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Half a megawatt E-cat in Bologna
Posted on Saturday, October 29, 2011 @ 20:31:14 UTC by vlad

Devices by Mats Lewan/NyTeknik: UPDATED. Half a megawatt thermal power in self sustained mode, for over five hours. That’s what Andrea Rossi obtained with his E-cat plant on Friday, according to his customer. The question now is who the customer was.

At about quarter past ten on Friday October 28, the test of Andrea Rossi’s heat plant, potentially producing one megawatt, was initiated in an industrial hangar in Bologna.

According to the customer’s controller, Domenico Fioravanti, the plant released 2,635 kWh during five and a half hours of self sustained mode, which is equivalent to an average power of 479 kilowatts – just under half the promised power of one megawatt.

Rossi explained this with the customer’s priority to achieve self sustained mode, which supposedly makes the process more difficult to control than when electrical power is supplied to support the reaction.

“We had to decrease the power during self sustained mode as the temperature rose too much”, Rossi said after the test.

Neither Ny Teknik nor any other of the guests had any possibility to check the measurements made. The invitees could only observe the plant in operation for a few brief moments.

Assuming that the report is correct (the report can be downloaded hear, the temperature data here), a substantial amount of energy was released, which is difficult to explain by anything other than heat being developed inside the E-cat, even if you subtract the power input during pre-heating...

Full article: http://www.nyteknik.se/nyheter/energi_miljo/energi/article3303682.ece

More coverage:

e-Cat Preliminary Data and Video

1 MW E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful

Success for Andrea Rossi's E-Cat cold fusion system, but mysteries remain

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Noble Aspirations Are Not Enough (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, October 30, 2011 @ 20:38:49 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Krivit's new blog entry: "Noble Aspirations Are Not Enough", fits so well to both Steven Krivit and Sterling Allan, who was quick to write a rebuttal to Krivit's insinuations of fraud by Andrea Rossi in the recent tests of his E-Cat devices. People know, I don't usually comment on news, just report it and encourage others to comment, both pro and con because "when nothing is sure, everything is possible". (Margaret Drabble) and because "argument is meant to reveal the truth, not to create it" (Edward De Bono).

I know both of them (met Steven personally once) and am sure they both genuinely want a revolution in energy generation to happen soon (that's why they run their respective web-sites).

Neither Steven nor Sterling are scientists or have a technical background, but years in the field taught them "the language". Steven B. Krivit (from his own bio) is an investigative science journalist, editor, photographer, author, and international speaker with specific expertise in the topic of LENR research. No scientific or engineering academic background is given.

Mr. Allan's graduate studies at BYU and the University of Arizona were in Bioelectrochemisty; earlier he was "an activist in promoting principles of freedom and defending them against forces conspiring to establish world tyranny" and now he is a founder, as he describes it: "Sterling is the founder of a dozen-plus organizations whose functions range from preparedness and alternative energy development and promotion to defining, teaching and researching better ways to live as a society. He has proven experience in creating, managing and sustaining organizations, as well as in using websites as a way to teach, publish and disseminate information."

I have no information on who Mr. Hank Mills (Sterling's new PESN writer) is, but when you write: "To be blunt, there is no way the reactor could have been producing hundreds of kilowatts of output in self sustain mode, unless something truly spectacular was taking place inside of it.", you better be somebody who can afford to make such statements or you're exposing to ridicule not just yourself, but the organization you represent as well. Or maybe the words "something truly spectacular" could mean anything, eh?

What actually triggered me to write this comment were two paragraphs, one from each of these articles. Here is Steven's:

"...On Jan. 20, 2011, when I had an open mind and assumed the best of Rossi, he wrote to me, “You help me now; I will help you forever.” He offered to fly me over to Italy, and I told him that was wrong, I could not accept his offer. He then offered to drive four hours round-trip to pick me up at Milan airport, and I told him no, I’ll take the train down to Bologna. Eventually, I agreed to let him buy me a sandwich and pay for a taxi ride back to my hotel..."

and Sterling's:

"... In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Krivit ends up being shown to be mind controlled in the least (10% probability), and possibly even knowingly on the payroll of vested interests (2% probability), with a mission to discredit Rossi. But we can't make that kind of accusation without evidence, and I don't know of any yet... "

Sterling's further comment that, in his personal experience (through phone and email), Krivit "is an extremely difficult person to get along with. Cantankerous. Doesn't even try to be friendly.", is irrelevant with regard to his honesty. I would like to know if a similar offer ("help me now and I will help you forever" and paying for the trip expenses, etc.) was made to Sterling by Rossi (or his group) as well... I was one of the founding members of the New Energy Congress (NEC- founded and managed by Sterling) but later resigned partly because I wasn't comfortable with his attitude and ways of raising money for that organization... If yes, what was his answer?

