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Genesis News: Planning to meet production demands....
Posted on Tuesday, June 10, 2003 @ 20:42:32 UTC by vlad

Devices rastahal writes: Press Release 06/09/03

Genesis World Energy™ (GWE) Poised To Meet The Energy Production Demands Of Over 100 Nations Through The Creation Of A Worldwide Supplier, Manufacturing and Support Services Network

Technology Consortium Sets the Stage for Business Opportunities, Economic Growth for Communities and Research Grants for Universities

Boise, ID - June 10, 2003 - The quest for fossil and nuclear fuel independence, once considered unattainable, is now within reach as representatives from the private and public sector from over 100 nations embark on a strategic partnership with GWE to position the Genesis Technology into the infrastructure of each respective country. GWE announced today their plans to establish a number of new, large-scale manufacturing and support facilities within the United States to produce key components related to the Genesis Technology. In addition, they are setting up a worldwide network of suppliers and providers of services needed to support the demand for worldwide production of their revolutionary energy generation technology.

Current GWE energy applications for the technology include the "Edison Device," a self-contained, self-sustaining energy generation system for homes and businesses, and the Genesis HICEF (Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine Fuel), a "quantum-leap" innovation in the category of hydrogen-based automotive and transportation power systems. A third application of the Genesis Technology is scheduled to be announced in August 2003.

Projected One Million Units Manufactured Per Day

Based on current established levels of product demand for 2004, manufacturing of approximately one million energy generation systems, per business day, is required to satisfy the needs of the more than 100 nations. Each variation of the Genesis Technology requires the use of hundreds to thousands of components, as well as a wide range of other related support services in delivering and supporting these systems globally. Although there will be manufacturing facilities located worldwide, all essential proprietary components required to operate the Genesis Technology will be manufactured exclusively in the United States.

Genesis World Energy's Innovative Supplier Opportunities

GWE has developed innovative procurement and partnership programs that will allow large and small suppliers of materials, products and services to support their needs profitably, and on a predictable long-term basis, without the need to price compete with other suppliers. As a result, suppliers who offer consistent quality and meet delivery will maintain and expand their share of support.

In order to create an equitable and level marketplace for its worldwide supplier network, GWE has established two unique supplier relationship models: Cost Plus Supplier (CPS) and Cost Plus Partner (CPP). The objective of these programs is to establish a uniform, stable, and long-term synergy that, as a matter of business practice and competition, will not permit competitors to gain an unfair market advantage and drive down supplier's profit margins. A third supplier relationship model, Qualified Products Listing (QPL), allows manufacturers of end products, which can be used as components within GWE devices, to sell directly to GWE affiliated assembly operations in over 100 nations worldwide.

Cost Plus Supplier (CPS) - This supply and support relationship relates to independent suppliers who operate from their own facilities, providing components, products and services to GWE for use in the production and support of key Genesis technology-related assemblies. Manufacturers of GWE-based products worldwide are required to obtain these products, components, and services from GWE's operations in the United States on an exclusive source basis. This innovate program provides suppliers with the ability to provide products and services on an agreed upon fixed cost reimbursement, plus a 35% fixed gross margin basis.

Cost Plus Partner (CPP) - Participating as a CPP supplier offers the same predictability as CPS suppliers, however, there are important differences. CPP participants perform their support of GWE requirements within central GWE operated facilities, shared by GWE and other key CPP suppliers. CPP relationships are necessary for GWE to provide secure and reliable "just in time" support for its assembly lines, which are geared to operate 24 hours a day and up to 7 days a week. In consideration for participating in the CPP program, CPP suppliers receive the reimbursement of agreed upon direct costs, and a 50% fixed gross margin.

Neither the CPS nor CPP relationships require suppliers to compete with each other based on price.

Reimbursement of direct costs on CPS and CPP contracts that GWE issues for products and services are adjustable based on changes in costs resulting from market conditions. However, the per unit monetary value representing the gross margin allocation that GWE establishes with its CPS and CPP suppliers becomes a fixed monetary amount and is not typically subject to upward or downward change. Therefore, it provides a totally predictable and consistent revenue and earnings proposition for CPS and CPP suppliers.

Qualified Product Listing (QPL) - This is a GWE listing of ready-to-use products and services from suppliers that have been tested, evaluated, and deemed compatible by GWE for use within various Genesis technology-based systems. GWE affiliated assembly operations, in over 100 nations worldwide, will be able to select QPL-based products and services that best meet their individual needs in assembling and supporting the long-term operation of Genesis technology-based systems that are delivered to consumers within each of their respective markets.

Suppliers and manufacturers of all sizes are now urged to visit the GWE website at www.genesisworldenergy.org for more details and to review the list of needed key components and services, and to contact GWE via a web-based form in order to express interest in joining the international supplier network. Although there is no established deadline for inquiries, priority is given to those who respond by August 31, 2003.

GWE Begins Site Selection for Manufacturing and Support Facilities - New Jobs and Career Opportunities Will Revitalize Communities

GWE has begun the process of evaluating potential sites in the United States for the manufacture and support of key technology components that will be used by strategic worldwide partners in assembling Genesis-based energy generation products. Among the variables that will be considered for potential sites include:
existing facilities that are easily adaptable for GWE use,
corporate tax structure,
available volume rail and trucking services,
a stable, dedicated workforce capable of keeping pace with company growth.
GWE is committed to bringing additional jobs and career opportunities to many communities where they locate. At a time when 8.8 million Americans are unemployed, new GWE manufacturing and support facilities will be able to play a role in revitalizing local communities. A range of traditional manufacturing and support skill sets will be required at each new facility; however, GWE and its corporate partners will provide training for a majority of job positions being created.

