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Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 @ 20:27:54 UTC by vlad

General Dr Peter Gluck writes (Ego Out blog): My dear Readers,

Very best wishes to you all for the year that has started today; 2014 will be more than interesting for New Energy. You will see and the history of Technology will mark the very start of a new energy era. There are only 82 days left till the Start.

2013 was a year of ordeal for me because I was focused on and captivated by LENR and what was sad to me, one of the most faithful cold fusionists, has lead to a kind of exercises in masochism. I have shared with you my discoveries which have almost forced me to depression. However, my ideas had very limited success, at least as measured by the written reaction to them. Recently I have asked more CF journals and sites, if they will publish a heretical paper as my one saying that everything I knew about CF was not true. I got no answers at all.

My biographers will show that I was very tolerant toward differing or even opposite opinions (if not concerning ethical issues) However, I still think that these standard quotations can be applied here.

It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem. (Gilbert K. Chesterton)
You have to acknowledge a problem exists before you can actually go about finding a solution.  (Demi Moore)

Despite the mass destruction of many ideas, memes and sacred cows of cold fusion, I did not became sad because I had many unique opportunities to see how bright is the Light at the end of the tunnel. As usual and human, due to the huge contrast between the status of the problem and the greatness of the solution, the majority of the people still are on the side of the problem and will need heroic efforts to accept the solution. I hope to witness this mass conversion in 2014.

More: http://egooutpeters.blogspot.ro/2014/01/happy-new-year-2014-year-of-solutions.html

(Read the comments as well)



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"HAPPY NEW YEAR; 2014- YEAR OF THE SOLUTION(S)" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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by vlad on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 @ 20:40:44 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Axil writes in a comment: Peter …and the others,

In this first day of a most promising new year, it is time to both look back and to look forward.

As a noted and prominent journalist of cold fusion, the time to set the LENR record straight is now.

It is now only a matter of days and with the dawning of the new age so close at hand, it’s time for the privileged insiders; the people in the know to awaken and begin the authoring of the: “inside LENR” type books about the true goings on in cold fusion. Future historians need accurate and well informed material to document one of the most momentous events in the history of humankind. The witness of first hand observers is absolutely required to detail the mistakes, the trials, the tribulations and the eventual triumphs of the key workers in the field of LENR from those journalist privileged to observe the shadowy processes before all the rest.

But most important, we need to understand the reasons why things happened in the way that they did. We need to understand how both the evil of human weakness and the better angels of our Nature drove the events behind the fits and starts in LENR development.

Time is marching forward in relentless disregard for continuing triviality. In this first day for new beginnings, let us resolve to begin the first steps in setting down for posterity to the latest generation the true and honest formation of this next and most momentous chapter in history of mankind.


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