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Invention Secrecy Activity in 2016
Posted on Sunday, January 01, 2017 @ 18:29:59 UTC by vlad

Legal From the FAS site - Project on Government Secrecy

Invention Secrecy Activity
(as reported by the Patent & Trademark Office)

The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 requires the government to impose "secrecy orders" on certain patent applications that contain sensitive information, thereby restricting disclosure of the invention and withholding the grant of a patent. Remarkably, this requirement can be imposed even when the application is generated and entirely owned by a private individual or company without government sponsorship or support.

There are several types of secrecy orders which range in severity from simple prohibitions on export (but allowing other disclosure for legitimate business purposes) up to classification, requiring secure storage of the application and prohibition of all disclosure.

At the end of fiscal year 2016, there were 5,680 secrecy orders in effect.

Total Secrecy Orders in Effect         5680
(at end of FY16)

New Secrecy Orders Imposed           121

Secrecy Orders Rescinded                 20

Sponsoring Agencies for New Secrecy Orders
    Foreign Origin                               4
    ARMY                                         32
    NAVY                                         41
    AF                                             29
    DOE                                            3
    NSA                                            1
    DTSA                                          8
    NASA, DARPA                               3

New DoD Secrecy Order Types
    Type 1 (export control)                 48
    Type 2 (classified)                          1
    Type 2 (foreign PSA)                      4
    Type 3                                        62
New Non-DoD Secrecy Orders             6

"John Doe" Secrecy Orders
(imposed on private inventors)           49

Source: https://fas.org/sgp/othergov/invention/index.html

About FAS: Striving For A Safer World Since 1945

In November 1945, the Federation of Atomic Scientists was founded by Manhattan Project scientists who helped construct the first atomic bombs. These scientists were united by the credo that all scientists, engineers, and other technically-trained thinkers have an ethical obligation to ensure the technological fruits of their intellect and labor are applied to the benefit of humankind.

In early 1946, the Federation of Atomic Scientists rebranded as the Federation of American Scientists. This new FAS was still motivated by its original mission but looked to broaden and diversify its network of supporters to include all who want to reduce nuclear dangers and ultimately prevent global catastrophe. With your support, FAS will continue to strengthen its network of experts and thinkers to uphold its mission established in 1945: strive to make the world a safer, more informed place.



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"Invention Secrecy Activity in 2016" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Dr. Steven Greer : The Enemies of Zero-Point Energy (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, January 01, 2017 @ 18:34:11 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
On the same subject (invention secrecy and suppression), I found the following video from Dr. Steven Greer that has a good advice:

Dr. Steven Greer : The Enemies of Zero-Point Energy

The Patent Office is a Library of Theft! (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Monday, January 02, 2017 @ 03:30:30 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
ALL notable inventions are copied and stored at the patent office.   Due to the fact that the people in power do not possess any creativity of their own, they must rely on nefarious means to acquire the technologies that they need to maintain their power.

Once an inventor submits their application for a patent, it is secretly copied and peer reviewed to see if the said invention poses any threat to the current paradigm.   If it does pose a threat, the inventions secrecy act is invoked, and the patent is put into indefinite pending status.   That DOES NOT mean that the invention and its components are not used; on the contrary, all military personnel who originally peer reviewed the patent (99% of those who review these patents are from military industrial complex) have taken many or all aspects of these inventions and weaponized them, without the inventor of the original work even knowing!

And that is just the tip of the iceberg!   If you are an inventor and you are trying to patent your invention - DON'T!    Unless you want your idea stolen and improved upon, leaving you with little to no recourse.   There are other ways of making money and protecting your invention.    For example, you could release your invention to the world openly and say, "I did this!" and if this said invention(s) is useful to humanity, then only good things will follow, whether it be wealth or health.


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