Among the anticipated employee benefits are: above market salaries, healthcare, life insurance coverage, as well as daycare and tuition reimbursement.

Research and Development Grants and Royalty Revenue Sharing for Universities and Private Sector

GWE's goal is to fund the continuous exploration of potential enhancements in the Genesis Technology. As a result, GWE is soliciting long-term research and development relationships with universities and private organizations that wish to participate in advancing Genesis and other valuable technologies, related to a range of scientific, engineering and invention-related disciplines. In addition to base grants, recipients will also be eligible to receive a pro rata share of monthly royalty revenue.

Financial Opportunities

Genesis World Energy and its hundreds of consortium-based, corporate manufacturing and support partners estimate that within the next 12 months they will expend approximately $20 Billion (US) domestically within the United States in the acquisition of facilities and equipment, in order to meet worldwide demand for the Genesis energy generation technology. GWE and its corporate partners will be seeking various forms of secured debt; as well as lease and equity-based financing to meet some of these financial needs. Groups and individuals who are interested in providing funding are invited to participate. Some financing opportunities offer participation in revenue streams.

Educational Grants for Women - The Angel Scholarship Fund

In gratitude for the significant contribution women have made to the Genesis Project, GWE has posted information on their website, offering grant-based scholarships to financially-challenged women. This special opportunity is available to women wishing to pursue careers in areas such as science, physics, technology, business management, and medicine.

Under the terms of these grants, GWE will cover all ordinary costs of education at a university of the successful applicant's choice, all agreed upon ordinary living expenses, and agreed upon daycare costs for single mothers with children.

To obtain more detailed information or to express interest in the supplier network, facility locations, employment, research and development grants, finance, and educational opportunities please visit the GWE site at www.genesisworldenergy.org.



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"Genesis News: Planning to meet production demands...." | Login/Create an Account | 36 comments | Search Discussion
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So they are looking for investors (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Tuesday, June 10, 2003 @ 22:10:02 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
They wont tell you who they are, or answer any questions [www.genesisworldenergy.com]. They can't decide if they are a partnership [www.genesisworldenergy.com] or a corporation [www.worldenergymanagement.com]. They aren't looking for investors, and they don't have any investors, and their investors were not supposed to have told you anyway because they are all NDAd. But they are looking for $20,000,000,000 and if you can help them out with that, just leave your contact info and they will be in touch.

Maybe it's time the licensees who sent in their NDA packets on or before May 02 let potential investors and curent investors know just how much information they have gotten from GWE. How many independent studies, ...

Re: Genesis News: Planning to meet production demands.... (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, June 10, 2003 @ 22:12:41 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Some comments from other attempts to post this same news today (sorry folks but I have a day job and can only get to validating posts around 19:00 hrs PST):

From Anonymous:

"...I feel that these are HUGE claims and I simply do not understand why we are not hearing more about GWE in the media. If these claims are true and they are preparing for production of a MILLION units a day in 2004 with 100 nations being involved then this is HUGE news!

Personally, I *hope* that they are legit. And of course we have no proof or even evidence that their technology is NOT legit. But such huge claims need some BACKING.

For goodness sakes, if what they say is true, the energy crisis will be OVER starting sometime next year!

Also, notice that they are going to be paying education grants to women to attend school for science majors. What is all of this about women? Why is GWE obsessed with women? Are they discriminating against men?

Of course as a company they have a right to give grants to whoever they darn well please. But they claim the project is ran by women, most of the employees are women, and now they are planning to give grants to women.

What in the world is up with this?

This political context makes me even more suspcious, but then again, I really hope that this is not one giant scam.

I just wish they would provide some info!

I just wish some OTHER MEDIA OUTLETS would be covering GWE!

Seriously, we need to investigate this company to find out if they are for real.

Please don''t take this the wrong way. I am NOT criticising GWE. It is just with such HUGE claims I would expect more verification."


Of course, Chip is awake and GWE WATCHing:

"...The corporate communications policy is that they don''t say who they are (even the Shaws have not been mentioned in months) and they don''t answer questions. Like we hadn't noticed.

So after 6 months, there are no confirmations of the claim, no independent tests, just a denial they are looking for investors, a denial that they have investors, and an investor solicitation.


  • thoughtful by chipotle_pickle on Tuesday, June 10, 2003 @ 22:20:17 UTC

Re: Genesis News: Planning to meet production demands.... (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Saturday, June 14, 2003 @ 00:36:24 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
The pattern is always the same, fantastic claims, fantasic plans a whole new world to unfold, then suddenly something happens and we hear that the development was suppressed by dark and furtive forces of the established energy consortiums. If there is a free energy source it is the perpetual motion of these schemes to buffalo the unsuspecting and unsophisticated. Free Energy is distinctly a possibilty, but only after much more work than any of the promoters are willing to do. Sitting at the edge of theorical physics, serious researchers will always have to contend with the baloney spewed by the blowhards of Internet Web sites promoting their latest, and always failing claims. Just imagine the first real breakthrough in free energy adrift in a churning sea of snake oil salesmen, who could discern the difference between the first real FE device and the frauds, and who would believe that the real one was real. I have studied FE for 10 years, and all that I have found falls into 2 categories. Devices that the developers actually believe produce O/U but are misled by a common error that most 2 year E.E. students make in lab, and the outright liars. Which one is it this time? Or is it the one we've been hoping for all these years. Don't hold your breath!


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