WGUGLINSKI writes: The new experiment published by the journal Nature in the end of 2014
represents the definitive breakdown of Quantum Mechanics, as explained
1) How photons are emitted by atoms according to Quantum Mechanics
According to the Quantum Mechanics, into the electrosphere of the
atoms the electrons do not travel the space between two levels n and
n+1. According to the theory, the electron disappears in the level n,
and it appears instantaneously in the level n+1, without traveling along
the space which separate the two levels.
The reason why the electron does not travel the space between the two
levels in the atom is easy to be understood, and it is consequence of
the assumptions adopted in the development of the Quantum Mechanics, as
seeing ahead :
a) The space within the electrosphere of atoms is considered Euclidian
b) There is Coulomb attraction between the proton and the electron
c) Therefore, if the space between two levels had been travelled by the
electron, it would have to be accelerated, because it is submitted to
the force of attraction
d) By having acceleration, the electron would have to emit energy when
moving in that space between the levels, according to the Maxwell’s law
(continuous emission).
e) However, the experiments show that the atom does not emit energy
continuously, but actually it emits discrete packages of energy
(photons) only when the electron arrives to the points of emission in
the levels n=1, 2, 3.. , etc.
f) Therefore, according to Quantum Mechanics, the electron cannot travel
along the space between the levels, and that’s why according to the
theory the electron disappears in one level, and it appears
instantaneously in another level.
2) How photons are emitted by atoms according to Quantum Ring Theory
Unlike happens in Quantum Mechanics, according to the model of atom
proposed in Quantum Ring Theory the electron travels the space between
the levels within the electrosphere. In order to simplify the
explanation, we will explain what happens in the hydrogen atom. The
mechanism of the phenomenon according to QRT is the following:
a) The space within the electrosphere of atoms is non-Euclidian
(there is a gradient of density which grows toward the direction of the
b) The electron moves with helical trajectory in the electrosphere of the atom
c) The electron moves with CONSTANT speed between two energy levels, and
this is the reason why it does not irradiate energy when it moves along
the space between two levels
d) Because the space is non-Euclidian, when the electron is moving
toward the direction of the proton, there is a growth in the inertia of
the electron (it is a growth in the resistance of the electron against
its acceleration toward the proton, because while the force of
attraction grows inversely proportional to the decrease of the distance
proton-electron, at the same time grows its resistance opposing the
growth of the attraction force). The same happens when the electron is
moving leaving away the proton.
e) Such constant speed of the electron in the electrosphere of the atoms
can occur only in the atom model of Quantum Ring Theory, because the
electrosphere is filled with aether (the reason why the space is
3) The Hans Dehmelt experiment
In 1989 Hans Dehmelt published a paper describing a new technology,
which detected the trajectory of the electrons within the electrosphere
of the atoms. His experiment proved to be wrong the assumption adopted
in Quantum Mechanics, because he detected that the electron travels the
space between two levels of energy in the atom.
Obviously that discovery had represented in 1989 the definitive
breakdown of the Quantum Mechanics, because as the electrons travel the
space between levels in the atom (as detected in the Dehmelt
experiments), then according to Quantum Mechanics the atoms have be
emitting energy continuously, and therefore the theory is denied by the
experiments made concerning the atom emission.
In order to save Quantum Mechanics face to the definitive breakdown,
the community of physicists adopted the strategy of claiming that in the
Dehmelt experiment the atom is “dressed”. So, according that
new ad hoc hypothesis, the electron actually does not travel the space
between levels, however due to the new technology used by Dehmelt the
measurements show an “apparent” trajectory of the electron, because
thanks to that new technology the atom becomes “dressed”.
So, by this way the community of physicist succeeded to avoid the definitive collapse of the Quantum Mechanics along 25 years.
4) The experiment published by Nature in 2014
But finally now, in the end of July 2014, the journal Nature
published a paper proving that Quantum Mechanics is indeed wrong,
because the hypothesis of “dressed atom” is actually a bunch of baloney.
The experiment published by the journal Nature detected trajectories in a way different of that predicted in Quantum Mechanics:
Mapping the optimal route between two quantum states
The experiment shows that the Interpretation of Copenhagen was wrong, as predicted in the book Quantum Ring Theory.
Irfan Siddiqi, UC Berkeley associate professor of physics,
says about the wrong entanglement of states considered in Quantum
“To Bohr and others, the process was instantaneous – when you
opened the box, the entangled system collapsed into a definite,
classical state. This postulate stirred debate in quantum mechanics, But
real-time tracking of a quantum system shows that it’s a continuous
process, and that we can constantly extract information from the system
as it goes from quantum to classical. This level of detail was never
considered accessible by the original founders of quantum theory.”
5) The experiment made by Aephraim Steinberg
The experiment published now in 2014 by Nature was performed thanks
to a new technology, already used by Aephraim Steinberg, who published
in 2012 a paper proving that Bohr’s Principle of Complementarity is also
a bunch of baloney.
The meaning of Steinberg experiment is explained in the ZPEnergy:
Steinberg, from the Toronto University-Canada, made the double-slit
experiment with photons, and the results show that Quantum Mechanics is
wrong, while Quantum Ring Theory is correct, because:
1- According to Quantum Mechanics, a quantum particle can behave
either as a particle or as a wave, but it cannot behave as wave and as a
particle at the same time.
2- Unlike, as Quantum Ring Theory considers that the wave-particle
duality is consequence of the helical trajectory, then the particle can
have interference with its own helical trajectory when it crosses a
So, according to QRT, the quantum particle can behave as a wave and as a particle as the same time.
In the Steinberg experiment, a photon crossed a unique slit, and it
had inferference with itself (a wave feature), while from Quantum
Mechanics we would have to expect a particle feature only, since the
photon crossed only one slit.
1- This new technology is proving definitively that Quantum Mechanics
was developed from wrong foundations, and it must be replaced by a new
theory with new fundamental principles missing in Quantum Mechanics.
2- A new model of atom capable to explain how the electron can travel
the space between levels in the atom must be developed from the new
principles considered in the atom model proposed in Quantum Ring Theory.
For an object to go from a state of zero velocity to nonzero velocity means that there is a change in velocity with time. This is the definition of acceleration. And acceleration is due to a nonzero resultant force acting on that object. Therefore, an electron going from one energy level (zero radial velocity) to another energy level (zero radial velocity) requires a positive and negative acceleration respectively. This requires a nonzero positive and negative resultant force acting on the electron respectively. In QRT, since a smooth gradient of aether is responsible for nullifying the smooth field of the electrostatic force of the nucleus (allowing only constant velocity between energy levels in the electrosphere), how is this smoothness destroyed at the various energy levels in order to allow nonzero resultant forces to occur there?
All the best,