WGUGLINSKI writes: I will register notarized that will pay the US 500.000 prize for a nuclear physicists who presents a solution for the puzzle explained ahead, via any current nuclear model which works with the principles of the Standard Nuclear Physics.
The puzzle:
1- There is no Coulomb repulsion between proton and neutron
2- There is a background of neutrons in the environment
3- There is attraction proton-neutron via the strong force
4- So, as there is no Coulomb repulsion proton-neutron, and there is
attraction via strong force, then according to the principles of the
Standard Nuclear PHysics the low energy neutrons of the neutron
backbround would have to hit the protons of the hydrogen in the
enviroment, and so deuterium would have to be formed.
Therefore, along billion years, in the Earth the water of the oceans and
rivers would have to be composed by heavy water D2O, instead of H2O.
Also, all the hydrogen in the Universe would have to be changed to
deuterium, and therefore hydrogen could not exist in the Universe.
I have the following properties:
One flat in the beath, in Cabo Frio-RJ city – US 150.000
One flat in Juiz de Fora-MG city – US 100.000
One house in Paulinia-SP city – US 150.000
One house in Cataguases-MG city – US 100.000
to the notarized, I will sell the four properties if the puzzle is
solved, and the nuclear physicist who solve the puzzle will receive the