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Experiments in conventional physics which output more electrical energy...
Posted on Saturday, June 14, 2003 @ 15:17:19 UTC by vlad

Science “There are already experiments in conventional physics which output more electrical energy than one inputs. Negative resonance absorption of the medium is one which is done frequently at nonlinear optics departments, in the IR and in the UV…

There are already several areas known and recognized to violate thermodynamics. One of these is sharp gradients, another is very thin media, and another is memory effects in materials. Kondepudi and Prigogine remark on the sharp gradients problem that not much is known about it, either experimentally or theoretically…

If you wish to practice scientific method, then quit picking on the inventors for not doing a billion dollars of vacuum energy research with no funding at all. Instead, focus on the experiments already certified in physics, that do output more EM energy than the operator conventionally inputs...

By the same token, apply your own criterion to yourself. You have many items on your own website, etc. purported to be overunity systems. So apply that criterion to them. Why have none of them been through the same process you think we should be following with respect to the MEG?

And where are your discussions of the known present violations of thermodynamics? Where are your discussions of the known experiments and areas violating thermodynamics and the second law? The discussions of the closed current loop circuit and why it self-enforces Lorentz symmetrical regauging and therefore COP1.0 EXPERIMENTS ALREADY DOCUMENTED IN THE PHYSICS LITERATURE ARE NOT FOLLOWING SCIENTIFIC METHOD, BUT ARE DEMANDING THAT ANY NEW COP>1.0 SYSTEM FIT THEIR OWN PRECONCEIVED NOTIONS…”

This letter from Tom Bearden was a reply to a previous post but I was advised to highlight it in the main page because it is too important to be missed. I agree and here is the link to it: letter to ZPEnergy



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"Experiments in conventional physics which output more electrical energy..." | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Experiments in conventional physics which output more electrical energy... (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, June 14, 2003 @ 15:37:36 UTC
If it is so, why then do we notahvean open demonstration of the
wonderful things you posted. Bearden again. Yet he never has an
open demostation to illustrate what he dreams about. Why is that????

Re: Experiments in conventional physics which output more electrical energy... (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Sunday, June 15, 2003 @ 12:22:37 UTC
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This supposed "overunity" power output is a common occurrence in most student electrical engineering labs that deal with AC power. Its not uncommon for an electrical engineering student to stumble onto this "breakthrough" in calculating the power circulation of a resonant tank circuit. What appears to be 1000 times O/U going out than coming into the circuit is from the interaction of electrical noise and the rotating vector sum of the apparent power in the tank circuit. This is not the taping of the Zero Point, sorry to say no matter how much we would want to believe. A good clue to this phenonena in purported "overunity" devices is the presence of inductors,capacitors and hidden resonant tank circuits in these devices.
It is the my belief that one day true O/U devices will be created, but not what is presented today. What will a real O/U device look like? It will look like an ordinary Duracell or Energizer, with the added feature that it will never run down. It will be consist of billions of tiny microcircuits tied together in parallel on the nanoscale constructed by microphotolithography techniques, the same technology that makes Pentiums and RAM chips today. They will be expensive to produce at first, and they will only produce a small but useable amount of power. There will be a raging debate as to whether they are true O/U devices and the public will be sceptical (mainly because of the past history of fraud in this area). As far as the operating principle of the devices, they will derive the energy of the vaccum through the action of quantum surface physics. Those of you who are knowledgeable in this area already may know the principles involved that can produce O/U in microscale devices. As for the rest, study is recommended


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