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What Explains The Rise of Humans?
Posted on Sunday, August 30, 2015 @ 15:37:11 UTC by vlad

General From IEET, Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies (The IEET is a nonprofit think tank which promotes ideas about how technological progress can increase freedom, happiness, and human flourishing in democratic societies.):

Seventy thousand years ago, our human ancestors were insignificant animals, just minding their own business in a corner of Africa with all the other animals. But now, few would disagree that humans dominate planet Earth; we’ve spread to every continent, and our actions determine the fate of other animals (and possibly Earth). How did we get from there to here? Historian Yuval Noah Harari suggests a surprising reason for the rise of humanity.

(Interesting presentation; thanks to Peter Gluck and his Ego Out for the tip).

Watch TED video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7vH4rgdmxw



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Humans are currently devolving (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Thursday, September 03, 2015 @ 01:37:49 UTC
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Everything goes in cycles, and humanity has risen and fallen several times.  In the previous golden age, which was 12,000 ago, humans had reached a height technologically that was considered unacceptable by the 'gods'. Humans back then  had much longer lifespans, were infinitely more intelligent than 'modern' man, and understood the sacred geometry of the universe.  The 'gods', however, fearing that their creation would surpass them technologically and spiritually, devised a plan to wipe every living creature off the planet and start from scratch. Once this task was accomplished, they would reseed the planet with new genetically modified humans that were inferior to their predecessors. And this is exactly what happened.  The 'gods' destroyed all life on the planet by artificially triggering a great flood.  How this was accomplished is unknown at this point, but it was more than likely a planetary collision of some kind.

Everything we have been taught about our true history is a lie.   This monumental lie serves to stop us from questioning the past and to also consider our ancient ancestors as inferior cavemen, which isn't anywhere close to reality.   Our genetically unmodified ancestors were superior to us in every way, and if we all knew this truth, not only would we be extremely humbled, but we would strive to surpass them and bring in a new golden age the likes this world has never seen.   But as long as the lies persist, and the people continue to believe them, a golden age will never come.


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