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FPL Energy from non-Euclidean spacetime, Theory and Experiments on DVD
Posted on Saturday, June 07, 2003 @ 19:37:49 UTC by vlad

Science From: Myron W. Evans - AIAS Director and Chairman of the AIAS Board of Directors:

AIAS and I have recently been working oin the question of unlimited electromagnetic energy from non-Euclidean space-time, and have found that it is possible in grand unified field theory without violation of Noether's Theorem. The AIAS papers and books on this subject are available on the www.aias.us website, notably the latest three papers by David Clements and myself (Foundations of Physics Letters in press, two papers, and submitted).

Suggested tests of this theory should also lead to useful subsidiary developments such as radiatively induced fermion resonance (RFR) i.e. ESR, NMR and MRI without magnets, and we are currently aiming at the establishment of a focus into generally covariant electrodynamics and grand unified field theory at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Recent texts on this subject are as follows:

1) M. W. Evans (ed.), volume 119 of "Advances in Chemical Physics" (Wiley Interscience, New York, 2001)
2) M. W. Evans, J.-P. Vigier et alii, "The Enigmatic Photon" (in five volumes, hardback and softback, 1994 to 2002, Japanese translation planned).
3) M. W. Evans and L.-B Crowell, "Classical and Quantum Electrodynamcis and the B(3) Field" (World Scientific, 2001).
4) M. W. Evans, "Lecture Notes on O(3) Electrodynamics" (World Scientific, in peparation, first two lectures available as preprints on www.aias.us).
5) M. W. Evans and D. J. Clements, "Higher Symmetry Electrodynamics in Special and General Relativity" (Kluwer, in preparation).

I also recommend the Bearden website: "www.cheniere.org" and a DVD made available by AIAS Fellow Tony Craddock on actual footage of demonstrations of devices which output energy from non-Euclidean space-time (Sweet's device and the patented motionless electromagnetic generator from Magnetic Energy Ltd). The recent AIAS work shows that these effect are due fundamentally to scalar curvature R in generally covariant classical and quantum grand unified field theory. The latter has recently crystallized into the Evans field and wave equations (M. W. Evans, Found. Phys. Lett., in press and submitted, and a third paper in preparation which deals in detail with electromagnetic energy from non-Euclidean space-time). The DVD gives tests of the theory actually being carried out in the laboratory, and is available from AIAS Fellow Tony Craddock for about $7 a DVD,

Myron W. Evans AIAS - Director and Chairman of the AIAS Board of Directors



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"FPL Energy from non-Euclidean spacetime, Theory and Experiments on DVD" | Login/Create an Account | 8 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: FPL Energy from non-Euclidean spacetime, Theory and Experiments on DVD (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, June 07, 2003 @ 20:59:21 UTC
Ho Hum,, another THEORY that someone else other than the theorist
is supposed to verify by doing experiments.

Re: FPL Energy from non-Euclidean spacetime, Theory and Experiments on DVD (Score: 1)
by bender772 on Sunday, June 08, 2003 @ 13:43:15 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.suppressedscience.net
It would be nice if Mr. Evans and his AIAS friends could come up with experiments to test their theories. Proprietary devices whose inventors either refuse to release complete plans or took them into the grave don't count as evidence.

That's the problem with the Bearden group. They are constantly invoking conspiracy theories to explain why no one is paying attention to their fantastic theories. Maybe they would be taken seriously if they published detailed instructions for an experiment that any physics high school teacher can replicate and which demonstrates behavior that clearly contradicts the Maxwell theory of EM.


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