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IRI - Future Energy eNews - September 2013
Posted on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 @ 20:50:43 UTC by vlad

General Thomas Valone writes: Greetings!    

We are happy to promote the Breakthrough Energy Movement (www.globalBEM.com ) for their efforts in gathering some of the best and brightest minds in breakthrough energy for the upcoming conference to be held October 10-12, 2013 at the University of Boulder, CO. I'll also be there presenting on the latest outlook for Future Energy, just as Gravitoelectromagnetic Theories and Their Applications has been released by Nova Publishers (I contributed two articles on Electrogravitics which tell a lot about T. Townsend Brown and the science of electrogravitics). It's a hardcover text with a 10% discount for ordering online.

Integrity Research Institute has also initiated a new project in the Future Energy program arena to help support the President's "Power Africa Initiative" (see Story #6) which is envisioned to coordinate with a distribution organization for IRI-designed, Solar-Rechargable LED Lighting. We invite you to donate to help IRI in this worthy endeavor with a tax-deductible donation. Also, please visit www.ONE.org to sign a petition to help end "energy poverty".

Our first story and fourth story both relate to electric cars. Story #1 describes an inexpensive "water-based" battery which promises to triple the electric vehicle range at a fraction of the cost which has some big names backing the research. Story #4 relates to the new type of fuel cell which has a solid oxide developed at the University of Maryland, just down the street from IRI. It promises a two-year payback and a high energy density of 2 W/cm. As FE eNews reports on more and more of these battery improvements, it is no wonder that the future looks bright for electric vehicles.

The Story #2 from Stanford University provides another bioelectromagnetics study which proves that "inducing electric currents at sites of injury could improve wound healing therapies". Of course, this bioenergetics principle of providing electronic antioxidants at a site of free radical damage is explained in my book, Bioelectromagnetic Healing, for those unacquainted with this powerful discovery. It is also one of the two main reasons for all of our Bioelectric Products, including Colloidal Silver, the new EM Pulser, the Premier Jr and our patent-pending Antioxidant Electric Clothes. The second reason is to restore the electric potential and conductivity across the wound site, while literally electrocuting viruses and bacteria, which is what the best Colloidal Silver by Silver Biotics with 98.6% bioavailability will do, as well as for example, the silver-impregnated bandages by www.silverlon.com . In a related article, Story #5 describes using electric medicine with implants for stimulating nerves to regulate rheumatoid arthritis with electric impulses for infrequent stimulation instead of drugs.

Last but not least, Story #3 is one of my favorite topics, one which is a dominant theme at every  www.PowerMEMs.org conference each year:energy harvesting. Starting with low power applications, it is expected that energy harvesting ("free energy") will grow at least 51% per year. Eventually, we predict that arrays of small energy harvesting circuits will allow the power generation to grow as well, such as my Proposed Zero Bias Diode Array or Prof. Dagenais' infrared nanoantenna (rectenna) arrays. Check out the Yole Developpement report and their projected graph of the "energy harvesting module market" through 2017. It's pretty exciting that free energy will become mainstream very soon, by popular demand.



Thomas Valone, PhD, PE.



Source: IRI - Future Energy eNews - September 2013



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