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Why I'm Destined to Become the Richest Man in the World -- for Good
Posted on Sunday, November 17, 2013 @ 23:23:06 UTC by vlad
 Sterling David Allan (pesn.com) writes: " Yes, I'm involved in what is sure to be the next huge thing: exotic free energy roll-out worldwide, but that's only part of the reason why I believe I'll become the richest man in the world. And it's not about ego, but about lifting others to also be successful in filling their God-ordained missions in life.
I know; that's quite the precocious story title, and it's sure to evoke quite a
few snickers and snarls, especially since in the 11½ years that I've been running this
exotic free energy news and networking service, I've had the "donations" hat out quite often.
Even now, we still need the augmentation of donations to get by.
So what makes me say that I'm destined to be the richest man in the world, and
to say it with conviction? Why would I make such a statement at this time? Of
course, some of you think that obvious answer to that is that I'm completely out
of touch with reality..."
The rest of this mind boggling article: http://pesn.com/2013/11/14/9602386_Why-Im-Destined-to-Become-the-Richest-Man-in-the-World--for-Good/ ----------------
[Vlad] - I have to admit that, I could not read the entire article. Not just because I don't believe in numerology, Bible prophecies, etc., but mostly because it became clear to me this is the kind of tragic situation I suspected years ago (when he first attempted to run for the Presidency of the United States based on similar numerology and Bible prophecy arguments), that it will catch up with Sterling, sooner or later .
Sterling is a hard working, smart & talented writer, and a good guy at the core but, his huge ego and greed (constant obsession with control & money) could not coexist with his religious beliefs and genuine desire to be a hero, a new-energy Messiah and save the world from itself. His personality was torn apart and I believe there is a psychiatric term for that. I wish some good mental health professionals take the time and read his magnum opus, and are able to help him quickly.
Sterling, did you read the comments? Max summarized them very well: "Ah, the latest installment in Sterling's slow march toward madness." For God's sake man, take this down quickly, and realize there are many people you will hurt and disappoint; modesty is the medicine you need to take a lot and, trust me, it is sweet not bitter! Best of luck to you and your family. ^V^
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"Why I'm Destined to Become the Richest Man in the World -- for Good" | Login/Create an Account | 5 comments | Search Discussion |
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Sterling D. Allan – Where He is Leading You (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, November 09, 2014 @ 23:04:26 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Via KeelyNet.com: Thoughts
on Sterling’s claim of leadership of the free energy movement. You will
find this article a little easier to understand if you read all of our
articles about Sterling. We will present to you some thoughts about
Sterling Allan’s claim to be the leader of the free energy movement,
including some thoughts on what he actually believes and where he is
leading you if you are one of his gullible followers...
Full article: http://www.keelynet.com/news/110914s.html [www.keelynet.com]
Also found on KeelyNet.com this article: Free Energy Scams - new website [www.keelynet.com]
is always about the money. To help stop free energy scams we recommend
everyone stop giving money to; a) anyone who will not give proof that
what they have is true and working as claimed; b) people and
organizations who promote people claiming to have a working free energy
device but will not authenticate the claims of the “inventor” with a
true independent 3rd party. The statement does NOT suggest we are
proposing to anyone, that they should stop putting money into their
favorite R and D project.
this new ground breaking, never told before story, detailing how Andrea
Rossi and partners scammed the USA government and the USA taxpayers out
of millions of dollars. Never producing even one working device as
claimed and never having any device independently tested by a third
Link: http://freeenergyscams.com/ [freeenergyscams.com]
Sterling D. Allan a self-confessed pedofile and self-proclaimed Heavenly Father (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, January 04, 2015 @ 00:19:11 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | It is all here: http://pesn.com//2015/01/03/9602589_Sterling-Confession/ [pesn.com] and here: Sterling D. Allan waiting to be Arrested for Sexual Abuse with a Child [freeenergyscams.com]
It is tragic; even though his sex addiction (pedophilia) is a surprise (I've never met the guy personally, though), the signs of his deranged mind/personality were not hard to spot for any reasonable person that took the time to know & interact with him. His religious zealotry and obsession with money and fame, as well as the unrestrained (non-critical) support for anything "free-energy", made me keep my distance from the beginning (when he started his Greaterthings.com site and asked me to join ZPEnergy with him). Anyway, I feel for the guy (see my comments to the original post) but I can't help seeing all those close minded and vested interests individuals out there taking advantage of this, to denigrate once again our genuine efforts to bring real breakthrough "free-energy" research into the public awareness. He needs psychiatric help, and hopefully he accepts it. Wish him an appropriate "revelation", but mostly good luck. Vlad
Sterling D. Allan arrested 2-22-2016 (Score: 1) by vlad on Thursday, February 25, 2016 @ 21:18:09 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From Free Energy Scams website: Sterling D. Allan – a Partner with Andrea Rossi and his E-cat Fraud was ARRESTED 2-22-2016
UPDATE UPDATE Bail set for Sterling D. Allan in the amount of $250,000 cash only.
The man who uses numbers to try and prove his insane theories about God and life in the universe will have to see the karma in this number 2-22-2016, because that is the number of the day he was arrested for two counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a child, a first-degree felony; four counts of sodomy on a child, a first-degree felony; and 41 misdemeanor counts of lewdness involving a child. Please consider Sterling D. Allan has only been arrested he has not been found guilty. BUT by his own admission he has committed these crimes and confessed to the FBI and police.
Put that number in your alphabetics pipe and smoke it, then tell us what you see Allan.
Source: http://freeenergyscams.com/sterling-d-allan-a-partner-with-andrea-rossi-and-his-e-cat-fraud-was-arrested-2-22-2016/ [freeenergyscams.com]
Sterling (PESN) sentenced for sexually abusing two infants (Score: 1) by vlad on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 @ 23:10:25 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Via KeelyNet.com [www.keelynet.com]: A Fountain Green man received the maximum sentence Friday for sexually abusing two infant girls between 2003 and 2009 while living in Eagle Mountain. Sterling Allan was sentenced by Judge Darold McDade to 15 years to life in the Utah State Prison for two first-degree felony charges of attempted sodomy on a child.
The sentence for each charge will run consecutively to each other, but because of the sentencing guidelines, prosecuting attorney Craig Johnson said Allan will likely have his first parole hearing in 22 years. “Certainly 22 years minimum fits the punitive needs of our community,” Johnson said. Allan, 52, was also fined $20,000.
Allan was found through a joint operation between the FBI and the Utah County Sheriff’s Office. A court affidavit states the FBI became aware of Allan in December 2015 when they found his YouTube channel.
In several videos he admits to being a pedophile who has committed several sex offenses against children, reports state. The victims were interviewed in January 2016 and told police that because of their age they don’t remember the abuse, reports state.
Original Article: Fountain Green man sentenced to possible life in prison for sexually abusing two infants/ Kurt Hanson Daily Herald [www.heraldextra.com]