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Letter to JLN Laboratories
Posted on Friday, June 20, 2003 @ 02:03:16 UTC by vlad

Testimonials Dear Dr Naudin,

I am interested in your replication of the motionless electromagnetic generator, and refer you to the AIAS website www.aias.us for information on papers by the AIAS author group and myself relevant to the problem of extracting electromagnetic energy from spacetime.

My latest paper on this website shows that the source of such energy in general relativity is curvature R, and in the previous two papers (Found Phys Lett just published and in press) I develop new field and wave equations for grand unified field theory of all four fields.Your website provides many details of the replication, photographs, graphical data and so on, and so I assume that a satisfactory replication of the patented MEG has occurred in your laboratory. Evidently, sufficient details are available for replication by engineers.

Therefore the MEG appears to be reproducible and repeatable, and our work at AIAS explains the device in terms of general relativity. There is no violation of Noether's Theorem, electromagnetic energy from spacetime is available whenever there is curvature R and charge -e (regarded as a fundamental constant, the charge on the electron). There is no "point charge" in general relativity, the source of charge current density is R, and -e is a scalar C negative scaling constant.

The next stage is development and commercialization, and we at AIAS are setting up a company, one of whose aims would be commercialization of devices to extract electromagnetic energy from spacetime. I believe that Prof. Taishi Kurata's group is already pursuing development of devices similar to the MEG.

We at AIAS would be pleased to work with your company and Magnetic Energy Ltd. to develop the MEG commercially before the oil crisis really hits hard. Prof. Kurata has already indicated his interest in working with AIAS, and I have invited him to the Board of Directors of AIAS.


Myron W. Evans
(AIAS Director and Board Chairman).



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Proper testing of an OU device (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, June 20, 2003 @ 02:30:15 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shelburne John W DLPC"
To: EMyrone@a...
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 6:37 AM
Subject: RE: Website www.cheniere.org/megstatus.htm


I've tried to keep up with "replications" of the MEG. So far, none of the internet available material qualifies as a certification. Peer review does not require that all details of a device's operation be disclosed - this protects intellectual property. Peer review on the claim of greater-than-one ratio of useable output power to input power (COP>1) requires the following:

1.) Disclosure of the methodology of power measurement. It must be scientifically and industrially acceptable to peer review.

2.) A fully disclosed test of the device conforming to #1 above. Normally a nationally accepted authority (Wiley Labs in Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A., for example) is tasked for this. The test and results should then be published in the open literature.

If this procedure is not followed, then this is fuel for skeptics to deny that the device is efficacious.


Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 05:22:58 EDT
From: EMyrone@a....
Subject: For www.aias.us website : FPL "No Second Meal for Evans"

Message from Tom Bearden. What is now needed is an official independent certification of teh work by JLN Laboratories and Magnetic Energy Ltd. along the lines suggested by John Shelburne. This would silence the remaining sceptics. These are very few in number - the vast majority is positive. This can be seen from the millions of visits the Bearden website receives each year.

Unfortunately, there is some really vicious material on these websites which attack Tom Bearden and myself very badly in a manner that is completely unacceptable in any scientific debate or within any civilized community. It is good news that Naudin's device has been replicated independently. I have been subjected to many vicious ad hominem attacks for several years, for example one website proclaims

"No second meal for Evans"

Another website has a picture of Bearden dressed up as the late Iraqi propaganda minister. This is totally sickening, because Lt. Col. Bearden is a courageous soldier who served with distinction in Vietnam. It is this kind of vicious diatribe that caused my wife to become seriously ill with post traumatic stress, caused her to go into hiding, and which has completely destroyed my personal life. I have not been salaried for eight years, so I am lucky to get a pig's breakfast, let alone a second meal. These revolting people certainly make a pig's breakfast of the scientific, or any, kind of truth, and come straight out of George Orwell's "Animal Farm", where the pigs ruled, OK.

The formal scientific criticisms of B(3) theory stopped years ago, (i.e. higehr symmetry electrodynamics is now accepted as a theory), but there is one revolting paper by Waldyr Rodrigues that still has to be dealt with. If you want to hold your noses, it is:

A. L. Trovon de Carvalho and W. A. Rodrigues Jr., Random Optics and Stochastic Equations, 9(2), 161-206 (2001).

This was written when I was critically ill with major severe depression, and is a fifty page diatribe which like Shakespeare's Bassanio, is an infinite amount of nothing. Nevertheless I will draft a formal reply for publication.

This paper appeared in the literature without the knowledge of AIAS and is used by the pigs for propaganda. So I have toformally reply to it, however boring and irrelevant the criticism.

Possible MEG demo (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, June 20, 2003 @ 02:48:25 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Message: 14 Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2003 16:25:19 EDT
From: EMyrone@a...
Subject: Fwd: Only demonstration needed for possible ORNL meeting

The main agenda of the Oak Ridge meeting is as just described to Bob Gray.

I refer your excellent suggestions to Tom Bearden, but he has already indicated that he will not be attending the meeting for personal reasons. However I would like to see these things with my own eyes.

I am very keen to see the MEG and Naudin's device certified independently as soon as possible, and the certificaton openly published; then to see these devices developed industrially within AIAS. I would like to see a scalar interferometer at work, and demonstrated at Oak Ridge, and I would like to see Sweet's device and Naudin's device demonstrated at Oak Ridge. If at all possible I would like to see the MEG certified independently before it is demostrated at Oak Ridge, and of course would like to see the intellectual rights of inventors safeguarded. I would like independent observers from AIAS (Bob Flower and Ellis Williams) to go to see Dr Kurata's industrial plants as soon as possible, and I would like to see all these devices patented and developed within AIAS, while making sure the original inventors receive all due royalties on patents and all devices manufactured and sold.

I am NOT keen to see axemen like Hunter or Rodrigues infiltrate the meeting, and that is the danger, and I am NOT keen to see the meeting loose cohesion, become too big and diverse, or become a heated controversy, as so often happens.

Myronic attempt at bullying (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Monday, June 30, 2003 @ 22:12:21 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
Tim Harwood reports that Evans is threatening legal action to close down the tombearden and nut_meg groups. Evans seems particularly agitated about their mirroring Trovon De Carvalho and Rodrigues (which he calls Rodrigues et alia), and insists that they stop mirroring that. Why should he care about mirrors when the original is available at


This is really par-for-the-course with free energy nuts.


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