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NRL Will Host Colloquium on "Cold Fusion"
Posted on Wednesday, April 03, 2013 @ 23:42:57 UTC by vlad

Science New Energy Times - News Headlines: The Plasma Physics Division of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., will host a colloquium on "cold fusion" on April 10, according to an e-mail and announcement distributed by Beverly Barnhart, an analyst with the Defense Intelligence Agency, and obtained by New Energy Times. The e-mail was written by Barnhart, and the announcement was written by Mary Austin at NRL.

Robert Duncan, vice chancellor for research and professor of physics at the University of Missouri, is the featured speaker. In 2009, Duncan endorsed “cold fusion” on CBS’s “60 Minutes” program “Cold Fusion Is Hot Again.” He is the chairman of the 18th International Conference on Cold Fusion, to be held at the University of Missouri this summer.


Larsen Explains LENR Radiation-Free Nuclear Energy

April 2, 2013

The possibility of a new source of radiation-free nuclear energy has just become stronger.

Lewis G. Larsen, the co-developer of the Widom-Larsen theory of LENRs, released a new slide presentation on March 22 that answers significant questions about why deadly gamma radiation is not emitted in low-energy nuclear reactions. New Energy Times spoke with Larsen about the examples of experimental evidence for the gamma suppression he shows in his slides.




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Government "Intelligence" Analyst, Upset over Leak to Media, Contacts Medi (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, April 04, 2013 @ 21:11:23 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Intelligence Analyst Gripes to New Energy Times About Publishing Leak
April 4, 2013 – By Steven B. Krivit –

This morning, Beverly Barnhart, an analyst with the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, contacted New Energy Times with demands to remove portions of a news article in which she was quoted. Barnhart threatened to use the government’s public relations and legal departments against New Energy Times...

More [news.newenergytimes.net]

Re: NRL Will Host Colloquium on "Cold Fusion" (Score: 1)
by profraccoon on Sunday, April 07, 2013 @ 02:07:23 UTC
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I studied the Larsen presentation on LENR, very interesting. An unknown factor is the spin energy of electrons.  The heavy electrons in this theory might also be the lower-than-ground-state electrons of Mills' hydrinos.  The electron spin energy is converted into linear kinetic energy of the 'heavy' electrons (with speeds close to light-speed, therefore heavy) in the low-orbit (hydrino orbits with n=1/2, 1/3  etc..) around the proton.

According to Larsen it takes electromagnetic energy to create 'heavy electrons', but according to Mills  it takes the temporary energy from a catalyst to trigger spin-energy conversion into kinetic energy of the electron (when it transits to a lower orbit).  Ultimately, the electron disappears into the nucleus, converting the proton into the neutron.  Very clever is the place of the (electron)-neutrino and its anti(electron)-neutrino in all the reactions as presented by Larsen.

Re: NRL Will Host Colloquium on "Cold Fusion" (Score: 1)
by profraccoon on Monday, April 08, 2013 @ 08:23:48 UTC
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Larsen has an explanation for the invisible gamma radiation (which should be visible according to LENR critics).
(Btw, the stimulated fusion of the heavy electron and proton, is also 'imposible' according to standard science).

According to Randy Mills' theory, an electron can have many stable states (137 in total) in proton orbit, lower than the QM "ground" state.
The transition to lower orbits, as intermediate electron states before it is absorbed by the proton, might also explain the absence of gamma radiation.
Instead, UV radiation is generated (according to the Mills theory of hydrino formation), which can be absorbed and re-emitted as heat radiation more easily than gamma radiation.

The electron in lower-than-ground-state becomes heavy since it's speed aproaches the speed of light.   So it correct that Larsen mentions 'heavy electrons'.

I am impressed by how Larsen solved the neutrino puzzle.
But if Mills can demonstrate a commcerial CIHT cell to the world, nothing could impress me more.


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