (and many others engine, as for instance the magnetic motors) actually are not perpetual motion, because the energy comes from an unknown source yet (perhaps from the Sun; for instance, Tesla supposed that the radioactivity of the radioactivy elements is caused by the Sun).

Tesla's ideas had many followers along the 20th, all them trying to make reality his dream: to supply humanity with cheap energy. Among them, Fleischmann and Pons, who in 1989 published a paper showing cold fusion occurrence into an electrolytic cell. They had developed a cold fusion technology based on palladium.

Andrea Rossi is another follower of Tesla's idea. Rossi has developed a new cold fusion techonology based on Ni-H, cheaper and more efficient than that developed by Fleischmann and Pons.

And now, finally, after more than 100 years, Andrea Rossi will realize the Tesla's dream of supplying our planet with cheap energy for everybody.


Again, Andrea Rossi did not publish that my reply to Mr. Martin

It's seems Andrea Rossi is trying to convince everybody that he is a new Galileo. And he feels unconfortable when someone shows him he is not.

Some people are not satisfied with the gift they receive from God. They want more than God think they deserve



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The truth is... (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Thursday, June 30, 2011 @ 02:04:38 UTC
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He probably didn't really invent the technology to begin with.  The Illuminati have a tendency to release things on their own timetable -- they did this with television, the automobile, the internet, the cellphone, and now this.   Simply put, this is being ALLOWED to happen because it is not a threat to their infrastructure.; in fact, this has been well planned from the start.   They've had plenty of time to figure out how they are going to charge the populace for this stuff and they're going to accomplish it, just like they got away with selling bottled water.    People are wishing for cheap energy -- or better yet, free energy --but as long as these overlords are in control of this planet and all of its resources, that simply is not going to happen.

All I can say is, keep dreaming.

Interviews with Rossi and Xanthoulis (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, July 02, 2011 @ 23:24:45 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
by Ivy Matt (Cold Fusion Now): Nearly a week after Defkalion Green Technologies S.A. held its press conference in Palaio Faliro, there appears to be no mention of the event in the mainstream media, perhaps the nearest thing being mentions of Andrea Rossi and the E-Cat in the comments to a CNET article [news.cnet.com] on high-energy plasma fusion at MIT. Even DGT itself, which promised a video of the event with English subtitles on Monday or Tuesday of this week, has failed to deliver so far. The company has, however, recently released [www.defkalion-energy.com] some information regarding press conference attendance on its website...

Full article: Interviews with Rossi and Xanthoulis [coldfusionnow.wordpress.com]

Also check: Report #2 - Energy Catalyzer: Scientific Communication and Ethics Issues [newenergytimes.com] By Steven B. Krivit/ Senior Editor, New Energy Times

Re: What Andrea Rossi is afraid of? (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Sunday, July 03, 2011 @ 09:59:43 UTC
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I think Rossi may be afraid of possible retaliation from oil barons and related persons/groups. Let's say there is no global "illuminati" conspiracy, just human greed, sloth, and corruption. Okay. That still means there are oil corporations who will go all out to hire thugs to come after people who seriously threaten their constant flow of billions to trillions of dollars worth of oil/petroleum/fossil fuels.

On top of that, you also have willful ignorance on the part of much of academia when it comes to these topics, and, people who would feel their billion dollar grants threatened, like the hot fusion people.

This is even WITHOUT a "Shadow government" or illuminati.

And then you also have those who would not want cheap cold fusion and overunity power systems to be mass-produced and available because of the claim that our enemies would then be able to also use the technology for weapons or to make themselves unstoppable.

Example: A man once told me "I don't want free energy to be in the hands of the world because what if the Nazis had it (some claim they did but they were stopped from taking over with it)? Hitler would have been able to fuel and supply his armies and cutting supply lines would not have stopped him!" This was this man's reason why free energy should not be available.

Any thoughts?

The mistery of Andrea Rossi's catalyzer (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, July 06, 2011 @ 22:48:56 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
WGUGLINSKI writes: In March-2011 my article Introduction to quantum ring theory was published in the Andrea Rossi's blog: the Journal of Nuclear Physics.

