WGUGLINSKI writes: Suppose that Faraday should had not discovered the fundamental laws of the Electromagnetism. Well, in this case it would be impossible to develop a theory of electromagnetism by starting from the mathematical formalism.
For the development of a theory, first of all there is need to discover the fundamental laws, and after that to apply the mathematics so that to get the equations.
This is one of the problems of Quantum Mechanics. The quantum theorist have started its development from the mathematical treatment, and they inferred its fundamental laws from the interpretation of its mathematical formalism. That’s why some principles of QM are wrong, and must be replaced.
A new GravitoElectroMagnetic Theory cannot be developed from
the mathematics, as tried by Einstein and other theorists. In order to
develop a new GEMT there is need to discover the structure of the
aether, and the laws that rule the behavior of the particles that
compose its structure.
Faraday discovered the laws of
Electromagnetism by making experiments. For the discovery of the laws of
the Gravitoelectromagnetism, I followed the same procedure used by
Faraday, with a difference: I did not make experiments, because it’s
impossible to make experiments with the structure of the aether. Instead
of experiments, I used the LOGIC, by trying to discover the structure
of the aether taking in consideration my new nuclear model.
Ring Theory actually is not a theory. QRT is actually a SYSTEM
developed for a description of the microscopic world. It’s a system in
the same sense as Newton developed a system for the description of the
macroscopic world. Newton started from EXPERIMENTS and OBSERVATIONS. For
instance, from the observation of the planets moving about the Sun,
proposed by Galileo, Newton arrived to his theory of gravitation.
could not develop my system from the experiments, as Newton did. I had
to use the LOGIC, together with the discoveries made in the field of
Quantum Mechanics. So, in spite of I did not use direct experiments,
however I had at my dispose several experiments made along the 500 years
since from Galileo till Einstein’s Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.
So, the discoveries made in the field of Quantum Mechanics and
Relativity were fundamental for the development of my system.
I said, a new GravitoElectroMagnetic Theory must be developed by
starting from the discovery of the structure of the aether and the laws
that rule the particles that compose such structure.
Obviously the
theorists must have a point of departure, but it is also obvious that
they cannot get such point of departure from experiments, and they
cannot get it from the foundations of Quantum Mechanics.
What Quatum Ring Theory proposes is just the point of departure.
Quantum Ring Theory is not ready. It is only the begginning of a New
System. I have proposed its new foundations, new models, and some laws
that rule the working of the models.
So, QRT proposed the foundations
of a New GravitoElectroMagnetic Theory, and it must be developed, like
Maxwell and other theorists developed the foundations of
Electromagnetism discovered by Faraday.
Quantum Mechanics
was not developed by one person. Along decades several theorists (among
them some geniuses as Einstein and Planck (in the begginning), Bohr,
Heisenberg, Dirac, Schrodinger, de Broglie, Pauli, etc.,) contributed
for its development.
The same must be made with Quantum Ring Theory.
There are several experimental parameters to be obtained in laboratory,
there are equations to be found, and new principles to be discovered
beyond those ones already proposed by me.
Till now the
physicists fed a big hope to confirm the current theories in the Large
Hadron Collider. But the LHC is showing that prevailing theories are
wrong. There is not any chance for Supersymetry anymore. And the chance
to find the boson of Higgs seems to be exhausted.
Also, Rossi’s eCat is suggesting that there is need a New Physics, with new foundations.
after the physicists arrive to the definitive conclusion that LHC
proved to be wrong the current theories, they will be obliged to face
the inevitable: to look for New Foudations for Physics, by starting from
the ZERO.
And the question is: where will they find the new foundations for a theory to be developed from the Zero ?
I hope they will start to consider the proposals of Quantum Ring Theory, soon or later.
know that probably the most theorists will try to get the new
foundations by keeping their old failed method of discovery. But as said
Einstein, there is no sense to try to eliminate the crisis by keeping
the same method which has created the crisis.
Quantum Ring Theory proposes a new method. Perhaps it can eliminate the crisis of the Theoretical Physics.