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Zero point energy based LeClair Effect
Posted on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 @ 22:18:21 UTC by vlad

Devices From Keelynet.com: LeClair Effect Nuclear Reactions

Mark LeClair will be a speaker at the October 10-12 Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference in Boulder, Colorado. - JWD

In March, 2007 Mark LeClair built and tested the first cavitation reactor powered by the LeClair Effect, based on our patented technology. More research was done from 2007 to 2009 with a variety of other reactor designs that led to a series of key experiments performed from July – August, 2009 under a grant, titled: Utilization of Crystallized Cavitation Reentrant Jets for Zero Point Energy Production.

The goal was to produce a next stage hot water heater reactor based on the LeClair Effect and was awarded by a potential investor focused on promoting cold fusion. Mark LeClair and Serge Lebid discovered that the scaled-up LeClair Effect reactor was triggering intense fusion, fission and large scale elemental transmutation using ordinary water.

The 1.25” ID by 12” long reactor produced 2.9 kW of hot water using only 840 watts of input, a coefficient of performance (COP) of 3.4 times more energy out than in. The water temperature was raised an average of 18 degrees C (32 degrees F) average passing through the reactor with 28 degree C (50 degrees F) temperature spikes observed.

A total of twelve experiments were performed, with 100% repeatability of the high levels seen in excess heat and transmutation in the various configurations.

The large scale transmutation of elements was verified by three separate independent scanning electron microscope elemental analysis (SEM-EDAX) of the transmuted material...

The transmuted elements were produced as chips up to one millimeter in size, in gram amounts and clouded the clear polystyrene dishes they were placed in with rings of nuclear tracks from the radioactive decay of short-lived isotopes. The composition of the transmuted material followed the same patterns as supernova nucleosynthesis, mostly carbon and oxygen (like white dwarves) with decreasing amounts of the heavier elements.

The elemental distribution followed the saw-tooth shaped astronomer’s odd-even rule, with even numbered elements occurring in significantly greater amounts than the odd elements because of the dominance of alpha particle fusion. The isotope ratios matched those seen in both stellar and supernova nucleosynthesis. Many radioactive extinct and non-naturally occurring elements were detected, including isotopes of the transuranic elements. Most importantly, all the rare earths, precious metals and many other key elements were produced in high concentrations, greater than typically seen in most naturally occurring ores.

The production of transuranic and other transmuted elements observed in the trenches by the LeClair Effect imply that relativistic speeds in excess of half the speed of light were achieved during crystal bow shock nucleosynthesis. Half the speed of light is the highest speed of the expanding shock wave of a supernova, the only known way in nature to nucleosynthesize the heaviest elements up to fermium.

High crystal velocity also generates positive acceleration feedback by bow shock compression. The closer the bow shock to the crystal leading face, the stronger the attraction from the Casimir Force and the faster the crystal goes. The faster the crystal goes, the more the bow shock compresses, raising attraction even further. Acceleration is evidenced by increasing width trenches.

Mark LeClair of NanoSpire has solved the one hundred year old problem of accurately predicting cavitation erosion for all materials, as a function of cavitation and material properties. Researchers including Lord Kelvin, Lord Rayleigh and many scientists since their day have been unable to solve this seemingly intractable problem. Previous attempts at deriving an accurate general equation have been off by a factor of up to 300X compared to data.

The harnessing of the LeClair Effect zero point energy phenomena was a tremendous success and triggered intense fusion and fission as a byproduct. Further data collection including isotopic ratio analysis of the transmuted particles will provide additional data that will meet the high standard of scientific proof required to substantiate the historic discovery of triggering fusion in ordinary water.

The underlying zero point energy mechanism of the LeClair Effect challenges the legitimacy of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, extracting energy from a quantum reservoir in amounts large enough to trigger fusion. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal, inherent in the powering of the LeClair Effect, further challenges Newton’s laws of motion for reaction and other opposing forces.

The discovery of the zero point energy based LeClair Effect triggering fusion, fission and large scale elemental transmutation by Mark LeClair and Serge Lebid was historic and could solve both the energy and natural resource crisises.

The LeClair Effect explains excess heat and transmutation observed in electrolytic cells (Pons, Fleischmann & others) and by hydrodynamic means such as the Griggs pump or sonofusion (ultrasound), cavitation is present in all of them.

The current technology could easily provide large scale production of hot water for residential, commercial and industrial hot water at a capital and operating cost far lower than fossil fuel, nuclear and other LENR-based technologies.

For much more details on this work, see Mark LeCLAIR - Nanojet Cavitation.

Source: http://www.keelynet.com/news/081313g.html



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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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