In February-2011 I had also submitted other two papers.  They are:

1- How Repulsive Gravity Contributes for Rossi-Focardi Cold Fusion Experiment
2- Anomalous Mass of the Neutron

In the paper on the Rossi-Focardi experiment, it's suggested what should be the best element to be used as a catalyzer in the E-Cat, according to the new nuclear model proposed in Quantum Ring Theory.

Andrea Rossi replied the following to my email:

Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2011 21:28:18 +0100
From: info@leonardocorp1996.com
To: wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
CC: info@dpinformatica.it
Subject: Re: Rossi-Focardi cold fusion explained by QRT

Thank you very much, this is gonna be published together with the former one.
Warmest regards,

However, the two papers were not published in March as he promissed, and then I sent to Andrea an email.  Ahead are the emails we exchanged:

From: wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
To: info@leonardocorp1996.com
Subject: RE: Rossi-Focardi cold fusion explained by QRT
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2011 19:48:39 -0300

Hi, Dr. Rossi,
Two months ago I sent you two papers:
- How Repulsive Gravity Contributes for Rossi-Focardi Cold Fusion Experiment 
- Anomalous Mass of the Neutron
Did you give up to publish then in your Journal of Nuclear Physics?

Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 09:58:57 +0200
From: info@leonardocorp1996.com
To: wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Rossi-Focardi cold fusion explained by QRT
Dear Wladimir:
They will be published, but we have a long list...by the way: send them to me again, I will make personally the reviewingto save time.
Warmest regards,

From: wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
To: info@leonardocorp1996.com
Subject: RE: Rossi-Focardi cold fusion explained by QRT
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 09:53:37 -0300

Dear Dr. Rossi,
I am sending again the two papers (attached):
- How repulsive gravity contributes for cold fusion occurrence in Rossi-Focardi experiment
- Anomalous mass of the neutron


Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 15:41:09 +0200
From: info@leonardocorp1996.com
To: wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Rossi-Focardi cold fusion explained by QRT
Dear Wladimir:
Your article about the ORT has been published two months ago.
Can you explain which are the substantial differences?
Warm regards,
Andrea Rossi

From: wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
To: info@leonardocorp1996.com
Subject: RE: Rossi-Focardi cold fusion explained by QRT
Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 13:33:00 -0300

Dear Dr. Rossi
that article about QRT is only a brief introduction to the theory. 
QRT proposes several models, as for the photon, the hydrogen atom, the neutron, the nucleus, etc.  But in that article published in your blog I did not address some specific cold fusion mechanisms.
Cold fusion requires a model of neutron n=p+e.  Quantum physicists do not accept the  model n=p+e because of some theoretical restrictions against such model.

- The article ANOMALOUS MASS OF THE NEUTRON shows that all the theorectical restrictions against the model n=p+e can be eliminated , by considering a model of electron which moves with helical trajectory. 

- The article How repulsive gravity contributes for cold fusion occurrence in Rossi-Focardi experiment shows that gravity has the magnitude of the electromagnetism, and so gravity contributes for the cold fusion occurrence.

I think these two papers are very important for the understanding of cold fusion mechanisms

Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2011 18:51:32 +0200
From: info@leonardocorp1996.com
To: wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
Subject: RE: Rossi-Focardi cold fusion explained by QRT
OK: in June both papers will be published,
Warmest regards,

In the begginning of June, somebody had posted a comment in the article A detailed Qualitative Approach to the Cold Fusion Nuclear Reactions of H/Ni [www.journal-of-nuclear-physics.com] , by prof. Christos Stremmenos.
The author of the comment told that there is a researcher (I dont remember his name) who is proposing that a kind of anomalous gravity can be responsible for some of the phenomena that current theories of Physics cannot explain. 
And he asked to Andrea Rossi if he already had thought on the possibility of anomalous gravity can be influencing in cold fusion occurrence.

Well, of course I immediatelly realized that my paper (where I show how repulsive gravity can contribute for cold fusion) would be of the interest of that person, and also many people would be interested to read it.

Then I posted a comment in Andrea Rossi's blog, asking him which of the two papers of mine would be published firstly.  I recommend to Andrea to publish firstly the paper How Repulsive Gravity Contributes for cold fusion in Rossi-Focardi Experiment.

Andrea Rossi posted a reply in his blog saying the following:

"Both will be published"

But Andrea Rossi changed his decision...
Misteriously, he decided do not publish my papers.
And so that to eliminate the proof that he had lied, he deleted from his blog that post of mine (where I asked him what paper he would publish firstly).  And he deleted his reply to me too.

