Anonymous writes:
Via One might think, looking around at the world today, that we are living
in somewhat of a technological utopia, but there are said to be some
inventions that would have transformed society were it not for the
'powers that be.'
YouTube user Top5s
has put together a collection of five such innovations that were
briefly seen and then disappeared before they could reach the public.
It should come as no surprise to conspiracy theorists that several of
the suppressed inventions were devices that purportedly promised energy
A 'vapor carburetor' and a geomagnetic generator are among the creations
once thought to be incredible breakthrough ideas that have now been
relegated to fringe science.
Skeptics say that this is because the inventions did not really work,
but others contend that they worked too well and, as such, were a threat
to the enormously powerful energy industry.
One recurring element featured in each of these cases of alternative
energy devices that never came to fruition is that their inventors seem
to have died under mysterious circumstances.
This had led to their stories gaining an additional layer of intrigue which suggests that perhaps they had been eliminated.
However one innovation featured in the video has nothing to do with
alternative energy and, in fact, may be the most heartbreaking...
Full story:
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