Via E-Cat World: From time to time over the centuries inventions come on the scene which
have fundamentally changed our world, profoundly affecting the way
people live their lives. If we look back in time we can see landmark
inventions whose imprints are everywhere to this day — for example, the
printing press, the steam engine, the internal combustion engine,
aircraft, the telephone, the radio, the television, the computer chip.
In each of these cases, the first iteration was primitive and crude by
modern standards, but even so, in each case a working model was created
and introduced to the world, sparking development and innovation which
led to technology probably far beyond what the original inventor
We may be on the eve of the introduction of yet another landmark
piece of technology. Tommorrow Andrea Rossi will put his work and
reputation on the line as he conducts a test of his energy catalyzer
that will be open to inspection by selected scientists and journalists,
and apparently published reports will be available at the NyTeknik web site soon afterwards.
There’s no guarantee that the test will go smoothly. Early models of
many machines have been clunky and far from perfect (the first flight by
the Wrights only lasted 12 seconds), but for the sake of everyone who
is hoping for a better energy source for the future, let’s hope that
tomorrow’s test will show that Andrea Rossi really has discovered a new
fire. (Link)
--------------- read also the earlier entries from the E-Cat World such as:
Test on E-Cat Will Be Conducted on Oct 6th in Bologna, Italy with Invited Academics: Daniele Passarini has posted a copy of a letter
sent by Dr. Franco Sicogna to the European Patent Office inviting
representatives to attend a demonstration of one of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat
modules. The letter reads in part:
“With reference to the subject-matter of the application in re,
we wish to inform you that an experiment run by the inventor, Mr. Andrea
Rossi on a module of a 1MW plant will take place on October 6th, 2011
in Bologna (IT) in a laboratory made available by the University of
“This experiment will be attended by professors from the Royal
Swedish Academy of Sciences, as well as professors in Physics from the
USA, China, Japan, France, Great Britain, Greece, Russia and Italy. An
official report will be published and made available on the Internet at a
later date.”
There is certainly an air of confidence about this whole event — it
would be very foolhardy to invite experts in physics to an event like
this, as well as patent inspectors, if there was a chance that it would
not work.
There’s no mention here of an experiment in Uppsala, Sweden which
Rossi has been talking about. Perhaps there is private testing going on
there, or maybe there’s been a change of plans, but regardless, it looks
like with such an invitation sent out this Bologna event is set in
stone; there’s no going back now!