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Is Rossi using David Hudson patented ORMES procedure for his powder?
Posted on Sunday, January 04, 2015 @ 00:33:40 UTC by vlad
kadamose writes: Rossi is a fraud and I can prove it. First, let me be clear: Rossi's e-cat technology is not in question - it is very real. Unfortunately, however, Rossi is still the same fraud that he was twenty years ago. He is just a fraud who has been paying attention, while everyone else looked the other way or was asleep. I, however, am not falling for it and can see through his clever ruse. Before I delve further into this, one needs to ask why Rossi will not let the white nickel powder, which is the heart of the e-cat, be analyzed by scientists and the public at large? Is he afraid that someone will copy and replicate it, or is there another far more sinister reason? It turns out there is a reason that he does not want it analyzed - at any cost - and it is the sole reason why he is being so secretive about it.
Thirty years ago, a farmer by the name of David Hudson,
discovered something amazing while doing soil analysis on his farm. But
this isn't something I should explain in my own words because I wasn't
there; instead, one should read his own very detailed account on what
happened. It's one of the most detailed accounts I have ever read, and
was a very enjoyable read, as well. Everyone can read David Hudson's
story here: http://www.asc-alchemy.com/hudson.html
I will assume you have read David Hudson's lectures, at this point. If you haven't read it, do so.
onto the accusation. The reason why Rossi does not want the white
nickel powder to be examined is because if it were analyzed with
thermo-gravimetric analysis, it would reveal that after the sample had
been annealed, it would weigh 56% of its original weight. It would also
reveal that the powder is a super-conductor. This means that Rossi
duplicated Hudson's work, either by following his very detailed
lectures, or he obtained this insight from one of the many researchers
Hudson hired to spectro-analyze this material thirty years ago. Either
way, Rossi has been dishonest the entire time, and now you all know
why: he stole David Hudson's research and is calling it his own. Once a
fraud, always a fraud (Rossi and Einstein would have got along, I
If my accusation is false, then please allow us to
analyze the white nickel powder with thermo-gravimetric analysis. If it
does not have the properties listed above, I will issue a formal
apology. But, at this point, I very much doubt that apology will be
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"Is Rossi using David Hudson patented ORMES procedure for his powder?" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion |
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Re: Is Rossi using David Hudson patented ORMES procedure for his powder? (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, January 04, 2015 @ 20:14:33 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | To all who asked me privately why I've approved this post, when David Hudson and his "White Powder Gold" has never been proven scientifically (I was sent this link: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/1996-09-19/news/deadly-panacea [www.phoenixnewtimes.com]/), I can only say this: I read the first part of David Hudson's story from the link Kadamose provided (down to the medical applications), and I was intrigued by it... especially the discovery story, the various test results and the chemistry/physics interpretation Hudson proposes as an explanation for the Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements (ORMS). I also found a good summary of the ORME physics here: http://www.halexandria.org/dward471.htm [www.halexandria.org]
Bottom line: this in by no means an endorsement of the whole ORMES theory and spinoff commercial applications (especially medical ones - pls read the article from phoenixnewtimes link above).
It is also not an endorsement of Kadamose' theory about Rossi being a fraud for the reasons he provided (or any other reasons for that matter). I know good people on both sides of the debate, but I refrain from making personal judgements ...just want to provide a voice to everyone who seems to have something reasonable to say, that would only help to bring the truth to the surface). Vlad
My expaination (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Sunday, January 04, 2015 @ 21:55:44 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | As Vlad pointed out above, I am not promoting the medical side of Mono-atomic Gold or its derivatives. The reason why I even came to conclusion that I did, is because of the PROCEDURE that David Hudson took to get to the end result. The end result, of course, being the white powder metals (not just gold) phasing in and out of existence and the superconductor and anti-gravity abilities of these metals. I suspect that many of you did not even read that link that was in the original post and probably just scanned it. That is a mistake. Read the entire Hudson account -- and for those of you who read at the end of the book first, which many of you do, don't do it - you need to start from the beginning of the lecture, not the end.
Rossi is aware of what his white powder does - and, I am fairly certain (and by fairly, I mean 99.99999999% positive) that his white nickel powder has those same exact properties as those witnessed by David Hudson and his colleagues thirty years ago.
I don't like calling people out as frauds, but LENR is too important. The lying, the cheating, the stealing, and all the running around needs to stop -- and this, in my opinion, is a very good start to make that happen.
We need to contact these people (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Tuesday, January 06, 2015 @ 00:05:30 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | We need to contact David Hudson and Hal Pathoff. Hal Pathoff currently works at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas, but I can't seem to find any contact information. David Hudson's contact information also eludes me at this time.
If any of you reading this can get a hold of these people, and bring them up to speed on the situation, it would be very much appreciated.
If we can get their cooperation, LENR is going to move light years beyond where it is now.