WGUGLINSKI writes: According to the current nuclear models, the even-even nuclei must have two sort of shapes:
A- Spherical shape – when the quantity of prótons Z is the same of the quantity of neutrons N, Z=N.
B- Elispoidal shape – when Z very smaller than N .
But experiments have shown that some even-even nuclei with Z<< N are pear shaped.
Then, how to justify it? After all, they would have to have an ellipsoidal shape.
In 2013 the Professor Peter Butler of the University of Liverpool had
proposed that nucleons (prótons and neutrons) are distributed within
the nuclei around a z-axis. So, in order to justify why some
even-even with Z<
Look the z-axis proposed by Professor Butler for the 88Ra224 in the link:
In order to explain the pear shape of Ra224, some theorists are now even supposing the existence of a 5th force in nature,
which actuation is different for protons and neutrons, and by this way
they expect to explain why protons and neutrons have different
distribution in even-even nuclei.
On the existence of the z-axis by considering physical causes (missing in the current nuclear models):
In the paper No. 10 of the book Quantum Ring Theory ( entitled CRITIQUE TO THE MODELS OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS ) it is shown that the existence of the z-axis within the nuclei is suggested by four different nuclear properties of the nuclei.
They are:
1st nuclear property – Null nuclear spin for even-even nuclei with Z=N.
2nd nuclear property – Null magnetic moment for even-even nuclei with Z=N
3rd nuclear property – Emission of alpha particles by uranium nucleus U238 with null angular moment
4th nuclear property – Incompatibility between current Nuclear Theory and the electric quadrupole moment of some nuclei
In the paper No. 13, entitled BETA-DECAY, it is shown that the existence of the z-axis is also suggested by a fifth nuclear property:
5th nuclear property – the preferential emission of the electron in the Wu’s experiment: the beta-decay of 27Co60 (WRONGLY interpreted by the nuclear theorists as a violation of the parity in the beta-decay).
Therefore, according to Quantum Ring Theory, there are five different nuclear phenomena suggesting the existence of the z-axis within the nuclei.
And now in the beggining of 2013 the experiment published in the
journal Nature points out the need to consider a 6th nuclear property
suggesting the existence of the z-axis:
6th nuclear property – the pear shaped nucleus Ra224.
As we see, the Heisenberg’s phantasmagoric scientific method had introduced many serious inconsistences in the Nuclear Physics,
as the conclusion that the Nature has preference by the left direction
(the direction of the electron in the Wu’s experiment), the violation
of the parity in the beta-decay, and the time reversion (a wrong
interpretation by Christenson in 1964, when he and collaborators
analysed the decay of the mesons K).
In the paper entitled A New Model of the Neutron published in
Quantum Ring Theory it is shown that a model of nêutron formed by
próton+electron does not violate the conservation of parity, as the
nuclear physicists believed along the whole 20th Century, because when
the electron loses its helical trajectory (due to its partnership with
the próton within the structure of the nêutron) the electron loses its
spin 1/2. Such mechanism of the spin lost within the nêutron is also
responsible for a wrong interpretation by the nuclear theorists, because
they believed that the parity is violated in in the beta-decay.
In the page 92 of the book Quantum Ring Theory it is written:
As we realize, because the physicists did not discover that the
addition of spins is (seemingly) violated they transferred the problem
for the parity. Instead of: “the addition of spins is violated in the beta-decay”, they say: “the parity is not kept in the beta-decay”.
The five nuclear phenomena which suggest the existence of the z-axis are described between the pages 125 and 133 of the paper Critique to the Models of Nuclear Physics, and between the pages 158 and 161 of the paper Beta-Decay, and they are exhibited ahead:
Page 125:
Page 126:
Page 127:
Page 129:
Page 130:
Page 131:
Page 132:
Page 133:
Page 160:
Page 161: