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Voices of the Breakthrough Energy Movement: Moray B King
Posted on Sunday, October 21, 2012 @ 22:25:38 UTC by vlad
One of the many voices that
will be heard in Hilversum, Holland, November 9-11, during the
Breakthrough Energy Conference.
Moray B. King is an internationally known physicist, author and speaker
with specialities in Zero-Point Energy, Tesla Technology and Quantum
Physics. He's the author of 'Tapping the Zero-Point Energy', 'Quest for
Zero-Point Energy' and 'The Energy Machine Of T. Henry Moray'. (All
published by Adventures Unlimited Press).
Conference 9-11 November 2012, Holland , BOOK YOUR TICKETS HERE http://globalbem.com/conference/tickets/
Global Breakthrough Energy Movement (GlobalBEM) is a non-profit
volunteer-powered organization dedicated to educating & activating
the public about breakthrough energy technologies which are clean,
sustainable and world changing.
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Re: Voices of the Breakthrough Energy Movement: Moray B King (Score: 1) by vlad on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 @ 21:41:31 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From GlobalBEM: Breakthrough energy conference 9-11 November , Hilversum Holland
Esteemed member of our Earth community,
We are the Breakthrough Energy Movement (BEM). BEM is a non-profit volunteer based organization dedicated to breakthrough energy technologies which are clean, sustainable and world changing.
What is in place now?
- A Vast Community of independent investigators who are ready to deploy BE knowhow - An International Team of conscious problem solvers in science, policy, finance, and management - A 3 Day Conference to detail existing options that pave the way for action
The BEM Conference is this November 9-11 in Hilversum, Holland.
We will explore the technology, implications, and future directions in a format accessible to anyone who is ready for change.
How can you impact BEM immediately?
- Become Aware of what is going on by reviewing our site www.globalbem.com - Lovingly Spread it through your network - Personal Sponsorship by attending our conference or donating a ticket back to BEM http://globalbem.com/conference/tickets/
The door is now open for you to become part of the Breakthrough Energy Movement.
Your BEM voice will make a difference because we believe it is us, the people, that will make it happen.
With gratitude,
The GlobalBEM team
http://globalbem.com https://www.facebook.com/GlobalBEM http://twitter.com/#!/GlobalBEM http://youtube.com/user/GlobalBEM
One Million Cavitating Water Electrolyzers (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, August 08, 2015 @ 18:57:21 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Moray B King at the Breakthrough energy Movement conference, 2012 Holland
Title: One Million Cavitating Water Electrolyzers
Run time : 1.26.50 Speaker : Moray B King
The popular single duct water electrolyzers emit a combustible gas that most researchers believe to be hydrogen (a.k.a. Brown's gas, HHO, hydroxy, oxyhydrogen). However, cavitating the water in the electrolyzer produces an even more powerful gas. (read more further below...)
The gas is comprised of charged water clusters formed from reentrant jets emitted from torus shaped, collapsing cavitation bubbles. Mark LeClair discovered that the extreme pressure within the reentrant jet squeezes water into a nanometer wide, solid state, macro-ionic water crystal. The tip of the crystal exhibits a plasma bow shock wave with an extraordinary energy density that appears to be self-organized from the zero-point energy (ZPE), much like the charge cluster plasmoids discovered by Ken Shoulders. Shoulders named them exotic vacuum objects (EVO) when he became convinced their excess energy was sourced from the ZPE. The energy becomes stably trapped in the water crystal when it closes into a sub-micron ring. Here the energy appears to be stored in the ring's d-orbital electrons like Rydberg matter, a cold plasma form. When ignited, the ring reverts to a plasmoid like Shoulders' EVO, which manifests the energetic anomalies of the Brown's gas welding torch: a cool flame, which can vaporize tungsten. Cavitating water in the electrolyzer converts it from an ordinary HHO device into a zero-point energy machine.
Bio Moray B. King is an internationally known physicist, author and speaker with specialities in Zero-Point Energy, Tesla Technology and Quantum Physics. He's the author of 'Tapping the Zero-Point Energy', 'Quest for Zero-Point Energy' and 'The Energy Machine Of T. Henry Moray'. (All published by Adventures Unlimited Press)
Watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa2sjMN8sMc