In the upcoming years, Andrea Rossi will be one the most powerful man in our planet.  His E-Cat will change the world.  Thanks to his invention, he will enter the pages of the mankind history.

So, why does Andrea Rossi needs to lie ?

Perhaps you can think:
"Well, dear Guglinski, in your paper you have suggested what is the best element to be the catalyzer for the E-Cat.  And since Andrea Rossi keeps it as a secret.  Then, if the element you had suggested is that used by Andrea Rossi in his E-Cat, that's why he decided do not publish your paper".

I dont think so. I suggested one element.  However, probably the catalyzer is a mixture of some elements (and I think carbon is one of them).  And so there is need to know what is the correct percentage of each of the elements.

I think the reason is other.  Let me tell what I think.

Any acceptable theory for explaining cold fusion must be able to give the response for this fundamental question:  how can a particle to surpass the Coulombic barrier?

Among all the theories proposed, no one of them is able to give the response.

As known, Andrea Rossi claims that he has a theory capable to explain his cold fusion experiment, and he states that there is no need a New Physics.
However, no matter what theory he has, his theory must be able to explain this fact:  how is the Coulombic overcome ?

By reading my paper, Andrea Rossi has realized that my hypothesis of gravity with the magnitude of electromagnetism is a good idea, and it can solve the question on how the nucleons surpass the Coulombic barrier.

Therefore, my theory can be the unique capable to explain cold fusion. And more:  my hypothesis of gravity with the magnitude of the electromagnetism cannot be stolen.  There is no way other theorists to make a plagiarism.
Because such hypothesis can be justified only by taking in consideration the models proposed in Quantum Ring Theory.  For instance, there is need a repulsive gravity working into the photon model of QRT, otherwise the model collapses.  Repulsive gravity also must be considered in my new nuclear model, in order to distribute symmetrically the Dirac strings in the nuclei.

On another hand, as there is not any theory capable to solve the question on how the Coulombic barrier is surpassed, all the cold fusion theorists can continue their theoretical work, trying to get the solution by proposing a new theory.
So, actually the cold fusion theorists want the following: that cold fusion continues without theoretical explanation. 
By this way, they can continue in their attempt.  And time from time one of them will be considered to have the best theory, and so he gets his 15 minutes of fame.

While there is no answer for the question of the Coulombic barrier, the theorists can continue with their attempts.

That's why a new fundamental idea (as the gravity with the magnitude of electromagnetism) is not wellcome.  It breaks the dream of each theorist to become the discoverer of the solution for the mistery of cold fusion occurrence.

Roy Virgilio releases more details on Piantelli’s research (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, July 25, 2011 @ 23:32:48 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
by Ivy Matt: In the wake of Saturday’s cold fusion conference in Viareggio, Italy, Roy Virgilio has released more details [www.energeticambiente.it] on the Piantelli group’s research on the Italian renewable energy forum EnergeticAmbiente [www.energeticambiente.it]. Virgilio is an administrator on the forum with the username eroyka. Akira Shirakawa has provided an English translation on the Vortex [www.mail-archive.com] mailing list here [www.mail-archive.com] and here [www.mail-archive.com]. To summarize:...

More: http://coldfusionnow.wordpress.com/2011/07/25/roy-virgilio-releases-more-details-on-piantelli-research/ [coldfusionnow.wordpress.com]

Andrea Rossi’s eCat – Evidence For & Against (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, July 28, 2011 @ 22:24:26 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Much is made about the lack of proof when trying to place Andrea Rossi’s eCat on the reality spectrum. In a scientific sense, that is oh-so-true for those without the privilege of being on the inside of things. No scientist should take anecdotal evidence as word and, since we tend to look to them for guidance, it’s no surprise that their objections are sounded loud and clear. In their business, nothing else matters but absolute, bomb-proof facts (doubly so for something labelled as ‘junk science’)...

More: http://ecatnews.com/?p=591 [ecatnews.com]

Re: What Andrea Rossi is afraid of? (Score: 1)
by Koen on Friday, July 29, 2011 @ 10:31:32 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
Dear W Guglinski,

About the Rossi solid state fusion device, do you have any idea what could be the exact nuclear reaction in the Rossi cold fusion H/Ni device?


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