I want to be clear, I am not supporting Steven's accusation of fraud from Rossi (he decided to bet on that card but, the chances of him loosing are still high - I refrain from putting a number on it - that's Sterling's speciallity, ha, ha ... how on Earth did he come up with "2%" as the chance of Steven being "on the payroll of vested interests" is beyond me? ;).

The problem with all exotic technologies is proper, credible, scientific validation of the proof of principle (the prototype device) by an independent organization that is beyond the reach of vested interests, and which has only that function (doesn't have any other interests in the validation process but establishing the truth beyond any reasonable doubt). Then, investors can comfortable decide what to do (some may want to get the breakthrough invention to the market, some to suppress it, if they still can) and the inventor(s) is/are also free to do whatever he/she/they want to do with it, once the proper testing process has concluded on its merits. This was/is my proposal for the Extreme Science Foundation (XSF) and the main reason I parted with Sterling and his NEC (search for XSF on ZPEnergy.com).

There are lots to be desired in the recent tests performed by Rossi, and this is the reason some/many people like Steven Krivit have been "forced" to take up such a skeptical attitude. In the many comments all over the internet, lots of people have criticized the testing protocol (the exaggerated secrecy) and the measurement data presented, and even offered solutions on how (the trick) could be done. I hope and want Rossi to be the revolutionary inventor he claims he is, but I'm afraid the tests are over and only the market place will vindicate him ... but nobody with such a revolutionary energy technology passed that test so far.

I am a believer that in the not so distant future humans will learn how to extract energy (directly or indirectly) from the sea-of-energy everything in this material universe "floats" in. But I still crack a smile when I read statements like the one in Mr. Allan's bio: "Sterling has made the term "free energy" more acceptable by relating it to solar, wind, geothermal, and other well-understood technologies; while also making the more exotic approaches not seem so crazy."

---------Links to the two articles:

Noble Aspirations Are Not Enough [blog.newenergytimes.com]

Rebuttal to Krivit's Accusation that Andrea Rossi is a Fraudster [pesn.com]

Sterling Allan: Arm-in-Arm with Andrea Rossi (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, November 09, 2011 @ 23:08:51 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
A number of new good posts by Steven B. Krivit on his New Energy Times blog [blog.newenergytimes.com]:

Sterling Allan: Arm-in-Arm with Andrea Rossi [blog.newenergytimes.com]
(as I mentioned in my earlier comment, I had no doubts that Sterling would stop at nothing in his effort to get into a business relationship with Rossi and make money out of this story ASAP - [Vlad])

Poor Journalism by Fox News on Rossi Story [blog.newenergytimes.com]
"...Brandon obtained a lot of his information from Sterling Allan. Brandon writes that Allan is the CEO of an “alternative energy news agency.” Allan is the “CEO” of a free energy Web site. Allan, a self-proclaimed “Ambassador of Jesus Christ: First and Second comings,” also believed a prophecy in the Bible Code that he should run for president of the United States. [www.greaterthings.com]..."

Poor Journalism by Physorg on Rossi Story [blog.newenergytimes.com]

Poor Journalism by Wired U.K. on Rossi Story [blog.newenergytimes.com]

Media Finally Paying Attention to Rossi (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, November 08, 2011 @ 21:37:53 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
The media is finally beginning to pay attention to Andrea Rossi and the e-cat. The Mail one of the largest and most important newspapers in the UK and the world published an article about Rossi [www.dailymail.co.uk] and his cold fusion device [rossifocardifusion.com] on Saturday November 4 one week after Rossi demonstrated and sold it in Bologna...

More: http://energycatalyzer3.com/news/media-finally-paying-attention-to-rossi [energycatalyzer3.com]

Andrea Rossi’s Ecat featured on Bloomberg TV!
Written by Ecatreport

Very interesting. This weekend Bloomberg TV aired a clip from Ecat.com [ecat.com]‘s video footage taken from the 6th of October event. The TV-show  energyNOW [www.energynow.com]! have a special feature each week they call “The Hot Zone” which brings up new energy developments around the world. Andrea Rossi’s Ecat was apparently interesting enough to air on US national TV during last week’s program “ Nuclear waste and the race for resources [energynow.com]” for almost one minute...

More: http://ecatreport.com/e-cat/andrea-rossis-ecat-featured-on-bloomberg-tv [ecatreport.com]

Many more videos on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=EhvD4KuAEmo#!


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